Hey look...more idiots open carrying AR's

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I must have missed the link showing the muzzle sweep. Can you please repost it or stop citing it as an example of an evil gun owner.
Idiot, he might have been legally right, but an idiot. Hell I can wear a pink thong walking around the streets of Boston but I don't, first because I dont have one but secondly its just a dumb idea

Sent from the blind

Tell that to the offensive tackle-sized guy wearing one on Bourbon Street. Once seen, it can't be unseen! [puke2]The cowboy hat and boots were a nice touch, however.

My attitude about such nonsense is similar to my attitude about the OC clowns, knock yourself out buddy but I prefer you keep it holstered- I don't care to see it and if you do 'draw', point that thing somewhere else.
"Of course, Steinmetz took it to another step when he let his muzzle fall and sweep a woman and her child nearby. Police took him into custody and charged him with a class 6 felony."

Damn straight. It's only OK to muzzle sweep innocent people if you're the police. Or these morons.
Rights require tolerance. Tolerance doesn't mean you have to approve of others actions. It just means you MYOFB and move on with your life. The only problem I see with this story is that people have made it a story.
I hear what you're saying, but in some instances common sense should take over. Airports are one of those places that nothing good will ever happen by pulling a stunt like that. Same as if you walked into a day care center. Should you be able to? Sure. Should you do it. Nope.

Dude - the dish in your signature is also missing Venison.

Maybe it is semantics but I question that statement. Is it currently legal for them to do in that location, Yes. But the Heller decision was pretty clear that restrictions on where firearms can be carried do not violate our second amendment rights, so is it their "right"???

So sling an AR in an airport "because you can" what's going to be the most likely long term impact?
A. Everyone will accept "open carry" as commonplace and go about their day without taking note. or
B. Jurisdictions will further restrict where firearms can be legally carried (which the Supreme Court says is OK).

As has been said before, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should...

Your talking about one person, you shouldn't care about one person being an idiot and not harming anyone...

You are correct he didn't physically injure anyone, but he is harming all of us as gun owners. When places restrict where can carry (whether by change of law or simply a business asking us not bring our guns in their establishment) these idiots have hurt us...
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Not debating, but WTF is a Class 6 Felony? Was it the sweeping of the woman and child?
What is the purpose of going to anywhere open carrying a rifle? Do they expect, eventually to open carry like all those "hot chicks in Israel" videos? NEVER going to happen. There are too many people that get butthurt just seeing any firearm. There is an irrational fear of firearms by many people already. Does open carry solve this? When I start reading, on a regular basis, of how open carry people interrupt crime perhaps I'll change my attitude. Open carry is not inherently bad, but it sure doesn't advance anything but fear in the general populace.
Not debating, but WTF is a Class 6 Felony? Was it the sweeping of the woman and child?
What is the purpose of going to anywhere open carrying a rifle? Do they expect, eventually to open carry like all those "hot chicks in Israel" videos? NEVER going to happen. There are too many people that get butthurt just seeing any firearm. There is an irrational fear of firearms by many people already. Does open carry solve this? When I start reading, on a regular basis, of how open carry people interrupt crime perhaps I'll change my attitude. Open carry is not inherently bad, but it sure doesn't advance anything but fear in the general populace.

I understand what you are saying but how can you mention hot Israeli chicks carrying firearms and not post a link? We're all friends here. We should help each other out. I've got your back....

People like that shouldn't be allowed to have a license or a gun for that matter. OC a rifle to an airport to get a coffee?? Come on now!
People like that shouldn't be allowed to have a license or a gun for that matter. OC a rifle to an airport to get a coffee?? Come on now!

Please tell us what other rights you'd like to arbitrarily remove from random people you don't agree with, who have not harmed another, on a purely emotional basis [rolleyes]
People like that shouldn't be allowed to have a license or a gun for that matter. OC a rifle to an airport to get a coffee?? Come on now!


Someone was doing the whole OC with a rifle thing at Manch/Boston airport this past winter. No one seemed to care then, now that the news is telling you OC is baaaaahd, everyone shits themselves and starts telling everyone else how to exercise their rights.

Way to be NES.
Please tell us what other rights you'd like to arbitrarily remove from random people you don't agree with, who have not harmed another, on a purely emotional basis [rolleyes]

I'm all about guns, but
There is a time and place for everything. What that guy did makes us look bad. That's all it is
I'm all about guns, but

I'm all about guns, but
There is a time and place for everything. What that guy did makes us look bad. That's all it is

Um, ya. That's not what you said.
"People like that shouldn't be allowed to have a license or a gun for that matter"

Does that comment refresh your memory?

Um, ya. That's not what you said.
"People like that shouldn't be allowed to have a license or a gun for that matter"

Does that comment refresh your memory?


You're right! I shouldn't have said that. Its just frustrating, as we all know that the government is trying to impose strict gun laws, and granted nobody got hurt, this situation adds a little more fuel to the fire.
I just hope people had a little more common sense when it came to situations like that.
Again, I apologize by the way my comment came out and I'm sorry if I have upset anyone. That was not my intention.
I'll OC wherever I want and is legally allowed, if you have a problem with that it's YOUR PROBLEM, no one elses

your fears or discomforts have no bearing on the will of free people

for now at least
I'm all about guns, but
There is a time and place for everything. What that guy did makes us look bad. That's all it is

What I'm not getting is that it seems everyone here is concerned that he carried a rifle, who gives a crap whether it's a rifle or a hand gun, if he wants to carry a rifle one day, who cares??. Even if he did it to make a statement, no one cares, no one got hurt. Stop blowing it out of proportion, it's not the next Sandyhook. Geezus!!!

Tell me what in particular the anti's can say about this situation that will threaten our rights??

I'm still waiting for even one national political statement on this incident.
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I see this is being similar to the Black Panther Party openly carrying shotguns in California in the late sixties. Completely legal. For a good reason. Too easily used against you as a propaganda image.
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