Gay Americans are arming themselves to stay alive

I'm all in favor of armed defense, but these "kids" under 30 who legitimately fear "Trump" or "the alt-right" gangs due to being gay, and hence want to buy a gun, are flat out off their rockers. I grew up sponsoring and supporting my friend Jay Lodie's HIV fundraisers, and safe-walk program which addressed the then-real issue of being beat up by strangers for being gay. It was a problem 30 years ago; for the most part these days it really, really isn't. I'd hazard a guess you're more likely to be assaulted for using the wrong pronoun, by someone who's not them self gay or transgender but really feels it's important to "support the community".

There's really only one group in this country and around the world who pose a serious threat to the gay community "just for walking down the street" and while it's not OK to say it out loud anymore, let's me just posit that the perpetrator of the Pulse Nightclub shooting essentially represents the MO of the group. Maybe "the gay angle" will make it PC to say "I want to be armed because X group has sworn a vow to god to their god to eradicate me and people like me from the earth".

I love Pink Pistols but one thing that's always irked me is the talk of "the trans genocide" and the volume of people killed "just for being gay" - it rings as false as the "Healy Hurts Families" tagline from GOAL (though at least that could happen). Gay rights groups ALWAYS leave out the incredibly high comorbidity between transgenderism and mental issues like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, drug addiction, etc. which correlate highly with homelessness, and in turn tend to lead to the relatively few murders of transgender people (in 2017, a mere 28) which are then called a "genocide". You look at the numbers for "homeless" or "schizophrenic" in general, and murder affects a slightly larger percentage of those populations. Yes, every year there tend to be one or two "holy shit she has a penis" crime-of-passion homicides - not exactly a genocide, and easily avoided by being honest.
Good for them!

Also, to the post above, why downplay the legitimate concern of a community that has brought 10,000 more people to the gun rights table? You left out the 52 gay people that were killed just for being gay. Which brings the total to 80 gay/trans killed in 2017.(according to the NY Post article)
That doesn't sound like a problem of 30 years ago, that sounds like a problem now.
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I'm all in favor of armed defense, but these "kids" under 30 who legitimately fear "Trump" or "the alt-right" gangs due to being gay, and hence want to buy a gun, are flat out off their rockers. I grew up sponsoring and supporting my friend Jay Lodie's HIV fundraisers, and safe-walk program which addressed the then-real issue of being beat up by strangers for being gay. It was a problem 30 years ago; for the most part these days it really, really isn't. I'd hazard a guess you're more likely to be assaulted for using the wrong pronoun, by someone who's not them self gay or transgender but really feels it's important to "support the community".

There's really only one group in this country and around the world who pose a serious threat to the gay community "just for walking down the street" and while it's not OK to say it out loud anymore, let's me just posit that the perpetrator of the Pulse Nightclub shooting essentially represents the MO of the group. Maybe "the gay angle" will make it PC to say "I want to be armed because X group has sworn a vow to god to their god to eradicate me and people like me from the earth".

I love Pink Pistols but one thing that's always irked me is the talk of "the trans genocide" and the volume of people killed "just for being gay" - it rings as false as the "Healy Hurts Families" tagline from GOAL (though at least that could happen). Gay rights groups ALWAYS leave out the incredibly high comorbidity between transgenderism and mental issues like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, drug addiction, etc. which correlate highly with homelessness, and in turn tend to lead to the relatively few murders of transgender people (in 2017, a mere 28) which are then called a "genocide". You look at the numbers for "homeless" or "schizophrenic" in general, and murder affects a slightly larger percentage of those populations. Yes, every year there tend to be one or two "holy shit she has a penis" crime-of-passion homicides - not exactly a genocide, and easily avoided by being honest.
There are "lefties" that tell gun owners their "fear of government control" reason for owning guns is irrational.........who are we to tell a gay person their fear of being beaten up is irrational?
to me, it makes PERFECT SENSE if you belong to a discriminated against group, get violently harassed, to want to be able to defend your civil rights. More power to these gays.....they ALL should be trained in safe gun handling, have handguns for protection, and use them responsibly!

Not only will they be safer when yo ho's wanting to persecute them know they might be packing (a gun that is)....but they will also start asking questions like "hey, why can i not get a gun for self protection here in NYC or Boston?". "Where did all these anti gun laws come from?"
No guns for the LGBT community in Massachusetts with the ERPO if someone has even one relative who isn’t accepting.
It is still not totally safe to be gay in this country. Probably better than 30 years ago, but there is still a big issue. And it sure isn’t just muslims. Go down south, I’ve encountered many that label themselves as Christians that I would not want to be gay around. I’m a big proponent of anyone that wants a carry permit to defend themselves, especially a persecuted group.
They will likely get a pass on having to qualify for a permit because they are a protected group. In a sit down with the chief, how many would pass it. These ones screaming they are in imminent danger, because they are gay. Might seem a little unhinged
They will likely get a pass on having to qualify for a permit because they are a protected group. In a sit down with the chief, how many would pass it. These ones screaming they are in imminent danger, because they are gay. Might seem a little unhinged

And if a few get denied because of this, then that will only highlight how f***ing stupid MA firearms laws are, and then we can start chanting: "Healey Hates Gays!"

Honestly, congratulations on waking up and figuring this shit out. There are people out there that are not nice and want to hurt you. Gay, straight, left, right, Apache attack helicopter, it doesn't matter; someone out there hates you and wishes you harm.

I'll take anyone to the range who wants to go, and I'll teach anyone who wants to be taught. My only criteria are that I believe you can understand and follow the safety rules, and that I am confident that you can safely handle and operate the firearm.
I’m amused at the ‘they don’t need to fear the government’ posts on THIS forum. So gay people are arming themselves for self defense. Good.
Im was a bit put back by that one too.
There are "lefties" that tell gun owners their "fear of government control" reason for owning guns is irrational.........who are we to tell a gay person their fear of being beaten up is irrational?

If they legitimately fear Trump aka The Government, then are they not supporting the definition of the 2nd Amendment?

I find this ironic, the issue I see with lefties is the intolerance of anything that disagrees with them. It’s ok for them to have guns because of legitimate fear of Trump, but we’re not allowed them because our fears are not legitimized.

BTW, I’m ok with them wanting to defend themselves and own guns, I’m ok with those not wanting guns in their homes, I think the right should be with the people.

I didn’t vote for, agree with or even like Obama, however I still respected the office he represented, POTUS is POTUS no matter who sits in the Oval Office.
If they legitimately fear Trump aka The Government, then are they not supporting the definition of the 2nd Amendment?

I find this ironic, the issue I see with lefties is the intolerance of anything that disagrees with them. It’s ok for them to have guns because of legitimate fear of Trump, but we’re not allowed them because our fears are not legitimized.

BTW, I’m ok with them wanting to defend themselves and own guns, I’m ok with those not wanting guns in their homes, I think the right should be with the people.

I didn’t vote for, agree with or even like Obama, however I still respected the office he represented, POTUS is POTUS no matter who sits in the Oval Office.

The Obama presidency was a gun and ammo buying frenzy fueled explicitly by the fear of the POTUS. I remember seeing those "Gun salesman of the year" posters with his face on them all over gun stores and gun forums.
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Not buying it. Gays have never been more accepted, more celebrated, to the point of being a favored and protected political class, this story is BS.
Do we really care why someone says they want a fire arm for protection? I claim it's personal defense against a home invasion or mugging.......I'd say the chances of a gay person getting attacked for being gay are about the same as me getting mugged......go to the deep South and you'll hear some anti gay sentiment trust me.
Glad to read that more people are arming themselves. The title and article seem to be overplaying the "risk" of being gay - as though some folks are out looking for gays to bash and kill. I don't doubt that gays get killed for their sexuality. I doubt that it happens with the frequency portrayed in the article.
get them to join the NRA/GOAL or other gun rights group and have them vote out anti-2A candidates. If they fear Trump and want to arm themselves that is valid. He is the government. 2A is our protection against tyranny no matter the political party.
IMO, the more the merrier. As they join ranges to practice their right to carry they will see that gun owners does not equal homophobes. What you do in the bedroom don't bother me one bit. The only LGBTQ's I can't stand are the overtly pride parade marchers (you know the ones). Even if you are straight acting like that (Mardi Gras is a good example) I would be disgusted by your behavior. Have some "pride" and decorum.....
bet they don't have a NYC chapter.

I have a gay friend, who is armed to the hilt, sold him a couple as a matter of fact. Great guy.
The Obama presidency was a gun and ammo buying frenzy fueled explicitly by the fear of the POTUS. I remember seeing those "Gun salesman of the year" posters with his face on them all over gun stores and gun forums.
While this is mostly true, why have we had more record-breaking gun sales 18 months into the Trump Presidency with a Repub Senate and Congress?

No doubt Obama fueled a "gun and ammo buying frenzy", I just that it is more of a lack of trust of our government in general as opposed to one man (Obama)
While this is mostly true, why have we had more record-breaking gun sales 18 months into the Trump Presidency with a Repub Senate and Congress?

Do you have a source for that? I can't find anything that points to anything other than a general slump is sales since election day. I'm not trying to be combative, I am genuinely curious.

I don't really know what to make of that article. It claims NICS checks are up, but the NSSF source they cite says that adjusted NICS (NICS checks less those related to permit application/renewals) is down 8.5% from last year. Here's the NSSF source they link to in their article:
Proof - Subject

I may be a bit out of date. Seems the "Trump Slump" has been reversed by the fresh surge of panic buying in response to the series of school shootings and resulting calls for gun control.
Gays seem to know how to drive an agenda, get political power, get on TV, look good, dress well, smell nice...all the things we gun rights people need...
Shit I have a third of those qualities... better warn the lady friend.

I just listed myself as an instructor on Operation Blazing Sword and joined the Pink Pistols page on facespace. If I can get more people into firearms, regardless of who they prefer to sleep with or not, it's a net positive for all of us.
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