Gun Crime up 89% in the UK over last decade


Mar 19, 2008
Southeastern MA
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Sorry if this ends up being a dup post. Saw this news story today (though the article is from yesterday):

I've seen a lot of articles/editorials/blog posts recently talking about how the increase in gun crimes in england is a "myth". Unfortunately, it is very, very true. It's been a while since I've seen such a good real world example of "when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns".

The anti gun sentiment is so strong there, they're actually criticizing the effort to arm police? [crying] no wonder that country is so screwed up.

Please, please, please show this news story to every person who thinks we need to ban handguns. This also needs to be shown to all the hunters/target only shooters out there who think the antis won't come after them next.

Reminds me of a group of 20-something Brits that came into Dicks Sporting Goods and literally stood at the gun counter for half an hour asking questions and staring at the rather bucolic collection on the wall...They were like diabetic kids standing outside a candy store window....They are the sheep we are becoming....[thinking]

EC, if I understand you correctly, that is to say that it is 'good' that gun crime is WAY up in the UK, I'm going to have to challenge you on this.

Now I know what's coming is "They're sissy Englishmen, and they failed to defend their gun rights".

While this is true, nobody 'deserves' gun violence.

I know it's good to know that banning guns causes crime to skyrocket, but this is hardly the only proof of that point.

Maybe I'm being too sensitive. It is England, after all.
EC, if I understand you correctly, that is to say that it is 'good' that gun crime is WAY up in the UK, I'm going to have to challenge you on this.

Now I know what's coming is "They're sissy Englishmen, and they failed to defend their gun rights".

While this is true, nobody 'deserves' gun violence.

I know it's good to know that banning guns causes crime to skyrocket, but this is hardly the only proof of that point.

Maybe I'm being too sensitive. It is England, after all.
I'm with EC on this one. For the most part they are getting exactly what they deserve. They demanded to be rid of them, so they have to deal with the unintended consequences of their demands.
It sucks for the innocents that did not want to give up their right to self-defense but for the folks that wanted it... they got what they asked for. Maybe they will think about that when they become a victim of crime.. they can reflect on how well that nanny-state surveillance society is working out for them. Let them be an example so we can learn from their mistakes.
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Okay, so I went ahead and sent this article to a good friend who is a British citizen living here in the US to get his reaction. He is definitely a left leaning type who has said to me on many occasions that he does not support a gun ban, but does believe that some sort of mandatory training should be required. Obviously, we are far apart on this issue.

Here was his response, in all of it's absurdity...

"News indeed – sounds like most of the crime is self directed. Gang warfare rather than against citizens and even the current “high” level is still well below ours in percentage terms. 1760 in the whole country – 2.88 per 100k for all gun crimes that’s not bad at all. I wonder where that sits on the world rankings?

I wonder how it ranks against the number of gun accident that happen here per 100k? If it’s less then it still vindicates the law.

I liked the comments from the gun toting yeaha’s in the UK. The government merely refined a law that was put in place decades earlier. The enhancement made it illegal to own a gun at all. Prior to that it had to be kept at a gun club so having a license to keep a gun at a club was really going to protect them!

I can see it now “Hang on Mr. gangster. Can you wait here for 30 mins whilst I rush round the club, convince the owner to let me take my gun home, with ammo and we can duke it out, see who wins.”

A totally bogus argument against the law if you ask me."
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