From New York


Assault-rifle owners statewide are organizing a mass boycott of Gov. Cuomo’s new law mandating they register their weapons, daring officials to “come and take it away,” The Post has learned.

Gun-range owners and gun-rights advocates are encouraging hundreds of thousands of owners to defy the law, saying it’d be the largest act of civil disobedience in state history.

“I’ve heard from hundreds of people that they’re prepared to defy the law, and that number will be magnified by the thousands, by the tens of thousands, when the registration deadline comes,’’ said Brian Olesen, president of the American Shooters Supply, one of the largest gun dealers in the state.

Officials estimate at least 1 million semiautomatic rifles are owned in the state, sources said.

And come April 15, 2014 — when Cuomo is expected to be running for re-election — they all have to be registered with the State Police.

Read more: Inside Albany: Gun owners plan boycott of Cuomo laws -


Usually civil disobedience does not amount to much because of the small number of people doing it.

If the NY gun owners stick together, they will win.

United we stand, divided we fall.
Good for them. If we tried that in Mass it would be a bit different I suspect. They - for the most part - already know who has what... I can;t wait until I'm out of this commie shit hole, hopefully this spring I'll have found work and short term residence in NH until we can buy a home.
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