I know it's late

I'm not on much at home because it's a cell phone connection. Im usually cherry picking posts because the load time sucks. Tonight has been slow and that's b.s. !!! [smile]
I'd kill for a cell connection - we got a "broadband survey" here in Tyringham, but it's a ways off. I have to drive a lime to get a reliable cell signal, so I park in downtown Lee where there's free WiFi. If I sign on here and get on any faster than 28.8, my phone lines get overwhelmed, but I wouldn't trade the views I have out my window for anything... [wink]
I think of her as half clothed... [wink] Got her at work on a T4 - productive day. I can't hack it - going off to dream land. I'll say a special prayer that someone with more brain cells than I can think of a way to knock that Brittany Spears thread into oblivion...[smile] Nite all....
LOL it's only a matter of time before internet and college is completely free

I see that you've touched on my master plan for college and healthcare in this state, which is going forward to teach my kids to speak only Spanish and carry no IDs with them, as after looking at my taxes I figure I'm already paying for it...
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