Have I told ya'll how much I hate Northampton area.....


NES Member
Feb 28, 2005
Western MA
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Today our son had drill,since they are getting ready to deploy they are doing paperwork,they bus them over to the VFW and what do they encounter but a bunch of anti-war protesters. I told my son I wished I had know I would've been there with a Huge Support Our Troops Poster and as many people I could round up on short notice. Told my son I was sorry he had to experience that. I was kinda expecting it tomorrow with it being Family Day for his unit at the fair grounds. I will definately be prepared just in case. [twisted]
They all wanted to but they were in uniform. My son said he's in civies tomorrow,but I told him he can't do anything to get in trouble for,I'd go for the pissing match. It was such a world of difference when we went to Missouri for his graduation and the support for our military down that way is unbelievable. This state sucks. And people wonder why I go out of my way to let them know they are appreciated.
MrsWildweasel said:
This state sucks.

That's the biggest understatement bout that state I've ever heard.

Please let your son and those he's serving with, some of us DO appreciate his service! Hope he's safe.
Maybe we can stage a protest to the protesters ? As long as it isn't on a work day,I would be happy to show my support for the troops.

Seems a lot of these protest are held on weekdays by jobless people with nothing better to do after cashing their .gov cheese check.
Oh we tell him constantly,and this protest happened this saturday. We are thinking someone in the VFW tipped them off that his unit was going to be there to do paperwork. The really sad part is the protesters don't even really know what they are protesting. I was really hoping they'd show up at the fair grounds for family day today but no such luck. [twisted] I was ready. If I hear of a protest going on I will be sure to contact you guys. I was doing Pro Troop Rallies before I'll do it again.
You tell your son that the true patriots of this Country are proud, and appreciative of his honor and committment. Especially, from those of us that have gone before him. Remind him that his dedication is what allows these f***tards to demonstrate and that they are minute, insignificant whale sperm!

That is all.
Thanks Tony,we do. I just hated he had to experience it. I was sooo hoping to deal with any protesters today,and so disappointed that I didn't get the oppertunity. I guess I'll have to wrap my car in a big Support our Troops banner and drive through downtown Northampton and Amherst. [twisted]
Well, I hate that I didn't get to meet you and family when I was up there. However, let him read a few post's here so he knows how real people think.
Greg said:
Seems a lot of these protest are held on weekdays by jobless people with nothing better to do after cashing their .gov cheese check.

Is there a more truer statement than the one above? I couldn't have put it better myself.

I wish that I had seen this post earlier. My son and i would have joined you for a "Support the Troops" rally. My hat is off to him for his service and we will keep him in our prayers.
Thank you everyone,I just needed to vent yesterday. It just irked me that he had to experience it. Tony at some point we will meet up. I may have a favor to ask of you later this summer since you live in Georgia. How close to Ft. Benning are you? F.Price if I hear of another protest here I will most definately let you know. I will also let my son read this so he does know there really are people who aren't that way and do support what they are doing.
These idiots really piss me off. I don't think that being greeted home by that sort of Alpha Hotel is something you ever completely get over, particularly if you're on your way back from combat. Sure, it's so minor compared to everything else you put up with that you tend to just ignore it, but it keeps itching for a damn long time. Luckily, we came back to Norton AFB (San Bernardino) rather than Travis AFB (San Francisco). Back in the 60's I doubt you could have found two more opposite places in California. Travis got all the publicity thanks to the protesters up there, even though more troops returned to Norton.

MrsWildweasel said:
Today our son had drill,since they are getting ready to deploy they are doing paperwork,they bus them over to the VFW and what do they encounter but a bunch of anti-war protesters. I told my son I wished I had know I would've been there with a Huge Support Our Troops Poster and as many people I could round up on short notice. Told my son I was sorry he had to experience that. I was kinda expecting it tomorrow with it being Family Day for his unit at the fair grounds. I will definately be prepared just in case. [twisted]

What sucks is, these people that are being deployed need EVERONES support, no matter what their political view. If the anti's want to protest, fine but protest outside of their favorite politicians office and leave the service people alone.
Maybe "safe zones" need to be set up around our service people!
Today at the Family Day event I talked with alot of spouses,friends,family, and my son's unit from within has alot of support. Which is really nice to see. I plan on being very involved with the family support group with his unit. I was glad the anti's didn't show up today,I think it would have made it a bit harder on the families,but I was prepared for it. Jon,unfortunately around here,Northampton Amherst area it is full of liberals. There is a big divide between the hilltowns, where we are and the college area.
KMaurer said:
These idiots really piss me off. I don't think that being greeted home by that sort of Alpha Hotel

You can call 'em like you see 'em Ken - a**h*** - they probably also don't have any problem with burning the flag either. [twisted]

Mrs. W - I'm going to send you a PM with my phone number. I live in the eastern corner, but if you hear about any anti's gathering - you CALL me and I will drive out there to join you. Nothin P's me off more than those fumducks doing that to boys who are heading over there. Even if they aren't going in to a war zone, it still SUCKS.

Now that my blood pressure is elevated.......
Thanks Lynne. You don't know how much it is appreciated. Alan knows it is a vocal minority,and it just happens to be the area we live in. We just always try to make sure these guys and gals know they truly are appreciated.
Sorry the A holes showed up, lots of Support from the people I know in Northampton, of course we called it Hamp. Was this the VFW in Florence?
You ALL need to move up a little further NorthWest.

Our Anti-War people up here actually Support the Troops. They actually have a slogan that goes something like "Hate the War, Support our Troops", or something like that. They're actually fairly polite. SCARY!

Of course, seeing that about 1 of every 300 or so people of the entire state is deployed, or been deployed in the recent past, might have something to do with it.

Mrs WW, give the lad my regards, and wishes for his unit's safe return after their mission. I know your feelings, having had my son in Iraq for a year (he returned in Feb), and my wife's brother currently in Kuwait.
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