Favorable Politico Opinion Article re: CO Recall -- Good Read

This slut has like all Demo-Commies can not take responsibility for anything.

"Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz waved off the defeats with the usual explanations. She said the Colorado recalls were the result of “voter suppression, pure and simple,” and pinned the blame on the NRA and the Koch brothers"

besides that, she's a two bagger
This slut has like all Demo-Commies can not take responsibility for anything.

"Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz waved off the defeats with the usual explanations. She said the Colorado recalls were the result of “voter suppression, pure and simple,” and pinned the blame on the NRA and the Koch brothers"

Almost every time someone loses an election, which I imagine occurs every time someone runs against someone else, they claim they lost because of voter fraud/intimidation/racism/classism/etc. Does anyone want to fix these alleged problems? Nope. This way nobody loses because The People prefer someone else, they lose because of some unfair thing that's out of their control.

Do I get a participant trophy?
You guys know that you'd hit it after a few tequilas. Just face it. I hope she steps on a Lego though.
So a plumber started the revolution !!!!![smile][mg][iwojima]

Hell ya plumbers to the rescue!

Is your boiler out cold, we will fire it up,

is your toilet no longer taking shit from you, we'll kick the crap out of it

is there a gas smell in your house thats not from you or the dog, we will sniff it out

is your politician just an ass hole, We'll take him out

Plumbers, we get shit DONE
I think, FINALLY, Americans are getting tired of being played by their politicians. Obama, Weiner (aka Carlos Danger), McCain, and on and on. Finally people just want them to stay the **** out of their business. Took long enough!
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