Gun Prejudice Survey

Why do these morons keep saying AR15 and other similar type weapons are illegal in Ma when their not. You would think someone would at least fact check but that would mean someone is a real journalist.
Why do these morons keep saying AR15 and other similar type weapons are illegal in Ma when their not. You would think someone would at least fact check but that would mean someone is a real journalist.

Sometimes their ignorance is our bliss. I'd rather them think it's illegal so we stay off the radar.
Leaving aside the dubious "survey" I made the error of clicking on the video link. Sholy Hit.

F****ing "authors of 2nd only had muskets, so why ..." Cra. Lost my temper a little and emailed this comment back to vox:

"When the 2nd amendment, blah, blah, blah, 3 rounds a minute, blah, blah, blah"

Stupid argument is stupid:

A) it ignores equality of capability - the farmer's musket fired at the same rate as the British soldier's musket
B) the authors of the Bill of Rights were already well aware of Gatling gun style multiple round firing long arms, so, no, 3 rounds a minute wasn't even a limit.
C) 24 pound cannon existed; does the 2nd restrict those? Nope.

Do your homework and don't be stupid. It's not much to ask of a site that claims to explain the news.

If I get a response at all, it'll be a mealy-mouthed piece of dog excretia but I felt momentarily better after sending it.

Your first problem was reading vox in the first place. They're almost as bad as it gets. They really think the founders of this nation were complete idiots. As if they had no idea that weaponry, press, reading materials, ect, would advance over time.
Why do these morons keep saying AR15 and other similar type weapons are illegal in Ma when their not. You would think someone would at least fact check but that would mean someone is a real journalist.
Keep your mouth shut about it. As long as politicians in MA continue to think that AR's are illegal, they aren't going to ram through something horrible in the middle of the night.
The next evolution in media-speak:

Semi-automatic AK47 - links the most common deer rifle to the evil AK47, so that "semi-automatic" evokes terrorists killing women and children rather than your father's deer rifle.

AR15-style assault rifle - is a rifle in some ways, like a rifle in some ways, like an AR16. Perhaps an AR15 with a glistening chrome barrel and wooden stocks is more a Wyatt Earp-style traditional firearm, and a Rem700/308 in black is AR15-style?

I'm in London now, at a medical meeting, hearing all about the Dallas police shootings and related Black Lives Matter topic, as well as the Brexit. I keep quoting the statistic that the top Google-UK search the day after the Brexit vote was "What is the Brexit?" Folks chuckle and say they can believe it. When they ask me about guns and all the killing in the US, I just say we have a lot more folks in the US who need killing. Many nod somberly, and some say they do in the UK too but can't do much about it.
So based on this article and the ignorance of our fellow citizens, we should all own an MG3, UZI, AK47, AR15 and a Remington 700 because Hillary will ban them using super special never before know powers?
Take an off the shelf stock Ruger 10/22 and put it next to a Ruger 10/22 that's in an AR conversion kit. Ask the ignorant masses which should be banned, then pull out a 2nd conversion kit, and convert the stock 10/22 into the AR chassis right before their eyes, then...

Laugh at those who think you just made an assault weapon.
Vox is as left wing commie crazy as any site out there. I won't even clip on this link.
Vox ,Salon Huff Post.................dead to me.
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