I guess I'm just not too bright

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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I drove all the way up to Concord to the show today...with the exception of the entertainment value..i just don't see how anyone can seriously consider paying those kinds of prices.I mean, it was absurd...and as I was walking around I kept hearing the "dealers" whining about bad sales were. Are they serious??
bWhy should I pay two or three hundred dollars more for a gun than I could get at a store, even in MA? Even if I was interested, virtually none of them take credit cards, which eliminates implulse buying totally.

Am I missing something? Can someone enlighten me? I even checked out ammunition and it was outrageously expensive compared to FS. I was really hoping that NH would be a different ballgame, but obviously not.

I don't mean to be a whiner myself, but I guess I am :(
News, since you didn't give any examples, it is difficult to really respond to your comments, except in general terms.

- I go to gun shows to buy accessories, books, etc.
- I almost never see a "deal" on guns at gun shows! Prices are almost always higher than a good shop like Four Seasons.
- Ammo sales - the big dealer is "Steve" from NY at all these shows. He's an arrogant SOB who doesn't usually offer any great deals (and I've seen some stuff intentionally mis-represented). Since they do allow ammo sales in the arena, there may be some smaller dealers there as well.
- Current gas prices means shipping costs for ammo will be skyrocketing! Won't be surprised if some dealers already jacked prices, following the lead of the gas companies.
- You might be able to negotiate lower prices with some dealers at the shows. Posted prices may not be set in concrete.
- Remember that Four Seasons will match/beat any other MA dealer's prices if they possibly can. From Their website: http://www.fsguns.com/fsg_new_hg.html

"We try to have the lowest prices in the state. If our price is off on an item that you are interested in buying, please let us know. We'll do our best to meet or beat any legitimate in-state store front competitor."

- Mags at gun shows are "hit or miss"! I've found some good deals and some outrageous prices at the same shows! Now with the no-bans vs. pre-ban mags, you need to be VERY careful as many less than scrupulous dealers are selling LE/Mil or "no-ban" mags to folks, telling them that they are Pre-Bans when they aren't!
- Ammo sales - the big dealer is "Steve" from NY at all these shows. He's an arrogant SOB who doesn't usually offer any great deals (and I've seen some stuff intentionally mis-represented). Since they do allow ammo sales in the arena, there may be some smaller dealers there as well.

I stood at his table with a pile of ammo in front of me and cash in hand...although he looked at me twice, he couldn't bring himself to remove the cell phone from his face....I walked away with my money
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