Going shooting tomorrow...


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
OK, so crfriend and I are going up to the Riverside range at about 9:15. (yeah, I know... what am I doing online at 12:40 in the AM, then?)

Anyone up for joining us? I need to shoot my .22 postal targets, and sight in my 12 ga for deer season (well, check it, anyway). Carl will probably being his Nazi Mauser and his Ruger Mk 1...

Should be fun!

yeah. I'm wiped. Spent the afternoon with my friends and their 4 year old playing in the leaf pile in their yard. :) And spent all evening playing Iron Dragon (rail building simulation).

I'm taking my pussy and going bed.

My CAT is sitting in my lap as I type this; what were YOU thinking??
dwarven1 said:
yeah. I'm wiped.

I'm taking my pussy and going bed.

[shock] [shock] [shock]
C-pher said:
I've got 12:49, and I'm watching House that I DVR'd.

And in the morning I have to do Laundry.

Is this weeks House good? We didn't have our cable hooked up until really late Wed night... fudge! I hate missing House. Though I have to say I don't really like Sela Ward's (sp?) character.
C-pher said:
Yes, it's actually a good one. I love this show...

House is one of the few shows I watch. Somehow I got Patrick hooked on Survivor. So those are our 2 shows that we MUST see. Plus before we moved I think we had every episode of American Rifleman ever made on our DVR. That guy always reminds me of Beaker from the Muppet Show...
I'm really bad.

I get all the CSIs. NCIS, House, Sighting In, The Office, NUMB3RS, Grey's Anatomy, the Wiggles, Mythbusters and Cold Case.

We just watch them as we can. There are weeks where we have several of the same show from different weeks that we haven't had a chance to get to....

Hence why we're awake at 1 am watching things on the DVR.
We do NCIS,CSI, Survivor, Home make over, E-ring,then when there isn't anything good to watch it's the cooking channel. Dang we love House,seem so miss it though.
C-pher said:
I'm really bad.

I get all the CSIs. NCIS, House, Sighting In, The Office, NUMB3RS, Grey's Anatomy, the Wiggles, Mythbusters and Cold Case.

We just watch them as we can. There are weeks where we have several of the same show from different weeks that we haven't had a chance to get to....

Hence why we're awake at 1 am watching things on the DVR.

I love how you have all of these really adult dramas and in the middle you toss in The Wiggles [lol] [lol] [lol]
Kids are great :D
dwarven1 said:
Carl will probably being his Nazi Mauser and his Ruger Mk 1...

I wish it was something as exotic as a Mauser, but it's a Walther P-38. Not exactly as common as dirt, but still not all that unusual.

Should be fun!

It was fun -- even in the rain. I got a chance to light up my 1914 Steyr Hahn (rebarrelled for 9mm Parabellum), and to my delight it works quite nicely for a ninety year-old. (I like retro pieces -- both in computers and guns.) The only drawback to the Steyr is that it ejects straight up, and almost invariably the spent casings hit me right on the top of my head. In addition to buying a hat to solve the afforementioned problem, I also need to find a source for stripper-clips for the thnig 'cause it's a top-feeder and loading one round at a time, whilst relaxing and therapeutic, is rather time-consuming. Are there any ideas on a source, or is it time to find somebody with a machine-shop?
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