Improperly stored, unattended gun in car

Correct. It should be locked in a toybox, per DPRM rules

Here is the only approved lawkbawx in mASS:


Built by Al Gore right before he invented the Internet. Lawkbawx!
As they smash the window to retrieve the gun and eliminate the imminent danger of it going off. /s
The hilarity really hasn't ensued until they have a cap gun pop
trying to unload it...

The reflection of the clouds on the window makes it look like a flame thrower gun, must be a pre-ban one lol.
(Before I started reading, I though it was going to be a
"trolling store clerks with 'cloud over mountain is erupting volcano' post").
it is still odd no one called the cops and cops did not get child services in to abduct the child. good concerned citizens are definitely losing their grip.
or may be coronavirus got most of them, finally.
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