Hey look...more idiots open carrying AR's

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so then in order to avoid banning of open carry, people should be encouraged NOT to open carry?

At this point, I must conclude you are either trolling or somehow don't understand (or just don't care about) the difference between genuine OC and "in-your-face make a political statement" OC. Yes, there's a difference. One serves to protect the community, the other strives to agitate the community.
so then in order to avoid banning of open carry, people should be encouraged NOT to open carry?

This.. [rofl]

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At this point, I must conclude you are either trolling or somehow don't understand (or just don't care about) the difference between genuine OC and "in-your-face make a political statement" OC. Yes, there's a difference. One serves to protect the community, the other strives to agitate the community.

Just like there's rape and then there's rape rape...
At this point, I must conclude you are either trolling or somehow don't understand (or just don't care about) the difference between genuine OC and "in-your-face make a political statement" OC. Yes, there's a difference. One serves to protect the community, the other strives to agitate the community.
certainly not trolling, trying to understand others views while hopefully breaking through to some

how is there a difference?

open carrying a firearm is open carrying a firearm, a guy in a suit doing it at place A or a guy in cammo and flip flops doing it at place B makes no difference to me.

if people on both sides would think logically about this and not emotionally it would give me less to bitch about

just be safe about it, which allegedly the guy in the article was not, so **** him. But I will say he is an ******* for being negligent, not for open carrying
At this point, I must conclude you are either trolling or somehow don't understand (or just don't care about) the difference between genuine OC and "in-your-face make a political statement" OC. Yes, there's a difference. One serves to protect the community, the other strives to agitate the community.

i'm really glad i have people like you who dictate to me how to exercise my rights. without guys like you i'd be totally lost, man.
i'm really glad i have people like you who dictate to me how to exercise my rights. without guys like you i'd be totally lost, man.

Hey, do what you will. Many here are just trying to advise caution when people OC so-as to not precipitate a change in laws for the worse or reduced acceptance of firearms in public. Unfortunately, there are too many people who throw caution to the wind because "it's their right".

First, all politics is local. OC of a log gun is already unlawful in the PRM (unless lawfully engage in hunting), so, on that basis, this is not relevant.

Second, all persons that can legally carry are presumed to be grownups; calling them out for acting lawfully because you do not agree with their actions is, IMO, worse in terms of freedoms and civil rights than what they do.

Remember, there are a lot of people out there that think that even though you have an LTC Class A Restrictions: None you saying, "It's my right!" is throwing caution to the wind.

You think that your opinion/perspective is right; so do they.....
My apologies if I have offended anyone. That has not been my intent. This is an issue that has many frustrated and ready to go ballistic (in the space sense...)


Yes, politics are local but consequences of actions can be global.

All I have really said is that people should consider the where, why and how to OC. A few have basically asked "why"; or suggested OC is a right in some states so there is no reason to not to in lawful settings; or stated it has no impact on others so why worry? I have tried to respectfully respond. (I will not always succeed... ;) )

Yes, we all weigh pros and cons and make a decision. Each has their own balance point and I respect that.

To support my personal choices, look at the OC Texas guys. The chosen lawful actions of a few individuals in an OC state (that I had lived in for ~20 years) have had a negative nationwide impact on every gun owner. That is hard data. Is that just a "battle" and not the "war"? Maybe. Interpret it how you will.

That is the last I will say on the topic in this thread. PM me if you want more chatter from me on the topic. I also drink beer if you would rather yell at me in person... :D
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