Enough with the ignorant NRA bashing

I'm telling the winners to get out there and grind us up some commies. Non winners like you that lost to the Viet Cong commies. Then came home and cucked to the American commies for the last 50 years need to stay home.

To unconfuse you sonny, I've never seen what you call a viet cong commie. Have you!
Ok, I'll elaborate. There were no viet cong where I served. The only aggressives that we dealt with were NVA, north vietnamese army.
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I'm telling the winners to get out there and grind us up some commies. Non winners like you that lost to the Viet Cong commies. Then came home and cucked to the American commies for the last 50 years need to stay home.
I would hope you aren't making disparaging comments about our Soldiers. Only a special kind of vermin would do that.....are you doing that?
I'm telling the winners to get out there and grind us up some commies. Non winners like you that lost to the Viet Cong commies. Then came home and cucked to the American commies for the last 50 years need to stay home.

Yes an individual soldier. If a soldier diddles a kid they are beyond reproach? Check m60s hard drive.

Dude , no , just no .
Bag out of this one while you can

What Dadstoys wrote.
I'm telling the winners to get out there and grind us up some commies. Non winners like you that lost to the Viet Cong commies. Then came home and cucked to the American commies for the last 50 years need to stay home.
So, you're in the " political meatgrinder ", or you're just telling everyone else to do it, like you do in other threads! Not to mention that you support nothing financially, including NES.
I'm telling the winners to get out there and grind us up some commies. Non winners like you that lost to the Viet Cong commies. Then came home and cucked to the American commies for the last 50 years need to stay home.

You left out the part where I said you support nothing financially, including NES. Typically deceptive of you. You hide from the "whole" truth about yourself. It shows your shame.
The real problem with that is that we're a contrary bunch. We don't like being told what to do, and basically what most of us want is to be left the hell alone. Telling us we have to support something makes us want to not support it, just like telling us we shouldn't have ARs ends with us building them in our garages.
f***ing eh !
The NRA sucks. I'm a lifetime member but only because it cost me $300 and they have the means to fight for the 2nd amendment. If they cared about states like MA and CA, I might think differently, but overall they suck.
BTW, if 3% of people in the US (google search percentage given, but from 2016, so could be different now) that means almost 10 million people own guns. Granted, we own over 270 million guns (IF those numbers are accurate, which I believe they are LOW). You have to wonder what kind of hurt would happen if we stood united against the bullshit the left is trying to push thru. Granted we won't be enough to swing votes. BUT, we could be enough of a push-back (active resistance to their efforts) to make it NOT worth them doing it. While I'm NOT advocating, or promoting, violence you have to wonder if that's exactly what the left is hoping for. I know people here (and other places) are already saying that's EXACTLY what the left is aiming for. But do they really realize how BAD it will be for them if that happens??

I can see one final, galvanizing, step being taken by the left that will finally tip enough people to the point of saying "Fvck YOU, I'm not taking this shit anymore" and pushing back, HARD.

Something else I'm sure the left hasn't thought of. Gun owners are from all walks of life, and professions in the US. There are plenty of us in the high-tech world. Which means, the more of us they push, and make us feel threatened, the greater the chances of us doing something that will impact their daily lives in a major way. Sadly, I don't think they see past their own agenda with what it will do to the country at large if they get their way.

Do a day without gun owners protest? Like a day without immigrants? But people would actually miss us?
To unconfuse you sonny, I've never seen what you call a viet cong commie. Have you!
Ok, I'll elaborate. There were no viet cong where I served. The only aggressives that we dealt with were NVA, north vietnamese army.

Served down south. Never saw an NVA, only VC. They weren't capitalists or communists. They were simply farmers trying to get rid of a corrupt government. They were patriots (of their own country) highly motivated, and effective fighters. I had and still have a lot of respect for them.

I have equal respect for anyone who served our country. Not just the combat arms. Without the cooks, we wouldn't eat. Without the quartermaster we wouldn't have boots. Thanks to everyone who did their part.
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Served down south. Never saw an NVA, only VC. They weren't capitalists or communists. They were simply farmers trying to get rid of a corrupt government. They were patriots (of their own country) highly motivated, and effective fighters. I had and still have a lot of respect for them.

I have equal respect for anyone who served our country. Not just the combat arms. Without the cooks, we wouldn't eat. Without the quartermaster we wouldn't have boots. Thanks to everyone who did their part.

Up North for me. North of Khe Sahn, in the mountain, or hill country as it was also called. We saw only NVA soldiers. They were well trained, well outfitted and committed. A special shout out to the chopper jockey's and their crewmen is due here. Without them, we wouldn't have had anything, since they delivered everything, including us from evil on a regular basis.
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If they cared about states like MA and CA, I might think differently, but overall they suck.

They are here, now, funding a major lawsuit that could change the face of our gun laws.

It's not that they don't care about us, they just need to pick winable battles, and pick them carefully. Every loss costs money; money comes from donations from individual citizens. Every loss sets a legal precedent; every legal precedent makes the next case that much less likely to be a win rather than a loss.
No worries Harry M. I just upgraded my life membership to a life endowment member. My NRA jacket is in the mail on its way to me right now.

Made in Taiwan, with 34 stars on the American Flag.

I am a life member, and the few things that piss me off about the NRA is the shit freebies that they hand out. Either make it good, or don't make it at all. And don't give it to me for free for signing up. I did that because I want to fight for 2A, not for free gifts. They can also need to update their selection of magazines. Do they need a half dozen monthly magazines filled with the same over the top propaganda that even someone on the far right has a hard time believing. I honestly cant believe giving the magazines away boosts membership. But maybe I don't see the whole picture (maybe ad revenue is thru the roof).
Oh and they can save themselves a ton of money on postage and stop sending me the same "win this gun" promotion.

Other than that, they can keep fighting the good fight and make the anti's heads spin. I love hearing when they denounce the NRA, because I am the NRA.
Made in Taiwan, with 34 stars on the American Flag.

I am a life member, and the few things that piss me off about the NRA is the shit freebies that they hand out. Either make it good, or don't make it at all. And don't give it to me for free for signing up. I did that because I want to fight for 2A, not for free gifts. They can also need to update their selection of magazines. Do they need a half dozen monthly magazines filled with the same over the top propaganda that even someone on the far right has a hard time believing. I honestly cant believe giving the magazines away boosts membership. But maybe I don't see the whole picture (maybe ad revenue is thru the roof).
Oh and they can save themselves a ton of money on postage and stop sending me the same "win this gun" promotion.

Other than that, they can keep fighting the good fight and make the anti's heads spin. I love hearing when they denounce the NRA, because I am the NRA.

I didn't do it for the jacket. I did it because it is normally $1,000.00 and they upgraded me for $250.00. I agree the items are usually pretty cheesy. When I first signed up I signed for a 5 year membership and they gave me a couple of NRA knives. Out of the box the handle fell off one of them. I'm not in it for the free gifts. The lady told me to take the jacket. So I took the jacket. If I get a couple of wears out of it all the better. I usually try not to be a waling billboard...lol

As for the magazines....I get the American Rifleman. I assume the same articles are in all their publications with a slight emphasis to what they are trying to push in the magazine. I get it mailed. I like getting the magazine. I would think they make money form the advertisers so not a total waste of money for them to send them out. As a member you can opt out of the physical copy and go virtual and that would save the NRA money. As for me, I like having the books to thumb through.

I don't know all their revenue streams so can't speak to that. But you have to spend money to make money as the saying goes.

But I do agree most of their gifts they give for memberships are of poor quality. Have to wait and see how the jacket is...
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