Home defense shotgun light

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I installed one of them on one of my HD 870's. I like it so far. $200 on amazon with prime shipping just a FYI. It was worth it to me knowing out of the box it could handle shotgun recoil and made it a self contained unit.


There was a battery issue with the original DSF versions that surefire fixed.

Pulled this off Arf

If you have a Surefire DSF with a serial number on the light head, then you have a newer version. In the newer, serial numbered versions, the battery issue has been "fixed"
I have a way to get a light at cost so im not paying near 350 for a light.
Ive got a TLR-HL and an XC1 for my Glocks and a Surefire 952v for my future AR build
Go for it then. If you don't like it you can sell it for a profit. I like mine so far. I've only run a few dozen down the pipe on that rig but so far it's held up well.
A fenix PD35 tac that has the capacity to go up to 1000 lumens , and strobe , with a button tail cap , and you can get a seperate pressure switch and a mount is far cheaper than 355$
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