Everytime I see an Obama sign on someones lawn I get pissed

I always get the urge to run cars off the road that have an Obama bumper sticker on them...

this would actually be rather easy considering they are always a yaris or some other tiny economy [pussy] car.

Well, do yourself a favor, and if you see a red Yaris around Central Mass, Harvard SC, etc., with no stickers -- leave it alone. It's mine and it's armed. And if need be, you might meet my truck waiting along the route the next day somewhere.
I always get the urge to run cars off the road that have an Obama bumper sticker on them...

this would actually be rather easy considering they are always a yaris or some other tiny economy [pussy] car.

Eh. Or you could take a McCain/Palin lawn sign and put it in your rear window...
My neighbor and I share the ending 100' of a driveway, he's a great guy, but him and his wife's pay both come from sucking off the public tit. So usually the democrat sign is out there...... Usually, i give it a pass, but this year, if he puts up the Obama sign, it's getting run the f*** over or at the very least, I'll have my McCain sign sitting right next to it.
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What sickens me is when driving through Lexington/Concord, Obama signs are everywhere. So much for patriotism and the American way. And don't get me going on cyclists.[puke]
I go to a state college, I see more then a few OBAMA/DEVAL stickers signs, etc. Today there was a large self standing poster that said “IRAN need conversation and compassion, not Bombs and weasons! Vote Obama! -From you local student union, helping to fight violence one small step at a time.” I looked this sign 100 times over, while I waited for my girl friends class to get out. These kids never cease to amaze me.


SO i feel your pain
I just wish people couldn't vote unless they actually researched each party. You have a lot of sheep that see a sign or listen to 5 minutes of his speech and think he is the answer and vote accordingly.
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