Going away stuff for new Soldier/


NES Member
Jun 27, 2008
Boston Hahbah
Feedback: 13 / 1 / 0
A neighbor enlisted for the Army and is shipping out September 15th. He is going to be a Cavalry Scout, so presumably he'll go to Fort Benning. He is from a single parent working family and won't have a lot to take with him, so I want to square him away.

Back in the day they used to suggest a couple hundred dollars in traveller's checks, stuff for letters, maybe a pocket camera. But that was in 1981.

For those of you with more current experience, what do you suggest we (the neighborhood) get for him to send him off right? A watch? Travel bag or backpack? Digital camera? $$$? A basic soldier skills book? Knives and porn?

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Honestly, give him NOTHING if he is going to Benning. I was there in 98 and they took everything we showed up with and locked it away until we were finished. The only thing we could keep was soap, toothbrush / paste and a razor plus a bible. Oh and a GOOD pair of running shoes that are already broken in! They even took our deoderant and there will be no need for shampoo for a while.

They will provide him with anything he needs while at basic / AIT and anything extra he has is just going to be a source of ridicule for him. A little bit of money for travelling (like $50) would be ok but even that gets locked away once you get there. By the way, if he is going to be with the 182nd MANG, he is in good hands.
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Well, if he was going to Ft. Benning to Jump School, I would recommend a dozen prophylactics.....but since he is only going to be a Cav Scout....[rofl][rofl]
I agree with the first post. If it is basic training, he does not need anything with him because he won't have it. I would also suggest letters thanking him for his great service and things he will do representing this country. There are many low points in those first 8 weeks while they try to break you down to build you up.

Motivational thoughts and recognition for what he is going through (and that he has not been forgotten ) is better than gold.
When my son went off to BCT last November he took nothing with him but the stuff that was on the list he was given. It seemed like the Army was really discouraging anything more than toiletries. Even cash was a no-no. He did take his cell phone, but the DS held it most of the time, particularly in the early phases. The guys got to use their phones only when allowed to, and that privilege was frequently revoked because someone in the platoon screwed up.

BCT was the only time my son has ever written us letters. [grin]
Sounds like a bag and some get-there money is the ticket. Thanks.

Well, if he was going to Ft. Benning to Jump School, I would recommend a dozen prophylactics.....but since he is only going to be a Cav Scout....[rofl][rofl]
Halfway down the trail to hell
In a shady meadow green,
Are the souls of all dead troopers camped
Near a good old-time canteen
And this eternal resting place
Is known as Fiddler's Green.

Marching past, straight through to hell,
The infantry are seen, '
Accompanied by the Engineers,
Artillery and Marine,
For none but the shades of Cavalrymen
Dismount at Flddlers' Green.

Hey, maybe he'll get to BAC after all.
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It's been a while since I was in Basic (Air Force) but like what was said before the recruits get a "shake down" and prohibited items (porn, cigerettes, candy)gets tossed out and valuables (cell phones, cameras, civilian clothing) gets all bagged & locked in a closet until training is over. I would suggest maybe a book of stamps, some paper and envelopes as that is about all what would be allowed to keep in their locker as letter writing is the only good morale they will have for weeks. I know that putting a pen to actual paper is a new concept to some people, but that is how communication will be done. Money is even tightly controlled...I remember having to keep a "money list" with every bill & serial number in my posession. Good luck to your neighbor and they will be in for a life changing experience and a fast track to adulthood.
I thought Cav Scouts did OSUT at Knox? In any case, I'd recommend toiletries, underwear, letter-writing gear, and other very simple items. Anything more than that is begging for a haze fest from the hats.
Tell him to call you when He's almost finished there and you will make the arrangements for him to get home. Going in on Sept. 15th means He will graduate from there around XMAS time. That's hardest time for a young soldier to get a flight.
Like ochmude said, he'll be attending OSUT so no AIT for him, just 16 weeks of extended Basic! So he won't have access to or need anything cool you could get him. I would recommend straight cash if there's still time to get it to him. He's going to have to pay for toiletries, haircuts, and any extra clothing (PT's, underwear, shirts, etc) while he's there. From my experience, the 2 pairs of PT's and the amount of socks/underwear they issue you isn't going to cut it with how often you have time for laundry.

Plus you never known if they'll get a drill sergeant chaperoned outing out some point and the cash is always good for all the food they've been craving. I can't speak for Combat Arms OSUT, but at my Basic they took us out to a local ball game near the end and that money goes quick after having access to candy and pizza for the first time!
I thought Cav Scouts did OSUT at Knox? In any case, I'd recommend toiletries, underwear, letter-writing gear, and other very simple items. Anything more than that is begging for a haze fest from the hats.
Used to be, the Armor school was moved to Ft Benning. Cavalry Scouts can also now attend Sniper School, so they are no longer red-headed step children in that regard.

He headed out yesterday. What about sending him a watch? I meant to get him one before he left.
He headed out yesterday. What about sending him a watch? I meant to get him one before he left.

My son was told he could have a watch, but nothing showy and jewelry like. I still have his ridiculous and gaudy Fossil watch in the glovebox of my car. Looks like something a Guido would wear. I took it to him at BCT graduation and he said ... "I can't have it here". Try a basic Timex with a leather band.
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