Evil. True evil.

LA Times said:
Topher L. McDougal is a professor of economic development and peacebuilding at the University of San Diego. This article was produced in partnership with the Conversation.

Topher L. McDougal said:
One way to think about the law’s ramifications is to compare state tax policies on firearms with those on alcohol and tobacco products....There’s an argument to be made that firearms should be taxed at a higher level than alcohol and tobacco, which are consumable products that disappear as soon as they’ve been used — guns stick around. They accumulate and can continue to impose costs long after they’re first sold.
Good luck with that.

At best, one might be able to compare the unintended consequences that arise from other sin taxes.
Good old Toggle McDoofus. What logic. I would argue that sales tax on firearms, ammunition, parts and accessories is a violation of my 2A rights. It's analogous to a poll tax or a newspaper "stamp." We fought a revolution over stuff like this.
My problem with "Topher" as an abbreviated form of Christopher is it's mighty close to

So it's a "sin tax". California is saying that firearms are a sin just like a alcohol and tobacco. #2 in the Bill Of Rights is a sin. Got it.
and gas, and diesel, and anything else.
you were born into sin, so, pay for it, you scum.

air tax is the best, where it gets done. pay to breathe! or else.
Well the high taxes on legal weed has failed to limit consumption so this is just another thinly veiled money grab that will prove to be a profitable failure. Couldn’t happen to a nicer state.

But a huge amount of weed is still being purchased from the street corner "vendors" who undercut the legal outlet prices because they don't pay taxes.
Well there are two ways to limit gun ownership. One is through the legal system and the other is good old high(er) entry cost. Make it expensive enough and some ownership choices become harder. Very simple, but sinister and easier to implement method that does not run afoul with the 2A or any other part of the constitution. Said that- I have seen in the last 3-5 years a concerted effort to raise the financial bar using one or other excuse.
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