Firearm Owners Identification Card Ruled Unconstitutional In Illinois

what other amendment do you need the state's permission to exercise? Don't think there's another one.
You need a permit for the 4th. Please fill out the app and one person will decide if you qualify or not.... Same shit as suitable.
Get caught and it is 5 years for one live .22LR or one live 12 gauge shotgun round. Up to 30 years or more for any "military" caliber. Roll dice. Take chance. They grab your car, boat or RV too. Complete forfeit.

We had a guy come north one time, all his crap had been seized by the Mexican Customs. He was screaming at us to do something about it. We looked at him and said, dude, be glad they let you come back North. It could have been a lot worse.

Anyone who complains about cops up here has never dealt with the Mexican Police. Good Lord, the aftermath I've seen of stupid college kids who mouthed off down south.
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