FYI You can now reply to classifieds

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Must resist...
I noticed...but didn't want to say anything. 95% of the time on the M14 forum the responses are helpful...but that 5% though.

Plus, this is NES...not a platform specific forum. AAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL types in these here parts.
Does this mean we can now ask why some ads have been bumped for 8 years with no change in price?

I don’t know what you’re referring to?

I bought the pedestal sink, the florbert parlor rifle, and the vintage frostee maker 3 years ago under the condition that the seller keep bumping his ads so everyone else’s ads get pushed off the front screen...then I move in for the kill with overpriced Glocks and shazzam!

Thank jeebus! I was REALLY hoping that wasn’t going to be a new thing here...people commenting on others prices and the likes. It works well on other forums, as previously mentioned...but it wouldn’t work here. The prices and the crowd are different here than anywhere in the country and i wholeheartedly concur that these private matters should not be open for discussion on the forum. Let the free market do its thing.
It will be trolled. However it can help create some constructive communication.
I don’t know what you’re referring to?

I bought the pedestal sink, the florbert parlor rifle, and the vintage frostee maker 3 years ago under the condition that the seller keep bumping his ads so everyone else’s ads get pushed off the front screen...then I move in for the kill with overpriced Glocks and shazzam!


Don't forget that the sink was supposed to end up in a dumpster and the Bike rack is now missing some parts.
I was hoping this was going to more permanent. This way I can ask publicly why someone is asking $200 for an AR 9mm Colt magazine and to stop bumping it every 3 days..
I like the idea of being able to reply, however, forum rules are overly restrictive. I got my peepee slapped (violation) when I commented about the above retail price on a used .25.

It would be nice if people could comment on pricing - like "I'm a dealer and that's 20% below my cost" or "You can buy it new online for less".

There is one product advertised on-line for considerably more than a Metrowest dealer has the item for on an in-stock basis.
I like the idea of being able to reply, however, forum rules are overly restrictive. I got my peepee slapped (violation) when I commented about the above retail price on a used .25.

It would be nice if people could comment on pricing - like "I'm a dealer and that's 20% below my cost" or "You can buy it new online for less".

There is one product advertised on-line for considerably more than a Metrowest dealer has the item for on an in-stock basis.

It's been said a hundred times. If you don't like the price don't buy it. Do you go from store to store telling them you can find their stuff cheaper in another store?
I personally wouldn't like someone telling a buyer to go somewhere else to buy my what I'm selling any more than you would.
If I have something over priced and some buyer likes the price, or isn't smart enough to shop around why does anybody else give a shit? Just let it sit there forever.
It's been said a hundred times. If you don't like the price don't buy it. Do you go from store to store telling them you can find their stuff cheaper in another store?
I personally wouldn't like someone telling a buyer to go somewhere else to buy my what I'm selling any more than you would.
If I have something over priced and some buyer likes the price, or isn't smart enough to shop around why does anybody else give a shit? Just let it sit there forever.

You are technically correct, but the reason that many of us give a rip is that some of the listings have basically become spam. The spam listings displace the goods that someone might actually be interested to purchase.

Rather than just bitch, I'd propose that listings have an automatic 'sunset' after 'x' many weeks from initial listing. This would also help clean up the crusty old listings that have been sold or no longer available yet never marked for deletion by the person who listed.
What they should do is let anyone reply to the posts, but only let the person replying see the reply. Let them feel like they bitched someone out without anyone else knowing about it.
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