I have a new found respect for GOAL after last weekend


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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As some of you may know, I spent last Saturday working the GOAL table at a Sportsman's show in Springfield. Overall I had a great time for the 6 hours I was there. I talked to a LOT of great and supportive people and I was pretty happy with convincing a few guys, and one lady, that they needed to join up as well.

What I found troubling though was the complete lack of interest of most of the people that walked by the booth. I spent a lot of time by the isle saying hi to people and asking them if they were a member of GOAL yet. I received a lot of "No" for an answer. I'd then ask them if they'd like to become a member of GOAL. Again, I'd get a lot of "No" answers. Ok, so lack of interest. I guess I get that. I also got a bunch of people saying how they joined the NRA, so they don't see the need to join GOAL. I'd try to explain why GOAL was important, but again, no interest. The most troubling though was the people that would look at me and say "who"? When I answered I'd get responses like "I never heard of you". [shocked] Wow.

I have a good idea now of the frustration that people at GOAL must go through every day. For them, it must be an uphill climb all the time. I have a new respect for them. They fight the good fight with minimal support and a population of people who either don't care or don't know who you are and don't have any interest in knowing. It's amazing they get done what they do operating in this climate.

NES members excluded of course! [wink]
It's sad but somewhat expected. GOAL does great work but it still remains a relatively small organization. Many people who are into the whole gun culture are in it just because they enjoy it but not to the extent that they REALLY look into it. The NRA is very highly visible and thus they're the first organization many run to. These individuals feel that they're supporting their right to keep and bear arms -- after all that's what the NRA tells them. Money has been sent in, they've received their NRA membership card and decals, they're all set in their mind. What they DON'T do is look at what the NRA is doing for them directly here in MA. They're a strong organization. They've got a big name. Still, few realize that they've all but abandoned Massachusetts. Will I still support them? Sure. Simply because the work they do on a federal level has a chance to benefit everyone's rights. However, I will support an organization like GOAL who is actively working more specifically for my own best interests first and foremost.

It's easy to get somewhat discouraged by what you saw at the show but it's important to go out there and do it. The more often those individuals you spoke to go to shows like that the more exposure they will have had. Those "Never heard of you"s change because now they HAVE heard. The "no"s might remember seeing you out there and visit the website and see what the organization is really about when they're at home with more time. Exposure is good and it's great that you volunteered your time to help a worthwhile cause.
I tried to offer local dealers pre-printed membership forms to hand out with each purchase. Only ONE dealer was interested. That, I found shocking.

From where I sit, If I were a dealer, I would want every customer who walks through my door to join GOAL. And maybe also GOA, NRA etc... But definitely GOAL.
It sounds to me like GOAL has a serious PR issue. In order to get people to sign up, they need to be aware of who/ what GOAL is and to believe/ feel that they are working for us.
In this economy, not a lot of people want to throw away money, and if (to them) GOAL is an organization they've never heard of that is exactly how they will feel about parting with their money.

I think GOAL needs to go on a PR offensive and get quoted in every single print media everytime there is a firearms related piece, and more importantly, get their faces in front of the TV cameras!!

They need to raise the awareness of who and what they are and what they do.
I tried to offer local dealers pre-printed membership forms to hand out with each purchase. Only ONE dealer was interested. That, I found shocking.

From where I sit, If I were a dealer, I would want every customer who walks through my door to join GOAL. And maybe also GOA, NRA etc... But definitely GOAL.

I was handed a Goal app. and NRA app. when I purchased my AR from Adam at Acme Armament. I joined both shortly after.

GOAL definitely works very hard for us and I appreciate the Hard work. If I had the means, I would donate much more.
You're absolutely right and it's so easy to just walk by the GOAL table without even seeing it at the shows. There is a lack of knowledge out there about GOAL. The NRA has great recognition. It seems as if some form of massive publicity is needed. All of the gun shops and gun clubs need to become more aggressive in trying to publicize the importance of GOAL membership. Maybe something like a "$20 first year membership" offer with any gun bought.

The word needs to get out somehow.
You're absolutely right and it's so easy to just walk by the GOAL table without even seeing it at the shows. There is a lack of knowledge out there about GOAL. The NRA has great recognition. It seems as if some form of massive publicity is needed.


when i describe GOAL to people who don't know about it i refer to them as the "massachusetts NRA" in that they are interested in doing everything they can locally to preserve our rights and work for reform because the "real" NRA sometimes tends to forget that the democratic people's republik of massachusetts does have gun owners living in it.
The largest part of the problem is not with GOAL but rather the people who own guns and do not support the organizations who go to bat for you every day. The problem is similar to the national one we now have with the tax and spend Obama administration. The fault is not so much the man as the voters who were too stupid to see what he was and now we all have to pay. That is pretty much the problem with GOAL. The gun owners should be 100% in support of GOAL, every last one, but as RockRiver noted there are so many who in their arrogance or ignorance do not see the need. The stupid gun laws in mass. are not the fault of GOAL but the result of gun owners not supporting GOAL 110%.

We have met the enemy and he is us!

Possible.. But in my mind it comes down to awareness. If many/ most are unaware of GOAL. Who they are and what they do. Then that is GOAL not doing enough to get out there in front of people and show what they have done and what they are doing.
As some of you may know, I spent last Saturday working the GOAL table at a Sportsman's show in Springfield. Overall I had a great time for the 6 hours I was there. I talked to a LOT of great and supportive people and I was pretty happy with convincing a few guys, and one lady, that they needed to join up as well.

What I found troubling though was the complete lack of interest of most of the people that walked by the booth. I spent a lot of time by the isle saying hi to people and asking them if they were a member of GOAL yet. I received a lot of "No" for an answer. I'd then ask them if they'd like to become a member of GOAL. Again, I'd get a lot of "No" answers. Ok, so lack of interest. I guess I get that. I also got a bunch of people saying how they joined the NRA, so they don't see the need to join GOAL. I'd try to explain why GOAL was important, but again, no interest. The most troubling though was the people that would look at me and say "who"? When I answered I'd get responses like "I never heard of you". [shocked] Wow.

I have a good idea now of the frustration that people at GOAL must go through every day. For them, it must be an uphill climb all the time. I have a new respect for them. They fight the good fight with minimal support and a population of people who either don't care or don't know who you are and don't have any interest in knowing. It's amazing they get done what they do operating in this climate.

NES members excluded of course! [wink]

That's why I have them in my signature.
A great group of people fighting for us.
It sounds to me like GOAL has a serious PR issue. In order to get people to sign up, they need to be aware of who/ what GOAL is and to believe/ feel that they are working for us.

I wonder if, like GO-NH, GOAL would benefit from putting the name of the state in their name.

To wit: Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts or GOAL-MA.

Just to kind of ram it home to the typical MA gun owner that GOAL is here for we MA gun owners.
I wonder if, like GO-NH, GOAL would benefit from putting the name of the state in their name.

To wit: Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts or GOAL-MA.

Just to kind of ram it home to the typical MA gun owner that GOAL is here for we MA gun owners.

I think that would be a smart decision.
It sounds to me like GOAL has a serious PR issue. In order to get people to sign up, they need to be aware of who/ what GOAL is and to believe/ feel that they are working for us.
In this economy, not a lot of people want to throw away money, and if (to them) GOAL is an organization they've never heard of that is exactly how they will feel about parting with their money.

I think GOAL needs to go on a PR offensive and get quoted in every single print media everytime there is a firearms related piece, and more importantly, get their faces in front of the TV cameras!!

They need to raise the awareness of who and what they are and what they do.

This is 100% spot-on. I stopped by their booth at the Springfield show and their material looks somewhat dated. Giving their org and the OM a facelift might go a long way in generating some excitement.

Also, they definitely need to be more high-profile. They do wonderful work but IMO they're a bit too passive for my liking. If I were in charge I'd do more than "work within the system," I'd be loud and out front on the issues and call out the antis at every opportunity. Let's face it, every article on gun ownership in MA has a quote from that douchenozzle Rosenthal and a blurb about how he owns two guns. BFD. NO ONE challenges the moron.
The ONLY responses that you should get when you talk about goal are:
1. I am already a member
2. They are too extreme for me.
3. They are the Anti-Christ and twice as bad as the NRA, I would never sign up.

The response of "WHO?", "what are they and what do they do?". These response tell me that GOAL is not doing nearly enough even among the shooting community. If shooter at gun shows don't know who they are and need to be told THAT is a problem that is beyond serious.

I have seen Rich Callaghan quoted in news papers far too many times to count. I can't think of a single time I have seen GOAL quoted. I have never seen a GOAL presense on the news.

The shooter at MGH??? Why was there NOT a goal person being quoted on every news station and in every newspaper? This was the biggest pro 2A happening in years, GOAL should have been out there leading the charge..

You are also definied by your enemies. I have seen and heard Mass pols bash the NRA on a regular basis. The NRA does nothing in this state and they are the go to villians. Goal needs to start seriously pissing off some high profile Pols and get them to start attacking Goal publically.
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Ask not what GOAL can do for you, etc....

There's a lot of us who read this forum. It's up to us to raise awareness of GOAL. I've been to their offices, and believe me, they don't suffer from an excess of staff!

When we're on the range, if the next shooter on the line doesn't have some species of GOAL gear on, you should ask, "Are you a GOAL member?"

If you get the Blank Stare....explain.

If you get, "No," ask why not.

If you get "Yes," ask how they approach others to get them to join.

Our profile (as shooters) and GOAL's profile don't depend on anything other than OUR efforts!

Your Club should have GOAL applications available, for spur-of-the-momnet (or new members' enthusiasm based) join-ups.

No organization with a membership >1 will be able to please everyone, but IMO, without GOAL, we'd be worse off than we are now.

Support GOAL! Come to the GOAL Cup Trap Shoot!


On the day after the shoot SRGC will be giving a free round of trap to anyone with a GOAL Membership, too.
The ONLY responses that you should get when you talk about goal are:
1. I am already a member
2. They are too extreme for me.
3. They are the Anti-Christ and twice as bad as the NRA, I would never sign up.

The response of "WHO?", "what are they and what do they do?". These response tell me that GOAL is not doing nearly enough even among the shooting community. If shooter at gun shows don't know who they are and need to be told THAT is a problem that is beyond serious.

I have seen Rich Callaghan quoted in news papers far too many times to count. I can't think of a single time I have seen GOAL quoted. I have never seen a GOAL presense on the news.

The shooter at MGH??? Why was there NOT a goal person being quoted on every news station and in every newspaper? This was the biggest pro 2A happening in years, GOAL should have been out there leading the charge..

You are also definied by your enemies. I have seen and heard Mass pols bash the NRA on a regular basis. The NRA does nothing in this state and they are the go to villians. Goal needs to start seriously pissing off some high profile Pols and get them to start attacking Goal publically.

Actually we were interviewed numerous times when the MGH shooting was in the headlines. The media for the most part chose not to run our quotes.

Part of my daily routine is keeping our news pages updated, this includes stories in which Jim/GOAL is quoted.

Check it out. http://goal.org/goalnews.html

Also, somebody mentioned not seeing us in the news, here's a story from just the other day in which Jim was interviewed. http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/news/x487486906/Police-gun-owners-say-state-firearm-laws-are-tough-enough

Thanks all for the good words and thoughts, I hope you all know that we all work very hard, every day to make change, but can only do it with your support.
When we're on the range, if the next shooter on the line doesn't have some species of GOAL gear on, you should ask, "Are you a GOAL member?"

If you get the Blank Stare....explain.

If you get, "No," ask why not.

If you get "Yes," ask how they approach others to get them to join.

Got to go against you here (somewhat). There is NO excuse for the literate/ news conscious of population to not have heard of GOAL.

Sorry, but in the case you described.. I have never heard of these guys, why do I want to join up? They obviously are not doing enough if I have never heard of them. Nobody I know has ever talked about these guys, etc..
Might as well make up your own group and try to charge, "I am the president of the Popular People's Front of Judea and Mass Pro 2A, wanna sign up?"
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Mike. Please realize I am NOT at all anti Goal. I want GOAL to be a powerful driving force. I believe the efforts that GOAL makes are important and crucial. Quite frankly, GOAL has an image problem. That being a lack of awareness even among shooters as well as being (largely) a non entity in the press.

Actually we were interviewed numerous times when the MGH shooting was in the headlines. The media for the most part chose not to run our quotes.
This is exactly my point. If, by and large, the print media can afford to ignore GOAL, that is a huge issue.

Again, I KNOW to go to your site and look now and again. That is reactive. We need to get your shiny- happy face on the TV, Your Voice on the radio, and your (our) view published in every single firearms related print story.

Thanks all for the good words and thoughts, I hope you all know that we all work very hard, every day to make change, but can only do it with your support.
I think we know how hard you all work. GOAL has done a lot over the years. I think we'd all just like to see GOAL be and do better. And I still feel that there is no excuse that a shooter can be asked about GOAL, and have the response be "WHO?"

I'd love to see GOAL stir the pot and start making some enemies. NOTHING is going to drive awareness and (consequently) membership as awareness. Nothing is going to drive awareness as much as a very public fight between GOAL and a high profile target. There is nothing that is going to grab the headlines like slinging some serious mud. I would love to see thes following on the front page..

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If every GOAL member did but sign up ONE new member each year, we WOULD be the 800 lb. Gorilla in quick time. As it is, our membership is nearing record levels, but that is still just a drop in the bucket.

How anyone can be a shooter, hunter, or enthusiast in MA and not get the Outdoor Message is beyond me. There is so much in that newspaper each month that you can find out NO OTHER place.

I can't tell you the number of courses and students I am a part of in a given year and how apathetic they are. I see them sit there and complain about the fact that the state makes it so hard to get licensed and then when presented with the very organization that CAN make a difference - do NOTHING.
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I had never heard of GOAL before coming here. I also only started shooting in the past year. i'm now a proad member, and also signed up my girlfriend for a membership.

I think NES does a great job recruiting members for GOAL, and I thank both parties for their efforts.
If every GOAL member did but sign up ONE new member each year, we WOULD be the 800 lb. Gorilla in quick time. As it is, our membership is nearing record levels, but that is still just a drop in the bucket.

How anyone can be a shooter, hunter, or enthusiast in MA and not get the Outdoor Message is beyond me. There is so much in that newspaper each month that you can find out NO OTHER place.

I can't tell you the number of courses and students I am a part of in a given year and how apathetic they are. I see them sit there and complain about the fact that the state makes it so hard to get licensed and then when presented with the very organization that CAN make a difference - do NOTHING.

To be completely frank, nothing in the OM has ever really captured my attention. If GOAL offered the option to opt out of receiving it, I'd gladly do so.
I can't tell you the number of courses and students I am a part of in a given year and how apathetic they are. I see them sit there and complain about the fact that the state makes it so hard to get licensed and then when presented with the very organization that CAN make a difference - do NOTHING.
Do you get the same reaction if you mention NRA? Again it's an awareness issue and as a result a confidence issue. In the words of Groucho, they don't want to be in a club that would have them as a member.Awareness=confidence= membership.

I had never heard of GOAL before coming here. I also only started shooting in the past year. i'm now a proad member, and also signed up my girlfriend for a membership.

I think NES does a great job recruiting members for GOAL, and I thank both parties for their efforts.

Daddy, that is fantastic. Kudos to you and your GF. Now get out there and spread the word farther and wider.
Mike. Please realize I am NOT at all anti Goal. I want GOAL to be a powerful driving force. I believe the efforts that GOAL makes are important and crucial. Quite frankly, GOAL has an image problem. That being a lack of awareness even among shooters as well as being (largely) a non entity in the press.

This is exactly my point. If, by and large, the print media can afford to ignore GOAL, that is a huge issue.

Again, I KNOW to go to your site and look now and again. That is reactive. We need to get your shiny- happy face on the TV, Your Voice on the radio, and your (our) view published in every single firearms related print story.

I think we know how hard you all work. GOAL has done a lot over the years. I think we'd all just like to see GOAL be and do better. And I still feel that there is no excuse that a shooter can be asked about GOAL, and have the response be "WHO?"

I'd love to see GOAL stir the pot and start making some enemies. NOTHING is going to drive awareness and (consequently) membership as awareness. Nothing is going to drive awareness as much as a very public fight between GOAL and a high profile target. There is nothing that is going to grab the headlines like slinging some serious mud. I would love to see thes following on the front page..


I couldn't agree more.

The problem is consumer awareness among gun owners and non-gun owners. I completely appreciate that funds are tough to come by for any group like this and there's a bit of a chicken and egg situation going on, but a group like this must FORCE its way into the public conscience. It's not enough for it even to be well known among gun owners, but if it's barely known among most gun owners, that's an even bigger problem.

I like the idea of coming out with provacative positions that grab headlines.

Look at what a scrungy organization like P.E.T.A. does to get its name and message out nationally.

Perhaps some billboards are called for...boldly featuring pro-gun messages and the G.O.A.L. name.

Everyone knows of the anti-gun billboard over by Fenway Park, and there's been discussion here about starting a pro-gun response.

It would be great if G.O.A.L. could give that a shot.
Got to go against you here (somewhat). There is NO excuse for the literate/ news conscious of population to not have heard of GOAL.

Sorry, but in the case you described.. I have never heard of these guys, why do I want to join up? They obviously are not doing enough if I have never heard of them. Nobody I know has ever talked about these guys, etc..
Might as well make up your own group and try to charge, "I am the president of the Popular People's Front of Judea and Mass Pro 2A, wanna sign up?"

I don't think that you're against me (and I like the Monty Python reference), but....

The literate and news concious are not, by definition, the issue. If you're a shooter, especially new to the game, there is a LOT that you don't know. ( If you look at my profile you'll see that I'm not a long-time NES member, and only found out about this site by chance at the Club, but I'm in NO way a "new shooter".) We have to raise their conciousness, not wait for enlightenment. Despite the fact that a class is required to get a permit, and most are run by NRA Instructors, the benefits of belonginng to a pro 2A organization are possibly not clearly explained.

Just as one can always learn a new thing at the range about guns, so with the broader political environment.

GOAL works hard for us (but sometimes is a voice in the wilderness of Mass.) and I think that we should return the favor

So there. [smile]
The literate and news concious are not, by definition, the issue. If you're a shooter, especially new to the game, there is a LOT that you don't know.

GOAL works hard for us (but sometimes is a voice in the wilderness of Mass.) and I think that we should return the favor [smile]

I agree.. But you'd be hard pressed to find some one that is even remotely politically informed that can't tell you what the NRA is. I think that's really my point.
I think the PETA reference is perfect. Peta was a nothing organization forever until they started making ridiculous claims. This got them noticed and got them tons of paying members..

How about this for a headline?

Look at what a scrungy organization like P.E.T.A. does to get its name and message out nationally.

Most people i know think they're whack jobs. do we really want to be seen in the same light?

I think I understand what you were trying to say, but i'm not sure i agree with using the same types of advertising they stoop to. It doesn't affect me too much when actors/actresses tell me i shouldn't eat meat because dogs have feelings.... they just taste too good to give up!
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