How often do you clean your carry weapon?

I think about it every once in a while.
Actually doing a detailed clean - way less often than I should.
Generally always after range sessions. But only after an extended amount of carry time.

Tucked iwb tends to get ALOT of lint accumulation everywhere esp in places you wont think of. The oil and grease does act as an attractant. But, that hasn't had any adverse effects that ive experienced. It does depend on how much is in there I suppose.
Always clean it thoroughly after shooting, and maybe run a bore snake once week.

I do inspect the chamber/barrel every time I put it on to be sure there's no debris.
After every range session I run a boresnake through the barrel to remove any visible residue, then wipe down the outside.

Every fall I begin an annual deep cleaning of those firearms I have used with any regularity during the year. I also conduct a visual inspection of any I may not have used.
It's a Glock so I guess I'll add a little oil when it gets to 10k rounds.

But seriously probably once a quarter. Depends how much I shoot it.
Only when I shoot them.

On my 1911/BHP pieces, I do check for lint near the hammer about every other day. I blow it off if necessary.
I am not to concerned about carbon as I am about body sweat which I believe will do much more damage.which I wipe it down every few months but never after target shooting
Sometimes I use compressed air before throwing some oil on it, but usually just squirt some oil on it.
A few drops of oil (barrel hood and bearing surface with the slide near the muzzle) and several small dots of grease (rails, connector/cruciform/striker) every couple of months.

Detail disassembly once a year, cleaned, then switched out with an identical pistol which had been cleaned the year before.

The pistol gets about 200 rounds through it every couple of weeks and this cleaning regimen works good for me.
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Once a month or so...I carry an LCP in a pocket holster and it tends to get rather dusty from pocket lint. I tear it down, clean and lube, wipe it down and blow compressed air into the holster to get the lint/dirt out and stick it back in my pocket, GTG for another month or so.
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