High Impact M-16 on The History Channel Now 8:00PM

Thanks for the heads up. After my boys are done watching Backyardagans I can switch over.
The sheep just said the AK47 round is designed to penetrate tanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [rofl][rofl]
Armor piercing rounds...7.62x39mm A round that's designed to penetrate tanks? [rolleyes] (LA Shoot Out)

We all know only a 7.62x51mm can do that...[thinking][hmmm]
It is on again at midnight. I've set the Tivo to record it then so the kids can watch their show.

Thank God for Tivo!
Just jumped to the show. They're showing the "always clean it when you can" segment.... Ugh!!! I guess they'll shift over to how the AK is superior to the AR now....[angry]
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