Governor Healey asks residents to house migrant families amid growing shelter crisis

I don't disagree but we are not going to do shit about it. Pontificating over and over on here is a frucking useless waste of your time and mind. Do you really believe you have an audience of any size or authority here that matters at all in the scheme of things?
When you keep hammering on people about things like this with the truth , sooner or later that truth breaks thru to at least a few of those heads.

So what's your argument, that just ignoring it or worse yet agreeing with and repeating the lies and bullshit are somehow going to make things better?

Trump didn't become President because people just rolled over and accepted all the BS they were being fed , he became President because he had the balls to actually come out and say publicly what a lot of people had been thinking for at least two decades. So they voted for him.

This is just one example and I only used it because its so obvious and well documented.
When you keep hammering on people about things like this with the truth , sooner or later that truth breaks thru to at least a few of those heads.

So what's your argument, that just ignoring it or worse yet agreeing with and repeating the lies and bullshit are somehow going to make things better?

Trump didn't become President because people just rolled over and accepted all the BS they were being fed , he became President because he had the balls to actually come out and say publicly what a lot of people had been thinking for at least two decades. So they voted for him.

This is just one example and I only used it because its so obvious and well documented.

So how are you "hammering people", are you making your arguments to your senators/reps??? If it is just on here you are wasting your time because I think everyone pretty much agrees with you on this subject - you are preaching to the choir. It just does not make any sense to me to keep making these long winded statements on here where your audience is probably less than 50 people who are regular readers and, again, agree with what your are saying.
So how are you "hammering people", are you making your arguments to your senators/reps??? If it is just on here you are wasting your time because I think everyone pretty much agrees with you on this subject - you are preaching to the choir. It just does not make any sense to me to keep making these long winded statements on here where your audience is probably less than 50 people who are regular readers and, again, agree with what your are saying.

every once in a while, I'll send Granny, Ice Cream man, and Moulton an email with the name and story of an American killed by an illegal. I shall start including Dimples in this e-blast.

I call Jones and Lewis almost bimonthly. I think I'll up that to monthly as long as this crisis lasts.

Don't be silent.
What is Healey going to do when NOBODY takes her on her "suggestion?" She has proven, multiple times over, that does not care what the constitution says.
Don't be surprised if she directs Beacon Hill to pass an "occupancy tax" that is inversely proportional to the number of occupants per square foot of living space. They will use census and property records to calculate this. It will have an extra penalty for each unoccupied bedroom. If bedroom is used as a home office, it will be subject to additional commercial tax, licensing, and zoning.
All of these extra taxes and fees will be waived if home owner takes in 4 illegal aliens per bedroom and feeds them. A fee equal to 25% of actual cost would be reimbursed by the state.
Every court in MA would uphold this. It would take years to get overturned.
Commies don't like when the people act like suggestions are not actually demands.
What is Healey going to do when NOBODY takes her on her "suggestion?" She has proven, multiple times over, that does not care what the constitution says.
Don't be surprised if she directs Beacon Hill to pass an "occupancy tax" that is inversely proportional to the number of occupants per square foot of living space. They will use census and property records to calculate this. It will have an extra penalty for each unoccupied bedroom. If bedroom is used as a home office, it will be subject to additional commercial tax, licensing, and zoning.
All of these extra taxes and fees will be waived if home owner takes in 4 illegal aliens per bedroom and feeds them. A fee equal to 25% of actual cost would be reimbursed by the state.
Every court in MA would uphold this. It would take years to get overturned.
Commies don't like when the people act like suggestions are not actually demands.

I'd like to see them actually try that. I'm serious: I really would like to see them try it.
Some will surely try it. After all, more than a few elected democrats think single income married families are tax evaders.
There are a lot of people here who seem to think that everybody is just going to keep bending over and taking it up the ass from here into infinity

I don't .

I don't remember the exact wording , but the founding fathers even said you can only push people so far until they snap. This effect has been demonstrated time and time again in human history .....people put up with huge amounts of shit , and then finally say "phuck it" and they burn the whole thing down and plant heads on pikes. One such event that comes to mind was with Cusceascus in . Romania. They thought everything was fine , and then a crowd they were speaking to rose against them , and in short order him and his wife were lined up against a wall and shot.

I'm also firmly in the side of accelerationism. Make the turds in power reveal their whip hand so the burn-down gets started sooner rather than later.

So yeah, I hope Healey enacts her own Quartering Act, that ought to contribute towards getting this party started.
The longer these people stay outside and as the weather gets colder the more desperate they will become. This will lead to civil unrest on a major scale. Personally I believe this was the plan from the beginning. These people are pawns in the bigger plan to overcome the system and bring America to its knees.
There are a lot of people here who seem to think that everybody is just going to keep bending over and taking it up the ass from here into infinity

I don't .

I don't remember the exact wording , but the founding fathers even said you can only push people so far until they snap. This effect has been demonstrated time and time again in human history .....people put up with huge amounts of shit , and then finally say "phuck it" and they burn the whole thing down and plant heads on pikes. One such event that comes to mind was with Cusceascus in . Romania. They thought everything was fine , and then a crowd they were speaking to rose against them , and in short order him and his wife were lined up against a wall and shot.

I'm also firmly in the side of accelerationism. Make the turds in power reveal their whip hand so the burn-down gets started sooner rather than later.

So yeah, I hope Healey enacts her own Quartering Act, that ought to contribute towards getting this party started.
The longer these people stay outside and as the weather gets colder the more desperate they will become. This will lead to civil unrest on a major scale. Personally I believe this was the plan from the beginning. These people are pawns in the bigger plan to overcome the system and bring America to its knees.
Civil unrest at a large enough scale (coupled with shrinking local LEO departments) means martial law.

I believe this has been the plan all along.

I believe the guy who wrote that was the person who used to publish the "Woodpile Report" . He passed away a few years back. Anyway :

Civil unrest at a large enough scale (coupled with shrinking local LEO departments) means martial law.

I believe this has been the plan all along.
Oh noes!! Not Marshall Law!!


Martial law means the military. Last time I checked - the US has something like 800 bases spread all over the world. They've got troops deployed to Europe in case the Biden administration is stoopid enough to go head to head with the Russians. They've also got combat troops deployed in the Pacific for when the China thing goes hot.

Point here is: where are the troops coming from for NATION WIDE martial law? Sure - maybe the gather up all of the various illegal aliens and put uniforms on them and tell them to spread out across the country and shoot people who resist. Who's going to lead them? What are they going to do - pull in a bunch of Antifah panty waists and make them "officers" who are then leading battalions of MS-13 members?

You want an honest to goodness revolution/civil war - with a nice huge death count? Well guess what - that's pretty much the perfect recipe right there. Disburse a bunch of 80 IQ third worlders around the country, give them guns , tell them to put their boot on people's necks - and watch the atrocities flow. That's an almost perfect recipe for actually getting Americans off the couch and getting them motivated to ACTUALLY go to war against the government - and then phucking clean house.

The great whites off of the Cape will be eating like they've never eaten before. Again - like the forced quartering of illegal aliens in people's homes: I hope they do it.

Something's got to happen to historically justify the mass elimination of leftist commies so that we can return to a sane society. Using illegal alien imports to put "martial law" into place and essentially go to war against US citizens - well that would pretty much do it.

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I sent this to Maura after I sent it to my three federal hacks. You know how easy it is to contact elected officials now after the 4420 debacle. Feel free to copy, modify, and paste.:

I send these reminders to our federal officials periodically. Since you are a big proponent of needless tragedy, I’ll include you now as well.

Do you remember your first day of school when you were 11 years old? My memory is foggy now, but 11 must have put us at about the 6th grade. That last year before we were all grown up and headed for middle school.

I didn’t just pull 11 years old out of my derriere, similar to the way you develop legislative proposals. 11 was how old Aiden Clark was when he died on his way to his first day at school. He was killed and a dozen of his young classmates injured when their bus was run off the road by Hermano Joseph.

Mr. Joseph was an illegal (your favorite kind) alien from Haiti. Before Joseph came to America, he went to Mexico for a spell – long enough to obtain a license in Mexico. Isn’t there some international rule you choose to ignore that stipulates that a “refugee” takes refuge at the closest safe haven country? Apparently Mr. Joseph eventually decided to take refuge in America, where the benefits are better. Unless you’ve worked here all your life and are living on Social Security. When do you guys vote on your next pay raise?

But I digress here. Your lackeys in ICE actually detained Mr. Joseph………..but then released him. Whereupon he settled in Ohio. And killed Aiden.

You miss the greater point.

5600 families.

$45 Million dollars.

That's somehow $8,000 per family, per month. WHATTHEFARK!?!?!?!?!

So why are we sheltering the grifters that are sucking about 80% of that money from the system to house these people?????

I would have thought Mass Fiscal Alliance would be all over this by now. Explaining to Glob and Harold that $8,000 per month is a bit (giggle) outrageous.

Ultimately, it's a grift. It isn't about power or voting (this is mASS for crying out loud) or anything else. It's about using a broken system (right to shelter) and lining your own pocket.
Of course it's about grift. $8000 per month = $2000 in FSA pay + $6000 to 'administer'.
Overall $182 billion annually in costs related to illegal aliens, but they pay almost $32 billion in taxes so the net cost is "only" about $151 billion. The southern states are getting crushed and it is only going to get worse and spread, the ones being bussed around are a pittance compared to what streams in during the course of a year.

What is Healey going to do when NOBODY takes her on her "suggestion?" She has proven, multiple times over, that does not care what the constitution says.
Don't be surprised if she directs Beacon Hill to pass an "occupancy tax" that is inversely proportional to the number of occupants per square foot of living space. They will use census and property records to calculate this. It will have an extra penalty for each unoccupied bedroom. If bedroom is used as a home office, it will be subject to additional commercial tax, licensing, and zoning.
All of these extra taxes and fees will be waived if home owner takes in 4 illegal aliens per bedroom and feeds them. A fee equal to 25% of actual cost would be reimbursed by the state.
Every court in MA would uphold this. It would take years to get overturned.
Commies don't like when the people act like suggestions are not actually demands.
Please don't give the idiot and her minions anymore brilliant ideas!
The longer these people stay outside and as the weather gets colder the more desperate they will become. This will lead to civil unrest on a major scale. Personally I believe this was the plan from the beginning. These people are pawns in the bigger plan to overcome the system and bring America to its knees.
Yes, they don't like the cold! The poor hardworking and retired folks living along the free housing pipeline, i.e. hotels and motels, are in for a real eye opener when the poor illegal migrants come knocking for a handout or kick down the door to steal their belongings. Maybe then they will get it and won't vote DemocRAT anymore, but it's probably to late!
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Please don't give the idiot and her minions anymore brilliant ideas!

Yes, the don't like the cold! The poor hardworking and retired folks living along the free housing pipeline, i.e. hotels and motels, are in for a real eye opener when the poor illegal migrants come knocking for a handout or kick down the door to steal their belongings. Maybe then they will get it and won't vote DemocRAT anymore, but it's probably to late!
Problem is most of them don't make the connection.
They will blame it on climate change or something.
Now the National Guard has been mobilized. Each one of these Guard members are taking a pay cut to help these ILLEGAL immigrants stay illegally in this country and be taken care of with their and our tax money! The Guard families are going to suffer, and they are LEGALLY in this country, because of their paycut! As if it isn't hard enough on most families already! Each Guard member should resign because of this order, as this is a direct violation of their Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution!
Now the National Guard has been mobilized. Each one of these Guard members are taking a pay cut to help these ILLEGAL immigrants stay illegally in this country and be taken care of with their and our tax money! The Guard families are going to suffer, and they are LEGALLY in this country, because of their paycut! As if it isn't hard enough on most families already! Each Guard member should resign because of this order, as this is a direct violation of their Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution!
Yup. Un F’ing real

Gov. Healey activates National Guard to assist at emergency shelters amid influx of migrants

Gov. Healey activates National Guard to assist at emergency shelters amid influx of migrants
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You want to know something that'll really upset you. It costs the federal government about $7,500 per illegal alien per month to feed and house them. Joe Biden has let six plus million into the country so far. Do the math and see what the federal government is spending on an annually. It's over half a trillion dollars. That doesn't even include the cost to the court system.
Yet we have American citizens on the Street Homeless, other American struggling to pay rent because of the demand for housing that all these illegals have created, and Veterans suffering from PTSD and other war injuries after 20 plus years of war and a VA that borders on complete incompetence.. But yeah let's spend a half a trillion dollars a year on illegal aliens.
You want to know something that'll really upset you. It costs the federal government about $7,500 per illegal alien per month to feed and house them. Joe Biden has let six plus million into the country so far. Do the math and see what the federal government is spending on an annually. It's over half a trillion dollars. That doesn't even include the cost to the court system.
Yet we have American citizens on the Street Homeless, other American struggling to pay rent because of the demand for housing that all these illegals have created, and Veterans suffering from PTSD and other war injuries after 20 plus years of war and a VA that borders on complete incompetence.. But yeah let's spend a half a trillion dollars a year on illegal aliens.

  • At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – just under $32 billion – from the gross negative economic impact of illegal immigration, $182 billion.

  • In 2017, the estimated net cost of illegal migration was approximately $116 billion. In just 5 years, the cost to Americans has increased by nearly $35 billion.
  • Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer $1,156 per year ($957 after factoring in taxes paid by illegal aliens).

  • Each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.

  • Evidence shows that tax payments by illegal aliens cover only around a sixth of the costs they create at all levels in this country.

  • A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.

  • Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.
From The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers
This makes me wonder if the maternity wards and clinics are seeing increased activity.

Can't say much about clinics, but the Milford ER was packed with immigrants two weeks ago when I was there. My mom was transported there by ambulance after a fall. They put her in the hallway as every ER room was full. When I got there, there were 8 immigrant families in line to check in and I'd say 80% of the waiting room looked to be immigrants as well. When I got into the ER to see my mom I can tell you that I felt bad for the two interpreters there as they were running around all over the place talking to the people. English was definitely not the language of choice in that ER location. Asked a nurse that finally showed up to tell me what was going on with my mom and she said it's getting worse and worse every day.
the Milford ER was packed with immigrants two weeks ago
it is all part of the model, as for-profit hospital model will collapse, as they are forced to provide services and not charge for them.
all social structure is destined to be collapsed, and new federal controlled initiatives will be provided, and to fund them, it will require federal enforcement.

people who do that know perfectly fine what is it they do, what for, and what will happen. like maternity wards closing down now, for same reason. all the same shit.
but it still needs more bodies, as it is still not going fast enough, to overwhelm whole society you need to keep influx of those jobless bodies to overcome ability of free market to adjust, and they are getting it done.

anyway, south america now got close to 500mln people. it is a fair estimate to assume that policy of washington is to make at least 100mln of them infused into the USA, to collapse it completely, to erase concept of local governance, of state model and overall revert social order.

they say we are at 11mln now, but it is most likely low count. when it will triple or quadruple from what it is now, i think, it will be it.
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I’m waiting for Maura Healey to put immigrants into the homes/apartments of activated National Guard Members…
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