Gun Confiscation Coming in Virginia

Are you sure you quoted the right post?

Your post doesnt appear to jive with the article
I think so. The article is saying, nothing to worry about because they are only banning self defense if you plan to use it for ‘civil disorder’. From the article:
Note that the prohibition only applies to individuals who are training to bring about civil disorder
Agree, I think the article was trying to say that, the words of the bill may allow for those thing to happen but that is not what they intend to do. My experience, especially here in MA is they will interpret and stretch the words as much as they need to, to suit their goals. Just look what Healey did. They WILL go to the extreme interpretation.

My thought is bills should be very specific as to what the Gov cannot do, and leave no wiggle room for what they may do.
Agree, I think the article was trying to say that, the words of the bill may allow for those thing to happen but that is not what they intend to do. My experience, especially here in MA is they will interpret and stretch the words as much as they need to, to suit their goals. Just look what Healey did. They WILL go to the extreme interpretation.

My thought is bills should be very specific as to what the Gov cannot do, and leave no wiggle room for what they may do.
I would agree and take it one step further, any bill longer than 1 page typed (12 pt Times New Roman) should be null and voided.
Please. Those people are obviously not outnumbering the antis. If they were, the Dems openly campaigning for confiscation wouldn't have swept the election.

It's a pretty high level of cognitive dissonance to allow yourself to think there are huge numbers of pro gun people while simultaneously knowing Rs got crushed in the election with this very topic being openly trumpeted as a key legislative goal.
Where did all those Dem crush votes come from? Did the come from the counties that are now declaring themselves 2A sanctuaries, or did they come from gerrymandering and urban centers?

Sounds to me like one of the side effects here of this 2A sanctuary effort is a pushback against the gerrymandered voting results as well. What I read wad that VA went blue because of the massive immigration inflow into state.

So the dems played all these games , and immediately moved to ban guns . If you were smart Virginian you might look at this and realize that you're going to have to do something pretty radical, or lose your state.

You're not going to vote your way out of this problem.
The few people

Me think there are some who have simply been bearing the suffering, weighing the cost/benefit of what needs to be done though. These people know 'that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed'.

Historians may look back and call the period we are living now as 'the brooding years'.

The Phoney War.

What came after was a real doozy.

People who think that just because Virginia hasn't broken out into all out warfare yet, haven't paid enough attention to how history evolves.
Where did all those Dem crush votes come from? Did the come from the counties that are now declaring themselves 2A sanctuaries, or did they come from gerrymandering and urban centers?

Sounds to me like one of the side effects here of this 2A sanctuary effort is a pushback against the gerrymandered voting results as well. What I read wad that VA went blue because of the massive immigration inflow into state.

So the dems played all these games , and immediately moved to ban guns . If you were smart Virginian you might look at this and realize that you're going to have to do something pretty radical, or lose your state.

You're not going to vote your way out of this problem.

Some of the redistricted crap in VA was so bad that it was literally numerically improbable for a non dem to win, so they didn't even bother running, hence the unopposed races in some of them.

There currently is at least one lawsuit over it marinating in the courts, etc.

It doesn't take much to hold a seat once redistricted, etc. Just ask Barney Fwank. His district resembled a small chain of islands captured in the pacific by the US during WWII... [rofl] Basically it glommed onto newton and brookline so he would have the votes to blow away any of the southcoast/cape-ish conservatives. Basically they did this intentionally to null out
the band of conservatives down there. Otherwise mass would have at least one relatively consistent R rep seat in the house.

Some of the redistricted crap in VA was so bad that it was literally numerically improbable for a non dem to win, so they didn't even bother running, hence the unopposed races in some of them.

There currently is at least one lawsuit over it marinating in the courts, etc.

It doesn't take much to hold a seat once redistricted, etc. Just ask Barney Fwank. His district resembled a small chain of islands captured in the pacific by the US during WWII... [rofl] Basically it glommed onto newton and brookline so he would have the votes to blow away any of the southcoast/cape-ish conservatives. Basically they did this intentionally to null out
the band of conservatives down there. Otherwise mass would have at least one relatively consistent R rep seat in the house.


This is the real issue. Once it is in place you have lost functionally forever. Can't get the maps changed because the maps killed your ability to vote anyone in who isn't a dem. People acting like this situation will snap the state back red next time are dreaming because the fix is in. The populous blue cities have been positioned to make the votes of anyone else worthless, and without having the ability to vote them out you can't ever fix it.
Where did all those Dem crush votes come from? Did the come from the counties that are now declaring themselves 2A sanctuaries, or did they come from gerrymandering and urban centers?

Sounds to me like one of the side effects here of this 2A sanctuary effort is a pushback against the gerrymandered voting results as well. What I read wad that VA went blue because of the massive immigration inflow into state.

So the dems played all these games , and immediately moved to ban guns . If you were smart Virginian you might look at this and realize that you're going to have to do something pretty radical, or lose your state.

You're not going to vote your way out of this problem.

I get what you're saying, but that doesn't change the fact there are more antis than pro gun people.
I get what you're saying, but that doesn't change the fact there are more antis than pro gun people.

Especially when you factor in the majority of coward cuck gun owners who claim to be pro freedom but who wont fight for anything. They'll be first in line to fellate the thin blue line, outting "the extremists" with backbones.
I get what you're saying, but that doesn't change the fact there are more antis than pro gun people.

Meh, I disagree, There aren't really that many antis as a whole. the number of nons? sure.... and nons are apathetic too, but I wouldn't consider them "antis"

The number of actual "I wont vote for the guy unless they're an anti like me" people in this country is ridiculously small, especially once you get outside of big dump cities. If you filled a dozen or so buses with them and pushed those buses into the grand canyon with a bulldozer most of movers in the gun control "movement" would be up in smoke. Most of their bullshit is based off astroturfing and so on, lies and even more bullshit. It's all inflated garbage. If you don't believe me look up that thing where the poli-sci students from some college went to one of the post-stoneman kids hate guns rallies and the demographic composition of the crowd they counted there. A lot of it was single mom welfare types over 40 and a handful of

Of course you are going to ask- "if there arent that many REAL antis why do seemingly all these dem pols support them?"

Political expediency. "Playing anti gun" card allows a politician to pretend they're "doing something" about big dump city urban issues/violence without actually having to get their
hands dirty or potentially take some kind of risk. So dems let the antis ride on their backs parasitically because they allow the pol to deflect responsibility and instead try to blame guns for the

Let's put it this way... if the antis had huge numbers, then why aren't they just putting up voter referendums to ban guns? The reality is most of them would lack enough support to make the
ballot. Hell, Bloomberg had to spend like what.... some ungodly amount of money to pay canvassers to run around Maine with a petition to practically BEG people to get his stupid UBC thing on the ballot. They had to PAY people to collect signatures. That's not exactly a hallmark feature of some grassroots movement. [rofl]

Meh, I disagree, There aren't really that many antis as a whole. the number of nons? sure.... and nons are apathetic too, but I wouldn't consider them "antis"

The number of actual "I wont vote for the guy unless they're an anti like me" people in this country is ridiculously small, especially once you get outside of big dump cities. If you filled a dozen or so buses with them and pushed those buses into the grand canyon with a bulldozer most of movers in the gun control "movement" would be up in smoke. Most of their bullshit is based off astroturfing and so on, lies and even more bullshit. It's all inflated garbage. If you don't believe me look up that thing where the poli-sci students from some college went to one of the post-stoneman kids hate guns rallies and the demographic composition of the crowd they counted there. A lot of it was single mom welfare types over 40 and a handful of

Of course you are going to ask- "if there arent that many REAL antis why do seemingly all these dem pols support them?"

Political expediency. "Playing anti gun" card allows a politician to pretend they're "doing something" about big dump city urban issues/violence without actually having to get their
hands dirty or potentially take some kind of risk. So dems let the antis ride on their backs parasitically because they allow the pol to deflect responsibility and instead try to blame guns for the

Let's put it this way... if the antis had huge numbers, then why aren't they just putting up voter referendums to ban guns? The reality is most of them would lack enough support to make the
ballot. Hell, Bloomberg had to spend like what.... some ungodly amount of money to pay canvassers to run around Maine with a petition to practically BEG people to get his stupid UBC thing on the ballot. They had to PAY people to collect signatures. That's not exactly a hallmark feature of some grassroots movement. [rofl]

And he still failed.
That should say something.
No idea
I did use the "e-mail event coordinator button" and left a brief message and to make sure they had the ticket info and all that
Fun fact- one of the coordinators that got back to me is a V.A. transplant, originally from Pittsfield
Can't blame someone for leaving Pittsfield. It's a dying city.
Wow... not sure what this author is smoking o_O

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