"Fast And Furious/Gunwalker" mega-thread... was: ATF director expected to resign...

That would ba a DREAM!

No sarcasm - it would fulfill so many peoples' day. But I do believe that will never be a site we see.

A beautiful thought though.

I sent a note to my congressman asking how to file a freedom of information act on getting the serial numbers of guns released to Mexico.
Is CBS News Silencing Fast and Furious Reporter?

Yesterday, CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson told radio show host Laura Ingraham that the White House yelled and swore at her over her reporting on the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal tied to the deaths of two U.S. law enforcement agents. Attkisson also revealed that she'd also been yelled at by the Justice Department.

Today, I called CBS News in an attempt to interview Attkisson. I was told by CBS News senior vice president of communications Sonya McNair that Attkisson would be unavailable for interviews all week. When I asked why Attkisson would be unavailable, McNair would not say.
This Sharyl Attkisson thing is getting some traction on the talk radio circuit, but it looks like CBS has stuffed a gag in her mouth. For anyone that doesn't believe the MSM media complex isn't real, this is living proof. A reporter (a rather well regarded one, at that) tries to do the right thing and is mysteriously "stopped" for doing it.

The substitute guy on Ingraham's show this morning was playing the clips of that slimeball Jay Carney, depecting the white house trying to downplay what happened on that phone conversation, by defaming Attkisson. It was disgusting.

We need to keep the pressure on the news and media people. Keep plugging "Fast and Furious" into your google and news search boxes. It will stay current and in the "trending" area, and it will stay relevant. We also need to keep the pressure on Drudge and the politicians to keep working the angle on this. The whole Watergate/Woodward&Bernstein thing is a good comparison for a budding journalist who has nothing to lose and everything to gain by staying on it.
There is an excellent,although a bit long,article on Fast and Furious in American Thinker it goes into detail on acting inspector general that Holder has put in charge of the investigation. It should come as no surprise,that she,Cynthia A. Schnedar has close ties to Holder.She has been releasing evidence to those under investigation,stone walled Issa/Grassly and has,once again no surprise,donated to the DNC !
I would suggest any interest read the whole article but will post some of the exerts,. In short,the investigation is fixed !


"Cynthia A. Schnedar is the acting inspector general, and just this past month, in yet another stunning revelation, it was discovered that she had released secret audio tapes of candid conversations from last March between Hope McAllister, an ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) agent in the Phoenix office, and Andre Howard, owner of a Phoenix-area gun shop, who had been authorized by the ATF to sell weapons to known Mexican cartel members in the botched sting operation."

"It turns out that Ms. Schnedar has long and close ties to Mr. Holder. According to her biography on the Justice Department website, she became assistant U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C. in 1994. Eric Holder had become the U.S. attorney in Washington the previous year, so he in effect was Schnedar's boss from 1994 until 1997, when he left to become President Clinton's deputy attorney general. Holder would become a key player in the scandalous pardons of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich and members of the Puerto Rican nationalist terrorist group known as FALN.

But during Ms. Schnedar's tenure before Holder had departed, it happened that they had ended up working a number of cases together. According to the LexisNexis website, there were at least fourteen of them, usually at the appellate level. For Holder, it was more than just "in name only"; in some of those cases, they apparently co-filed legal briefs."

"In a recently released letter to Schnedar, Issa and Senator Grassley noted that the investigator's actions had "undermined and obstructed" their investigation (the Oversight Committee had also obtained copies of the tapes), and they demanded answers concerning her behavior."

Just in case something turns up that might implicate Holder or Obama they have also nominated another insider Michael Horowitz.

"And Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder are apparently leaving nothing to chance. On July 29, Obama nominated Michael Horowitz (who had previously worked at the Justice Department) to become the full-time inspector general. It turns out that in 2009, when Lanny Breuer was facing confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Horowitz had sent them a personal recommendation on Breuer's behalf."
Uh oh, Holder mad!

"I simply cannot sit idly by as a (Republican) member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform suggests, as happened this week, that law enforcement and government employees who devote their lives to protecting our citizens be considered "accessories to murder,'" Holder said in a letter to members of Congress.

And this gem...

"Until we move beyond the current political climate, where real solutions take a back seat to both political posturing and making headlines on cable news programs, and is deemed more important than actually solving our country's difficult challenges, nothing is going to change. I hope we can engage in a more responsible dialogue on this subject in the future."

what a dickhead.
Sharyl Attkisson was on Oreilly Friday and she indicated she had even more documents and more "incredible developments" that they will bring out once confirmed.
There may well be 9 other Fast and Furious programs in 5 more states with over 20,000 guns that walked !!!!
If that true its hard to see how they can avoid not throwing Holder under the bus.


"The worst news of the week for Holder and Obama may have come last night. Bill O’Reilly interviewed CBSNews investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who has provided the most dogged mainstream media coverage of the administration’s gun-walking plots. O’Reilly asked Attkisson what caused a White House staffer to scream and curse at her several days ago. Her response left little doubt that more damning revelations are to come:

Well, I would say there have been some pretty incredible developments in the past week. Also, documents we haven’t even had time to report on all of them. They are very sensitive documents and allegations going around. Many of them we haven’t reported yet because we need to get more confirmation of them.

But what you see on the surface that we do report in our stories is really only a part of what may be going on and we may be reporting the future when we can get confirmation.

Attkisson may have been alluding to more evidence about Operation Fast and Furious, or perhaps about the nine other alleged gunwalking programs in five states which seem to have been implemented with the singularly practical purpose of getting thousands of weapons into the hands of criminals, both drug cartels and domestic gangs. Using Operation Fast and Furious as a baseline, it is reasonable to assume that if the other gunwalking operations were as productive, the U.S. may have run between 10,000 and 20,00o guns, enough weapons to outfit an entire U.S. Army infantry division.
Holder is going to look like a squirrel that got ran over with a cement mixer... ain't gonna be much left.. I think he will look good in orange
Possibly 9 other "gun walking" programs in 5 other states?? It would appear that the whole "under the radar" thing that O was talking about is much bigger than we thought. Supplying guns to enemies foreign and domestic...sounds like barry needs to go down as well. There's no way he didn't know about this crap with that "under the radar" comment. He damn well knew about all of this gun walking bs at the time that he said that. He and every one of the anti's that he's put into power need to be indicted for this and be removed from their .gov jobs/positions. [angry]
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Issa's Letter to Holder "You OWN Operation Fast and Furious"


"Whether you realize yet or not, you own Fast and Furious. It is your responsibility."

"Your letter dated October 7 is deeply disappointing. Instead of pledging all necessary resources to assist the congressional investigation in discovering the truth behind the fundamentally flawed Operation Fast and Furious, your letter instead did little but obfuscate, shift blame, berate, and attempt to change the topic away from the Department's responsibility in the creation, implementation, and authorization of this reckless program."
PJM has another good read that ties in the DEA and the State Dept along with Homeland Security Janet Napolitano


"State insiders apparently referred to the gunwalking plot as “the Mexican Hat Dance,” and claim the goal of the plot was, as we’ve indicated before, to support the 90-percent lie."

"With three cabinet-level secretaries and their staffs involved in a plot to create a murderous reality to match White House rhetoric, it seems only a matter of time before subpoenas are directed to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."
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You do not hear about that 90% lie much in the news. But if you look at this logically...it is a pretty obvious conclusion that they wanted American bought arms in the hads of drug cartels in Mexico showing up at crime scenes. The AZ sherrifs are the only ones that recently brought it up.

If it quacks like a duck....
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