III Percenters

I see whacko agrees with your statement weakness and fear must consume the both of you. I live my life as a person without fear and with much common sense not like a liberal who thinks the sheets on his bed protects him from nightmares. Imagine a forum of gun owners so afraid to tell people they own guns ..oh wait I think I know of one. Cowboy Up!

Speak for yourself. Bored at home? Need to troll? Underwear too tight?
I see whacko agrees with your statement weakness and fear must consume the both of you. I live my life as a person without fear and with much common sense not like a liberal who thinks the sheets on his bed protects him from nightmares. Imagine a forum of gun owners so afraid to tell people they own guns ..oh wait I think I know of one. Cowboy Up!

I tell friends family and acquaintances about my 2a support all the time. I'm not worried about folks I know. I do, however, think a parked vehicle with gun related decals on it in a public place makes it a target. Just my 2 cents.
I tell friends family and acquaintances about my 2a support all the time. I'm not worried about folks I know. I do, however, think a parked vehicle with gun related decals on it in a public place makes it a target. Just my 2 cents.

My thoughts exactly.
I see whacko agrees with your statement weakness and fear must consume the both of you. I live my life as a person without fear and with much common sense not like a liberal who thinks the sheets on his bed protects him from nightmares. Imagine a forum of gun owners so afraid to tell people they own guns ..oh wait I think I know of one. Cowboy Up!

You wouldn't walk around town flashing a $40k gold watch, a $500 belt, and a $1000 coat, and park your Ferarri on the side of the road. That's just asking for trouble, you make yourself a target.

Or you're of the mindset "A gut muh gun, ima safe from da thugs" in which case you're dumber than you think.

There's plenty of video and photos of pictures of people defacing cars with political stickers online. No need to get your shit keyed just so the person at the light behind you knows that you own a gun/like trump/etc.
If you're lucky somebody will stop at peeling the sticker off.
I don't know why people have such a fear of having a gun manufacturer logo, gun club and don't forget those evil killy NES stickers as well on their car, truck or otherwise. The fear in your life must consume you..Are they watching me??.. Where are they now??...Am I safe??

How many leave their gun club or shooting range and take several detours then maybe do a town wide lap, park at the mall and then head home make one last stop and check for a tail because they are afraid. Oh, I know, everyone now is going to be looking over their shoulder because they never thought someone could follow them home from the range.

Sleep good those who are afraid Halloween is almost here.

It’s not fear. It’s common sense. Go ahead though, show your cards. You’ll be shot first, clad in your “Molon Labe” t-shirt and 5.11s.
Yep just as I figured a lot of frightened people here sheeesh can't even wear nice clothes, wear a nice watch or drive a nice car anymore. [rolleyes]
Yep just as I figured a lot of frightened people here sheeesh can't even wear nice clothes, wear a nice watch or drive a nice car anymore. [rolleyes]

Please save us noble threepdog! Yes, we sheep are defenseless without you, and yet somehow, I sleep more soundly knowing that your jeep decals are out on the road striking fear in the hearts of criminals and no good tyrants!
Yep just as I figured a lot of frightened people here sheeesh can't even wear nice clothes, wear a nice watch or drive a nice car anymore. [rolleyes]

I bet you really like to open carry too, champ.

Nobody said don't wear it or drive it.
Some people were smart enough to get the message, "there's a time and a place"
Yep just as I figured a lot of frightened people here sheeesh can't even wear nice clothes, wear a nice watch or drive a nice car anymore. [rolleyes]

Not sure why you keep showing your ass just because some of us don't follow your tough guy look at me lifestyle. You're embarrassing yourself and you don't even know it.
Well shit you are just too much man for me, I'm a little frightened already. You go on and rock all the stickers you want to stud, that's your choice. I'll just sit back quietly with my stereo Scrolls and my memories and drink this cold beer in peace.

I don't think watchman has a clue what your avatar is. His airsoft team likely wears a different crest.
Yep just as I figured a lot of frightened people here sheeesh can't even wear nice clothes, wear a nice watch or drive a nice car anymore. [rolleyes]

My guess is your no older than 25 with that attitude. Let me simplify what people are trying to tell you. It's not fear for their physical well being that keeps some of us from putting stickers and gun related messages on our vehicles. It's just to avoid unnecessary issues. A few pro-gun stickers on your car or truck is like say "hey, expensive stuff locked in here". A vehicle is often left unattended, you know, parked. Keeping that stuff off my truck also lessens the chances of an overzealous cop giving me crap if I'm pulled over, especially in MA.
My guess is your no older than 25 with that attitude. Let me simplify what people are trying to tell you. It's not fear for their physical well being that keeps some of us from putting stickers and gun related messages on our vehicles. It's just to avoid unnecessary issues. A few pro-gun stickers on your car or truck is like say "hey, expensive stuff locked in here". A vehicle is often left unattended, you know, parked. Keeping that stuff off my truck also lessens the chances of an overzealous cop giving me crap if I'm pulled over, especially in MA.

Three of my last four vehicles have been grey, the other was a black F150. No decals, nothing memorable. I want to be just another vehicle running down the road. I don't want to be "yep, that's the same ahole I see flying through here EVERY SINGLE DAY - time to pull him over".

Couple of years ago I went to an elementary school in Connecticut to vote. Parked near a car which had a couple of bumper stickers saying things like "We don't call 911 - we call 1911". All I could think was "why advertise?". If you bring trouble to me, I'll decide to let you know that I have a firearm when and if it becomes necessary. Until then, it's just advertisement that the driver's armed so I'm pre-warned and if I'm looking for a weapon I'll casually walk up behind him and smack him in the head with a brick and take his.
im as wary of being associated with these guys as anyone else, as most of them ive ever talked to come off as mouth breathing mall ninjas, but its funny to me how quick we as a community are to tear eachother down. I suspect if/when the time ever came to rise up against an actually oppressive .gov there would be a whole lot of people on the internet condemning the people with the moral code/balls to do it. Im not talking about obama making laws you dont agree with, im talking about blatant .gov oppression. Media, and the X% of the 3% movement who open their idiot mouths to cameras, propaganda like vice, allowing it to be selectively edited and cut to make them all look stupid are to blame for the image. But i think the underlying message of the "movement" is a good thing which we should all embrace on the inside, regardless of our political affiliation. Im not saying you need to go buy a ****ing stupid oathkeepers jacket and rant to everybody you meet about "DIDJA HEER WHUT OBAMMA SED T'DAY...." Im just saying we should all as a populace of citizens with a vested interest in government not going full retard, be concerned with the notion of government going full retard and be mentally prepared to stand up to it if necessary. Instead the left/right dichotomy has us all either clinging to our threeper jacket patches in moms basement, scared to be seen in public with them, or sitting on the internet furthering the notion that everyone in this group is a mouth breathing retard running around with military grade nightvision goggles and a tapco'd out sks in moms basement. Either way, vice news and the dichotomy wins. If your not willing to pick up a rifle and snipe nazis when they come to clean out the ghetto, then shut the **** up and get on the rail car with the rest of them, whatever you do dont stand on the station and help people into the cars assuring them that all will be well at the end destination as long as they dont resist.

Lots of dudes on this forum would have a jizz on themself man-boner to be in a group of like minded friends who get together and train for all kinds of emergency stuff, to be a neighborhood watch, to help out, to do what the 3% groups say theyre all about. Is it a bad thing? No way, organized militias are part of our history. The problem is the only idiots doing it get put on TV, and their stupidity forms your image of what it would look like if you and your buddies who sit around and drink beer and bitch every weekend actually went out and trained or got active in your communities. So instead of risking that, you sit around, drink beer, and bitch about football players taking a knee, then you come on the internet and snipe at the people who are actually making an attempt to better themselves. You dont have to be organized, you dont have to be in a group with a name with a stupid members club jacket and patch and flag, but so many of us come on the internet and bitch about the same shit the threeper dudes are organizing themselves against, then call them idiots for actually doing it. Maybe instead of sniping at these people on the internet you should go talk to them and try to channel their red dawn fantasies into more realistic goals, like being ready for storms like the one we just got as a group, maybe helping eachother out when times get tough.



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Finally a post that makes sense. Practice individual skills like marksmanship when you're by yourself. No need for a group for that. Practice group stuff (I avoid the word "tactics" on purpose here) and LEARN FROM EACH OTHER when your group gets together. Don't make it a secret handshake thing. It's fun. And don't take yourself so seriously.
Finally a post that makes sense. Practice individual skills like marksmanship when you're by yourself. No need for a group for that. Practice group stuff (I avoid the word "tactics" on purpose here) and LEARN FROM EACH OTHER when your group gets together. Don't make it a secret handshake thing. It's fun. And don't take yourself so seriously.

I wonder how how many skilled, intelligent, and trustworthy dudes who would otherwise like to train and prepare (for whatever) with other skilled, intelligent, and trustworthy dudes dont because they're scared of being called fat, stupid, lazy, paranoid, wannabe tactical badasses by fat, stupid, lazy, paranoid, wannabe tactical badasses on the internet.
I wonder how how many skilled, intelligent, and trustworthy dudes who would otherwise like to train and prepare (for whatever) with other skilled, intelligent, and trustworthy dudes dont because they're scared of being called fat, stupid, lazy, paranoid, wannabe tactical badasses by fat, stupid, lazy, paranoid, wannabe tactical badasses on the internet.
I wonder how how many skilled, intelligent, and trustworthy dudes who would otherwise like to train and prepare (for whatever) with other skilled, intelligent, and trustworthy dudes dont because they're scared of being called fat, stupid, lazy, paranoid, wannabe tactical badasses by fat, stupid, lazy, paranoid, wannabe tactical badasses on the internet.

Here's the 'thing' about these Militias - they have zero accreditation, zero clout, zero accountability with the general public, zero stature in society, zero 'anything'.....let's take AllaSnackba's post above in another direction - a natural disaster, a-la Hurricane Katrina. Joe- blow 'percenter' Militia musters to provide 'security' somewhere to prevent looting or 'assist' in the relief effort. What do you suppose FEMA and any-other .gov is going to do? Crap themselves and call-in a SWAT team to disarm these 'civilians' with their ARs and 2A t-shirts, and then things will get downright UGLY.

Once Militias started 'mobilizing' at Ferguson and Charlottesville (to protect WHOM, exactly???), the Law Enforcement community have a hard-time 'classifying' these folks as 'good guys'. NOBODY cares what's on their Facebook page. LEOs aren't going to give them a pass next-time they decide to show-up in public - particularly when the Klan or the Nazis are involved somehow. They'll be treated just like any-other group who have 'colors' and guns - a STREET GANG.

Precedence in society has already been set - just-because there's a open-carry law in a particular state doesn't mean LEOs won't over-react when a bunch of locked-and-loaded "patriots" march down the street to 'help'....help who? The cops won't need any 'help', not from a bunch of body-armor-wearing, AR-equipped AMATEURS. Current LEO tactics dictate that THEY are the ones who will TOTALLY CONTROL the situation, and if they have to use lethal force against an armed 'unknown' who arrive at that situation uninvited, they will. It won't matter what the 'intentions' of the Militia are - they WILL be told to disarm and go home, or else.

There's a 1,000% higher probability that a community will experience a flood, tornado, or hurricane versus "Government collapse" in the coming years, so if these Militias want to 'help', perhaps they need to reach-out to the First-Responder community instead of just playing GI Joe on the weekends.
There's a 1,000% higher probability that a community will experience a flood, tornado, or hurricane versus "Government collapse" in the coming years, so if these Militias want to 'help', perhaps they need to reach-out to the First-Responder community instead of just playing GI Joe on the weekends.

You mean like the Cajun Navy that has responded to all of the big floods and hurricanes in the gulf coast in the past few years? Cuz that's the same thing, they just have a fun name for themselves.
You mean like the Cajun Navy that has responded to all of the big floods and hurricanes in the gulf coast in the past few years? Cuz that's the same thing, they just have a fun name for themselves.

Those guys showed-up with BOATS, yes? Unless you can stick a 32-round magazine in one, that's not a threat.....usually if there is a need for civilians with boats, there's a request put-out by the First-Responder community over the radio for individuals to assist. During bad snowstorms in PA, there'd be a request for folks with snowmobiles to assist EMTs and whatnot....but the key thing is, there would be a REQUEST made first, and a POC designated for coordination purposes.
Those guys showed-up with BOATS, yes? Unless you can stick a 32-round magazine in one, that's not a threat.....usually if there is a need for civilians with boats, there's a request put-out by the First-Responder community over the radio for individuals to assist. During bad snowstorms in PA, there'd be a request for folks with snowmobiles to assist EMTs and whatnot....but the key thing is, there would be a REQUEST made first, and a POC designated for coordination purposes.

You are so focused on dudes with rifles that are missing the point. Everyday citizens standing up and getting to work in a disaster is what a militia does, whether or not they need that label or even firearms to do so is situationally dependent. Take a breath, not everyone with a rifle, some training, and contingency plan is out to hurt you. Or help you for that matter.
You are so focused on dudes with rifles that are missing the point. Everyday citizens standing up and getting to work in a disaster is what a militia does, whether or not they need that label or even firearms to do so is situationally dependent. Take a breath, not everyone with a rifle, some training, and contingency plan is out to hurt you. Or help you for that matter.

When I was in SC, there were car-loads of folks who headed to New Orleans after Katrina to 'help out' - ALL of them were turned-away at the border. If the logistics isn't 'there' to support 'helpers' arriving and pitching-in, people showing-up just makes matters worse on available resources and the First Responders know this (they bring their OWN logistical support teams, and Everything is planned). Good intentions without logistical planning is more-than a headache for all involved, which is why the 'pros' lock-down these situations on the outset and control everything

PS - Law Enforcement is NO DIFFERENT.
When I was in SC, there were car-loads of folks who headed to New Orleans after Katrina to 'help out' - ALL of them were turned-away at the border. If the logistics isn't 'there' to support 'helpers' arriving and pitching-in, people showing-up just makes matters worse on available resources and the First Responders know this (they bring their OWN logistical support teams, and Everything is planned). Good intentions without logistical planning is more-than a headache for all involved, which is why the 'pros' lock-down these situations on the outset and control everything

PS - Law Enforcement is NO DIFFERENT.

Katrina, where the "pro's" confiscated firearms and supplies from law abiding citizens, and let how many people die due their competence? Maybe some of them good intention-ed southern boys should have been let through.
You mean like the Cajun Navy that has responded to all of the big floods and hurricanes in the gulf coast in the past few years? Cuz that's the same thing, they just have a fun name for themselves.

or the multiple other times theyve come out during situations since ferguson?
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