Illinois Court Strikes Down School Zone Gun Ban as Unconstitutional

Is it April Fool's Day? No? Shit just got real in Illinois.

Send that article to an anti if you want to witness an actual "conniption fit".

"According to the Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins by William and Mary Morris, the word conniption is most likely the creation of an imaginative American who coined the term in an attempt to sound educated with a bit of pseudo-Latin."

Hissy vs. conniption fit: The difference in these Southernisms
In Mass this isn't that big a deal of a ruling. It is already lawful to walk or drive through a school zone while carrying.

If I am correct, this is different than carrying on school property, which is still allowed to be forbidden, if you read the court ruling. They are not challenging that.

I assume in Illinois it is illegal to carry in a school ZONE, which would be much harder to avoid.
Wow in Illinois! Let's hope this spreads like wildfire throughout the country!
Wonder how this will impact zoning laws that say you can't have gun stores within so many feet of a school. Package stores, adult bookstores, etc.
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