Holy cow - it worked


NES Member
Sep 20, 2006
Far North New Hampshire
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I've asked around several places, about the possibility of "upgrading" my LTC - having the "Sporting and Target" restrictions changed to ALP. No one has ever given me an inkling of this being feasible, and I was pretty much told it was a waste of time.
Being the selectively deaf type, I tried it anyway. I typed up a 2 page letter highliting my years of having a permit with no problems, training I've recieved, military duties (making me seem trusted, but not a Rambo type), volunteer work for a non-profit where I carry money (I now know how heavy $8,000 in ONES is) and brought it down to the police station.
I waited a couple months, and went down, and asked about it. I think the paperwork got lost, but the detective covered and said that "State was slow, I'll send them an email and ask where it is, should take a week or so".
Went down again, and low and behold, they took away my old card and gave me one that has "none" for restrictions.
Finally! I can consider myself a citizen.
I'm stunned that this actually worked, as I've never heard of it happening before. I guess with the new cards, it is an easy fix.
Just though I'd share my joy, and let you all know that this is possible.
That's great man, it's gives this second-class citizens a little hope.

Did you essentially apply again: fill out the form and pay the fee? Was this the same city or town that issued the restricted license?

I'm not going to rush down to my station but this is good info.

First time applicant, and the CLEO has a restricted-only policy for first timers. But after engaging in polite conversation, the armorer and chief said that after "a couple years" I could apply to have the restrictions lifted. Nothing in writing of course, but this is a small town and I doubt they would reneg for no reason.
Congratulations !
I hope others reading this forum will follow suit and re-apply ...er, I mean challenge the restrictions placed on their licenses as well.
EXCELLENT! I did that with my first LTC, but that was in 1980 - a pretty worthless point of comparison these days. Back then, the chief just gave me a letter upgrading to ALP, not a whole new license.

You DO realize that you must now purchase a highly concealable handgun, don't you?
Awesome to hear Tuna!!!

Glad you took the steps that were needed and it worked out for you.... gives hope to others in the same situation.
Thanks all.
No, I didn't have to re-apply like I thought I was going to have to. I guess it is like misplacing your license, and having a new one reprinted, but without the restrictions.
I've already got a S&W Mod 60 that my wife uses for bedstand duty that she says she'll give back if I get her the Model 29 she wants (yes, she's fired one before, which is why she wants a 29 instead of my SuperBlackhawk - I know, I'm a lucky guy)

I've always been an advocate of a "fireside chat" with the chief. Asking up front will never hurt and let you know your chances of success. Of course trying this in places like Boston is fruitless, but in smaller venues it will work in some places.
that is great... maybe there is hope for me after all... doubt it... but will be worth a shot.

my thought was to get a NH and Main Non resident carry permit then submit that as an attachment when I renew and state, 2 other states allow me to concel carry...
I'm really glad for you, tuna.[rockon]

However, your post, and other stories I've heard similar to it, also really piss me off. One should not have to beg for an unrestricted permit to exercise ones Constitutional right! Some (many?) of us law abiding, "restricted" citizens will never be in the military, or have reason to regularly carry large sums of cash, or have the dollars or time to take extensive training beyond that already required by the state, or be expected to wait 20 years with a restricted permit, or whatever. We're SOL. It is unfair, elitist, illegal, and unconstitutional. [angry]

That's better. Now I get to go drive home in the slop.

I've always been an advocate of a "fireside chat" with the chief. Asking up front will never hurt and let you know your chances of success. Of course trying this in places like Boston is fruitless, but in smaller venues it will work in some places.

I may attempt this. Should I just ask for an appointment to meet the cheif?
Weer'd, why not. It can't hurt!

I did this merely when I was looking at houses in other towns (some 20 years ago). Of course the badge in the pocket got me in a lot faster than being a mere peon might have done, but I was just walking in with no appointment, etc.
That's awesome news tuna!! Congrats!

And Gabe - that's good to hear about being able to upgrade after a couple years. Sad you have to go through that, but at least it's a hopeful sign. I still don't understand why they changed it in the first place.
damn,i feel lucky that the town i live in the chief isnt a complete prick like some others are.i've never had a problem getting my class with restrictions listed as none.i just guess i live in a some what reasonable town.
then again Turners Falls does'nt have much for the way of anything in it to begin with.
I'm fortunet that I lived in a Green town when I applied and got my LTC and even luckier that my girl friend accepts the fact (although she doesn't understand why) that when we buy a house it has to be in a Green town and we have to be in a green town in 4 years when I need to renew. The BLACK town we now live in is temporary.

It's stupid, we should be able to live wherever we want and not have restrictions on what we can and can't carry.
Hey, Conga-rats, tuna!!


Lazarus Long said:
Always listen to experts. They’ll tell you what can’t be done and why. Then do it!
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