Giuliani for President?


NES Member
Nov 21, 2007
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It seems everywhere I go these days the conversation always ends up being about the next presidential race. GOAL normally stays out of these things until the parties have sorted out who is going to be their candidate. This is a time when I think at least something needs to be said about one candidate and his stance on our issues. Recently, former Massachusetts Governor Paul Cellucci formerly endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President. From the news stories that I have read, he has been advising Giuliani on many issues in the campaign.
I would like to remind our members that it was former Governor Paul Cellucci who willingly supported and signed Chapter 180 into law in 1998. No more needs to be said.
I think there is very little question on where "Rudy" stands on
the second amendment.....


He's made lots of noises trying to say he is a "gun control
moderate" but IMO his past performance shows that even
that is a lie.

Gah..(9/11)..Guiliani (9/11) is a cock. I've posted it before, and I'll do it again...Here's his authority quote:

"We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."
-- Rudy Giuliani, March 1994.
Thanks for posting that quote Pip. That is the one I wanted to post because it speaks volumes about Rudy and his view on the "Common Person".
GOAL normally stays out of these things until the parties have sorted out who is going to be their candidate.

I am wondering what the point of this policy is? I think it's pretty much a given that in any presidential race the position of any Republican is going to be superior to any Democrat as far as GOAL's objectives. It seems like staying out until the nomination is awarded makes anything GOAL has to offer kind of pointless, a mere formality.

In my opinion there are pretty wide differences between the Republican candidates' positions and history in regard to second amendment issues, even aside from Giuliani. Wouldn't helping to educate on these before the primary be more helpful to the cause?

I ask this as an honest question, not a criticism.
Gah..(9/11)..Guiliani (9/11) is a cock. I've posted it before, and I'll do it again...Here's his authority quote:
This is the most evil thing I have heard any of the current batch of candidates say, because it enables every other form of evil we must fight against. It is a foundational philosophy that nobody with state power should hold. He should be statutorily banned from any public office.

This is the most evil thing I have heard any of the current batch of candidates say, because it enables every other form of evil we must fight against. It is a foundational philosophy that nobody with state power should hold. He should be statutorily banned from any public office.


I cant believe that I had never seen that quote before; its beyond repulsive. I'd always known the backpedaling lying say anything to get in office type he was but this goes far beyond even that.

Ironicially its that mindset that we fight against as a nation.
This is the most evil thing I have heard any of the current batch of candidates say, because it enables every other form of evil we must fight against. It is a foundational philosophy that nobody with state power should hold. He should be statutorily banned from any public office.


+1,000,000. Unfortunately I think too many of the sheeple don't really care.
Didn't Joe Biden call Giuliani the "least qualified candidate"? He said something to the effect that Rudy's speeches always follow the same pattern... "a noun, a verb, and 911". That's pretty funny stuff - for a Democrat.
I am wondering what the point of this policy is? I think it's pretty much a given that in any presidential race the position of any Republican is going to be superior to any Democrat as far as GOAL's objectives. It seems like staying out until the nomination is awarded makes anything GOAL has to offer kind of pointless, a mere formality.

In my opinion there are pretty wide differences between the Republican candidates' positions and history in regard to second amendment issues, even aside from Giuliani. Wouldn't helping to educate on these before the primary be more helpful to the cause?

I ask this as an honest question, not a criticism.

While Republicans might talk a better game than the Democrats as far as being pro-firearm - what you really have to look at is their record, and the likelihood that the Republican will sell out 2nd amendment rights as a political expedient for some other political goal they may want to achieve at the time.

Look at the history of each candidate and decide whether you think that each person would follow the path of least resistance if say another AWB was being pushed by Congress - or whether they would stand firm and refuse to sign such a bill based on Constitutional grounds.

There is only one candidate on either side that I know of who I have 100% confidence of a veto in a circumstance such as that - and I won't mention the name just so that this thread doesn't turn into a piss fest like some of the previous threads.

As far as Guliani goes I am slowly coming to the conclusion that if he is the Republican candidate for president I am going to vote for Hillary.

If the Republican party can in all seriousness put Rudely up as their candidate - and the majority of Republican voters can agree with the party - then the party is dead in my opinion and has become just an adjunct to the socialist Democratic party.

So if the people of this country want socialism so bad then I say give it to them. Give it to them fast and hard so they get the full effect and maybe that will finally bring the culture wars to real head - and then we can all stop beating around the bush and get some real change effected in this country.

Just so this is stated up front: if GOAL endorses Rudy Guliani you may well lose my membership.
For the most part GOAL stays out of the National Political scene, other than the normal local congressional races, etc., we have enough to do here in the Commonwealth. We leave the national issues up to the organizations that were set up on that level. There is no need to duplicate efforts with so much other work to do.
I only made this post to remind people of the Cellucci connection to the disasterous gun laws here in Mass.
I recently heard this guy defend his signing of Chapter 180 on a talk radio show. We should never forget what he did. I was also creeped out to see my state senator (Tisei) standing next to him in front of the Statehouse recently while they were bashing Mitt.

I would like to remind our members that it was former Governor Paul Cellucci who willingly supported and signed Chapter 180 into law in 1998. No more needs to be said.
It seems everywhere I go these days the conversation always ends up being about the next presidential race. GOAL normally stays out of these things until the parties have sorted out who is going to be their candidate. This is a time when I think at least something needs to be said about one candidate and his stance on our issues. Recently, former Massachusetts Governor Paul Cellucci formerly endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President. From the news stories that I have read, he has been advising Giuliani on many issues in the campaign.
I would like to remind our members that it was former Governor Paul Cellucci who willingly supported and signed Chapter 180 into law in 1998. No more needs to be said.

Did you get the response you were expecting? Or maybe I should say - did you get the response you wanted?
No, do you know who it is? I did some searching but couldn't find a name associated with the person. Now I'm curious.

No, I just want to know who else was willing to stand behind Brady -- just in case he tries to hoodwink us sometime in the future.

For completeness, the other guy is Chuck Schumer, with more hair than now.

Re: Cellucci

I went to a fundraiser for my (R) state rep once, specifically because Cellucci was a feature. I got to talk with him for about 3 minues. There was another MAFer with me at the time.

The whole event was supposed to be a kiss-up kind of thing, so Cellucci was startled when we hit into him on Chap 180. I guess we didn't know the "ettiquette". After skipping a beat, Cellucci went into "I was just doing what the police wanted me to do" excuse.

Of all the lame excuses, I didn't expect that one, so I wasn't ready with a question like, "If the police said they wanted warrentless searches, would you go along with that, too?" Cellucci moved on to friendlier groupings to glad hand after that. As I remember, I started off, by not taking his hand to begin with.

BTW, after Menino's recent Boston program, I'm not sure that Cellucci wouldn't have ansered yes to my pointed question.
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