Gun Control Deal Reached in the Senate

There is something to be said for making Democratic Senators vote against a bill or lose the next election rather than continue to let the GOP take a beating for something they don't have to. As soon as amendments get added, it likely gets voted down.

Always keep in mind that Paul can filibuster a final bill, should it come to that.
Small potatoes and, frankly, won't go very far. We're still bleeding heavily from the new laws here in CT. What happened in DC right now is of no concern to us.


We have had what you now have in Connecticut since 1998 or even before that. We still are very concerned about Washington and go to Boston Common, the state house and everywhere else we can to protest these bastards. For you to say what you did, means their plan is working and they've beaten you.
I think what happens in DC CT Colorado Texas all matter to us even though we are in MA. One reason is that politicians are great at one upsmanship. So when there are strict laws past in neighboring States you can bet the Linskys of the worlds are drooling to make their mark. Another reason is that crap passed in DC is more momentum for the anti 2a side. We dont want to give them any reason to say "we should follow state A and B" that is why this is an ongoing fight on the town state and federal level. They have a lot of money but my bet is we have a lot more stamina to fight longer. Sure laws suck here in Ma but I'd rather my fellow gun owners in other states not have to go thru the same crap. My two cents.
The last time I checked, MA firearm owners could still buy AR-15s. Am I wrong? If so, I apologize. But we can't. They are lost forever unless a federal lawsuit overturns that law. We can't buy ammo unless we have a permit. Not only can we no longer have mags of 10 rounds or more, we have to REGISTER them along with ANY "ASSAULT RIFLES" as designated by Hartford. NONE of this was in the cards just four months ago. Only because of Newtown did this bill get resurrected by Democrats in Hartford. So, we're just hemoraging firearm rights here and don't know if we're going to survive. On top of that most of the manufacturers here are thinking of leaving.

We have not given up. We've beaten this before but when your government allocates $25million dollars (money they don't have, btw) to be used to put citizens in prison and pay for prison space and prosecutor's time, you know that these guys are out to get us. Sorry if we're not interested in background checks right now. We're trying to save what we have.

The last time I checked, MA firearm owners could still buy AR-15s. Am I wrong? If so, I apologize. But we can't. They are lost forever unless a federal lawsuit overturns that law. We can't buy ammo unless we have a permit. Not only can we no longer have mags of 10 rounds or more, we have to REGISTER them along with ANY "ASSAULT RIFLES" as designated by Hartford. NONE of this was in the cards just four months ago. Only because of Newtown did this bill get resurrected by Democrats in Hartford. So, we're just hemoraging firearm rights here and don't know if we're going to survive. On top of that most of the manufacturers here are thinking of leaving.

We have not given up. We've beaten this before but when your government allocates $25million dollars (money they don't have, btw) to be used to put citizens in prison and pay for prison space and prosecutor's time, you know that these guys are out to get us. Sorry if we're not interested in background checks right now. We're trying to save what we have.


We can buy a watered down version of an AR-15, not what we want to buy.

We can't buy ammo without a permit.

All of our firearms must be registered, not just AR's.

We can only have magazines of more than 10 rounds if they are manufactured before a certain date.

We can only buy "approved" firearms from a government list.

If the chief of police in your town doesn't like you, you can't buy anything.

Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for you and all of Connecticut. I will never stop fighting them as long as I live in the northeast. Which may not be too much longer.

Good luck and keep on fighting.
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This will pass as it provides the perception that the "gun show loophole" will be closed. As there is no such thing anyway, it's dumb.

WRONG. it DOES SO exist! i even have photographic evidence!!!


marsha does not approve!

Thanks for the link.

For those too lazy to read it, it's time to start calling the following:
Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
Susan Collins of Maine
Johnny Isakson of Georgia
Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
John McCain of Arizona
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Don't fail to call because you're not a constituent. Call anyway. And if you have friends or family in an area that these Senators are "representing," call those friends and family, provide them with contact info, and ask them to commit to calling TODAY.
Thanks for the link.

For those too lazy to read it, it's time to start calling the following:
Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
Susan Collins of Maine
Johnny Isakson of Georgia
Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
John McCain of Arizona
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Don't fail to call because you're not a constituent. Call anyway. And if you have friends or family in an area that these Senators are "representing," call those friends and family, provide them with contact info, and ask them to commit to calling TODAY.

Are these the same clowns that had dinner with Barry?
Lindsay graham actually is pro2a he wants it to go to vote so that people can be held accountable for their far as I can recall he's on our side
Thanks for the link.

For those too lazy to read it, it's time to start calling the following:
Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
Susan Collins of Maine
Johnny Isakson of Georgia
Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
John McCain of Arizona
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Don't fail to call because you're not a constituent. Call anyway. And if you have friends or family in an area that these Senators are "representing," call those friends and family, provide them with contact info, and ask them to commit to calling TODAY.

I hope that people in AZ, OK, GA and SC are paying close attention to this as well as any other state that values their 2A rights and remembers this when they pull the levers in Nov. '14.
Are these the same clowns that had dinner with Barry?

Yea it is.

Ayotte is really confusing the hell out of me.

On the one hand she wrote a decently good response to the letters were are sending her to not vote for this BS.

Then she turns around and sides with those listed above.

This isn't a WTF moment for us with regard to Ayotte but it is concerning.

If she votes yes on the final bill, then it is a WTF moment considering what she has stated in her responses to us.
Something to think about, maybe the Senators who voted against the filibuster want a bill to come to a vote in the Senate to force vulnerable Democratic Senators up for reelection in 2014 to go on record on where they stand.

Getting the Senate back in 2014 would be a good thing
Something to think about, maybe the Senators who voted against the filibuster want a bill to come to a vote in the Senate to force vulnerable Democratic Senators up for reelection in 2014 to go on record on where they stand.

Getting the Senate back in 2014 would be a good thing
That's pretty much what Graham was saying yesterday.
Lindsay graham actually is pro2a he wants it to go to vote so that people can be held accountable for their far as I can recall he's on our side

Probably a little bit of that and a little bit he wants to try to f*ck over Rand.
Does this mean we are now all FFl dealers??? cause if I am required to do background checks that means I have to keep a log book right? if im treated like an FFL...I can now purchase directly from the manufacture, I mean how else would you be able to require people to register firearms..oh thats right the stupid mass FA10 bs. This puts way to much liability on me now as a person.
Something to think about, maybe the Senators who voted against the filibuster want a bill to come to a vote in the Senate to force vulnerable Democratic Senators up for reelection in 2014 to go on record on where they stand.

Getting the Senate back in 2014 would be a good thing

Yeah, but what if all of the RINO's show up and vote to pass the GD bill. This could back-fire on them just as easily. We don't really know who are friends are in either house.
So those who know more then me, what's really going to pass regarding this issue?? Anything? Or will it fail?

I want this to hit the floor. That will show where people stand. I highly doubt it will pass. In fact, I'm confident it will not. There simply isn't enough support for it.

Using my galaxy s2 via tapatalk, because I am too lazy to find a computer
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