Gun Ban

Here's my take on the whole thing...I haven't read all 6+ pages of comments so forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

I'm 64 years old and the older I get, the less f***s I have to give. I have seen for months 100's of thousands of "people" running through the streets, hurting/killing police and others, looting stores clean and then burning them down, whole cities ablaze and these idiots are still walking free and will most likely never be prosecuted for their multiple felonies committed. Those that have been caught are walking the streets a few hours later, bailed out by hard left wing marxist activists, and most likely they will never see the inside of a courtroom. They are committing crimes with impunity.

So...if laws do come down to try and either tax my firearms I already own or worse, confiscate them I will ignore such laws. I am tired of seeing these punk a**h***s running the streets and getting away with it. I have no problem playing their game on my own terms if I need too. Most of my firearms are off the books and the ones I own? Well sorry, I sold them a long time ago. We can play the same game the anarchists are playing and if enough of us do it...oh well.
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Just an update, a local manufacturer of particular tooling some people would be interested in purchasing is running a 4-8 week lead time, so if you are on the fence about buying such products it might be a good idea to get in line now. As Joe and the hoe have promised to make these things almost impossible to purchase.
Just an update, a local manufacturer of particular tooling some people would be interested in purchasing is running a 4-8 week lead time, so if you are on the fence about buying such products it might be a good idea to get in line now. As Joe and the hoe have promised to make these things almost impossible to purchase.
Sounds like a morning news show: "Joe & The Ho". Bad news.
If we lose the Senate the shit will hit the fan.
Agreed, but I do think Bloomberg is going to dump tons of money into the runoff elections.
Time to put our money where our mouth is;

Everyone keeps saying’s not happening. I know Sleepy Joe screams it too but it’s just to fire up the idiots. Im more worried about filing everything under the NFA cuz that’s registration and we know where that leads.

Of course not, WTF are they going to ban after that? This is how it works:

1. Moveon/ugly moms send this:
"Dimwit, senator X just introduced legislation to ban everything. Children need this. Donate now!"

2. NRA send this shit next:
"Gunowner, gun rights are under fire, don't let them win, donate now!"

3. Legislation finds a "compromise" and bans onyl a few things.

4. Moveon/NRA declares victory and asks for more money. Then they head to the bar and swap stories on how much money they were able to pull out of suckers.

I swear, in a few years they'll time introduction of bills with IRS refunds and TurboTax will have a button so you can donate your refund with a click of a button. Gun rights are at stake!
What are the implications of it being framed as a "public health epidemic"? Constitution goes out the window?

just like start of the Obama reign, promise the Moon, then during the 8 years deliver moon pie candy, but be the best gun salesperson ever.

What are the implications of it being framed as a "public health epidemic"? Constitution goes out the window?

there is only one mention of the Constitution:

It’s within our grasp to end our gun violence epidemic and respect the Second Amendment, which is limited. As president, Biden will pursue constitutional, common-sense gun safety policies. Biden will:

basically whatever the f*** he does is constitutional because Joe knows it, he sniffed it.
just like start of the Obama reign, promise the Moon, then during the 8 years deliver moon pie candy, but be the best gun salesperson ever.
there is only one mention of the Constitution:
basically whatever the f*** he does is constitutional because Joe knows it, he sniffed it.

All that is needed for them to do is repeal the law protecting gun manufacturers from lawsuits. Gun manufacturers are the only industry that have this protection. If successful, they will sue gun manufacturers until all are out of business.
All that is needed for them to do is repeal the law protecting gun manufacturers from lawsuits. Gun manufacturers are the only industry that have this protection. If successful, they will sue gun manufacturers until all are out of business.

If you can't legislate them out, let the lawyers and special interests sue them out of existence.
Harris said within 100 days of taking office. Not sure if this is just rhetoric, but such threats should be taken seriously.
Well, we can always count on politicians to make good on their promises, right?
Don’t put too much faith in the Supreme Court. Roberts frequently sides with the left.
Roberts does what he needs to do in order to be in the majority. That gives him control over opinions. In an AWB case, for instance, he would be the 6th vote in our favor even if he doesn't agree. He can then assign the opinion to himself and write the narrowest opinion that will keep at least four other justices on board. He's likely done this in the past.
I think it is unlikely that Biden will get to implement his full gun control plan because repubs have the senate (for now). And the courts would likely stop some of it.

But I think it is likely that he will be able to implement at least some of it. My guess is he will be able to ban imports, online sales, and he will crack down on builds somehow.
All that is needed for them to do is repeal the law protecting gun manufacturers from lawsuits. Gun manufacturers are the only industry that have this protection. If successful, they will sue gun manufacturers until all are out of business.

This (and other ways, it could be a death by a thousand slices).

If people do not believe they will find a way around an AWB to effect the same results or worse, they are being completely naive. This is especially true if Dems end up with Senate.
I think it is unlikely that Biden will get to implement his full gun control plan because repubs have the senate (for now). And the courts would likely stop some of it.
Just wait until they estimate how long it would take NFA examiners to process all that AR15 paperwork. Even the internet tough guys who pledge to defy the law will probably register a few of their ARs so they have something they can take out to shoot.
Obama was pretty classless for criticism againt trump...Typically presidents act presidential....Trumps going to be the gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats. If you think he’s gonna be quiet you’ve got another thing coming.

They’ll be wrestling that pig for at least four more years. The only difference is the pig doesn’t mind being covered in shit.
Just wait until they estimate how long it would take NFA examiners to process all that AR15 paperwork. Even the internet tough guys who pledge to defy the law will probably register a few of their ARs so they have something they can take out to shoot.
We might see a repeat of the 1986 Machine Gun Law.

Some folks will register their lowers with the NFA.

Others wont.

The ones that did will be able to legally sell their lowers for $10,000 each while the rest of the folks risk arrest and confiscation.
Pretty sure a lot of people said that in 1994, too...
America was like 90% fudds in 1994 though. Also that ban barely went in by the skin of it's teeth. If a mouse had farted in the wrong office in the Senate it would not have been passed.... today the calculus is much different obviously but who knows I think this thread is mostly mental masturbation unless somebody actually drafts a bill that has traction
Most of them don't.
Obama was pretty classless for criticism againt trump...Typically presidents act presidential....Trumps going to be the gift that keeps on giving to the Democrats. If you think he’s gonna be quiet you’ve got another thing coming.

They’ll be wrestling that pig for at least four more years. The only difference is the pig doesn’t mind being covered in shit.

It’s about time the right got someone on their side who isn’t afraid to punch back. Yet there are still plenty of idealistic fools on the right are still clutching their pearls and clucking at him for calling the other side names. “He’s not acting presidential! He tweets too much!” They're the reason we are where we are.
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