FFL Transfer Fees

It varies depending on the gun, unfortunately, so I can't give a simple answer. Also distribution price tiers, etc. One shop mighy have better margins than another. One shop might be getting " buy X grand this month get a free gun" from manufacturer x or y. The only universal thing is that cheap stuff seems to have shitty margins, but that's kind of obvious EG, if you're selling a hi point your margin is probably still better than a $25 transfer but not by much. There are shitloads of guns that someone makes 50-150 bucks on. On the other end you have hi brow stuff that's hundreds of dollars (like for example, a high end O/U shotgun) but the pool of buyers for like, a $4000+ gun that has that much cushion built into it is very limited......

Transfers are definitely great, when a shop isn't busy. On the other hand they can tie up resources when you don't want them to be.... like if a shop is doing an inbound from tinbuk 4 and the customer calls 5 times and wastes a half hour of staff time trying to find his gun that doesn't exist yet, etc. Thays why as a point of etiquette I let the inbound dealer reach out to me when they're ready to have me pick it up.

Also any inbound private transfer where the seller doesn't put a full ID copy in the box with the gun... ill just say that those incidents are f***ing terrible.... 🤣 its almost workflow cancer......selling hi points all day is better than even one of those shit shows happening.....
My business model would be to hire someone for say $25 an hour. Do transfers Friday and Saturday from 9-5 and have a dedicated computer and employee just doing transfers. Any down time help out with ammo sales, stocking shelves etc.
My business model would be to hire someone for say $25 an hour. Do transfers Friday and Saturday from 9-5 and have a dedicated computer and employee just doing transfers. Any down time help out with ammo sales, stocking shelves etc.

Reality is that the easiest way to deal with that overload burden is to have a roster of trusted part timers you call up when you expect things are busy. That way you don't have to "fire" some poor bastard when the inevitable gun recessions happen.
Had a Savage Rascal from Gun Broker for a Grandson for Christmas shipped in to a local dealer. $35.00 to transfer. Told me I should have bought it from him. Looked around and I said 'I don't see any here, and you're only open two days a week'. So he's yeah but we can get them in a couple weeks. It's for Christmas, I can't wait a week till you're open and then two weeks to get and then maybe another week till you're open again.
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