Enough with the ignorant NRA bashing


NES Member
Dec 14, 2013
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NRA Bashers must be stopped, at least on Pro-Firearm sites. And yes I mean NES as well.

If you watch how the Leftists operate they “demonize” anyone they seek to silence. And they wait for a tragedy to launch their vile attacks. If you remember the SC Church shooting the Left quickly made the assertions that it was white hate, white supremacy and slavery. So an era that ended upon the Civil War was successfully linked to a deranged punk shooting people in the Church. No matter, the hate speech was effective. Civil War statutes were taken down, history being re-written, an agenda towards the Socialization of America moving forward.

So a new punk emerges in FL. One who was well known to the authorities and who told anyone who would listen he was going to shot someone, and he did.

So the Leftists, never letting a tragedy go to waste, seized the moment and initially tried the same approach, a racist white man, white supremacy killing again. The story was quickly de-bunked so the Socialists needed to switch gears, and quickly. The needed another White Supremacist, and they found one, the NRA.

And now they begin, the NRA promotes the killing of children, minorities and is generally responsible for the majority of crime in America. And it’s working. The Left is going after the NRA’s wallet, blackmailing businesses that work with them or Politicians who support them. Instead of pulling Civil War Statues down with braided ropes they intend to pull Wayne LaPierre and the rest of us down with the same braided rope.

The Leftists don’t need any help. The Leftists have the media, the Democrats, George Soros, Bloomberg and the like. They don’t need any help from gun owners who bash the NRA.

We can’t stop gun owners from having negative opinions regarding the NRA. Although cutting ones nose off to spite their face never made sense to me. But we can stop, and we should stop, anyone from bashing the NRA on a pro-gun sites, like NES. This only provides ammunition to the above listed antis in showing “some gun owners” don’t support the NRA which sends the wrong message. We must show a united front and we must cease and desist with the foolish what does the NRA do for me nonsense. As I pointed out yesterday one poster didn’t even know WTF they were talking about. I simply can’t take anymore “what does the NRA do for me” and “what does the NRA do for MA” and other uneducated and frankly ignorant statements. And when you speak ignorantly, uneducated, and clueless you simply become a propaganda tool of the Left. And in the midst of the upcoming 2A battle ignorant, clueless and uneducated speech should not be allowed.

I see it no other way.

Harry M.

NRA 42 years, Second Amendment Task Force 30 years


The Left has succeeded because each leftie organization supports the others whole-heartedly. The Gun Contingent would be well to learn that lesson. 5 million gun owners are nothing to sneeze at. Convince THOSE 5 million that they should reciprocate and you've got a pile of Constitutionalists on your hands.
The Left has succeeded because each leftie organization supports the others whole-heartedly. The Gun Contingent would be well to learn that lesson. 5 million gun owners are nothing to sneeze at. Convince THOSE 5 million that they should reciprocate and you've got a pile of Constitutionalists on your hands.

The real problem with that is that we're a contrary bunch. We don't like being told what to do, and basically what most of us want is to be left the hell alone. Telling us we have to support something makes us want to not support it, just like telling us we shouldn't have ARs ends with us building them in our garages.
OP, I understand where you're coming from but it's important to recognize the NRA has not fully supported the 2A. The NRA has one of the (or just the?) largest support pool of any lobbyist group. This gives them a lot of clout in DC, but like most politicians they make compromises. The text of the 2A does not permit compromise, and a substantial group of citizens resent their rights being compromised away. As I recall the NRA's internal strife hit a high point awhile back (1986 perhaps?), and the Fudds lost... sort of. The NRA has tilted back towards less compromise in recent years which is a good thing, but insufficient. If the NRA doesn't take a stronger stance like GOA, the chances of removing any gun laws on the books will remain in the hands of the courts rather than the citizens. Without the "bashers" who support the 2A as-written, the NRA will likely fall back into the hands of the Fudds.
The only 'negative' thoughts I have about the NRA is when they send me mailings (yes, snail mail) wanting me to extend my [5 year] membership early. I still have about three years left on the membership, so I'm not in any rush to extend it. Although once I'm on a new job I just might do it come the next mailing. ;)

IMO/IME, the NRA does more good, especially for current, and future, gun owners. The Eddie Eagle program (IMO) doesn't get enough GOOD publicity outside of the gun community/NRA.

While I don't have a NRA sticker on my truck, I have enough other 2A related items on the rear window to let people know where I stand (including the required "Hillary for Prison 2016" sticker). I didn't put a NRA sticker on my truck mostly because I was driving into MA too much for my last job. But, I'm going for an interview today for one in NH (Londonderry), so one could be going onto my truck soon. :) As a side bonus, it might piss off my libtard sister and such. [rofl2] I'm wondering what they're going to say when I'm over their place the next time (probably around Easter).

Sadly, the left/liberals/democrat socialists/etc care nothing for actual facts and they're all about feel-good measures. I'm surprised that they didn't want to ban airplanes from flying over cities after 9/11.

I'm probably going to add memberships to other pro-2A organizations once I'm working again. Right now, I don't have the budget for it. IF I land the job I'm interviewing for today, I should have the 'spare' funds to do that. Although I also plan to spend more $$ on getting more gunz... :)

BTW, IMO, the NRA needs to STOP agreeing to ANY compromise when it comes to gun rights and/or ANY 'bans' that the left tries to push thru. IDGAF is some evil asshat uses something to do something evil. The rest of us should STILL be able to obtain those items IF WE want to. Banning an object for how some jackass uses it is moronic. It would be like banning one make/model car because someone rammed it into people. Like box trucks.
I am not going to bash the NRA outright, and I am def not as knowledgeable as some in regards to legislation etc. That being said, I do feel like places such as Ma, Ny, Ct etc. could use more help than we have been getting. I am a lifetime NRA member, and my wife signed up yesterday. On a side note, I am surprised that the NRA page doesn't have an answer to "why should I join the NRA?" on the main page... you click on benefits, and its a bunch of travel discounts and stuff. You gotta do some digging.
I am not going to bash the NRA outright, and I am def not as knowledgeable as some in regards to legislation etc. That being said, I do feel like places such as Ma, Ny, Ct etc. could use more help than we have been getting. I am a lifetime NRA member, and my wife signed up yesterday. On a side note, I am surprised that the NRA page doesn't have an answer to "why should I join the NRA?" on the main page... you click on benefits, and its a bunch of travel discounts and stuff. You gotta do some digging.
Not digging, education. BTW, Gun Owners in MA abandoned the NRA not the other way around. It's not like they flocked to GOAL.
Most NRA bashing comes from the left, and just for one reason: endorsements. They don't really give a shit about shootings/dead kids/guns in general. But the NRA is 5 millions votes they would like, but know they won't get. So, they try to guilt the membership into oblivion in hopes that they leave and become swing voters or better. They bash the NRA out of strategy, not out of principle. If gun organizations did a 180 and started endorsing dems, you'd never hear of a mass shooting and subsequent protests ever again.
BTW, if 3% of people in the US (google search percentage given, but from 2016, so could be different now) that means almost 10 million people own guns. Granted, we own over 270 million guns (IF those numbers are accurate, which I believe they are LOW). You have to wonder what kind of hurt would happen if we stood united against the bullshit the left is trying to push thru. Granted we won't be enough to swing votes. BUT, we could be enough of a push-back (active resistance to their efforts) to make it NOT worth them doing it. While I'm NOT advocating, or promoting, violence you have to wonder if that's exactly what the left is hoping for. I know people here (and other places) are already saying that's EXACTLY what the left is aiming for. But do they really realize how BAD it will be for them if that happens??

I can see one final, galvanizing, step being taken by the left that will finally tip enough people to the point of saying "Fvck YOU, I'm not taking this shit anymore" and pushing back, HARD.

Something else I'm sure the left hasn't thought of. Gun owners are from all walks of life, and professions in the US. There are plenty of us in the high-tech world. Which means, the more of us they push, and make us feel threatened, the greater the chances of us doing something that will impact their daily lives in a major way. Sadly, I don't think they see past their own agenda with what it will do to the country at large if they get their way.
Leftists know how do stick together no matter what, even when it's hard or distasteful.

Conservatives, libertarians and independents? Not so much.
People on the left don't have any tolerance for differing opinions. It's easy to be united when people are afraid to speak up.
Do I agree with everything the NRA does? Hell no. I am not happy with the bump stock BS. But as someone who has become much more involved with the political scene here in NH, I know exactly why the NRA did what they did. I don't like it of course, but I understand.

When the NRA called me asking to renew over the summer, I layed into them for not standing up when the officer who gunned down Philando Castille was acquitted. I do not public bash the NRA. Why? Because the left does and because the left uses their bashing of the NRA to bash ME.

If you have criticism of the NRA, and we all do, call or email them your criticism. I can assure you, if you are a member, it will get read by someone and if enough members say the same thing (no more, the line is drawn here), the NRA may actually decide to do that.

So when Tim at MAC gets giddy that the NRA has lost "discounts" I cringe because the NRA is feared by politicians due to the membership being single issue voters who have taken down politicians in the past.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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Yeah. I try not to bash them publicly.
There's enough antis doing that.
I'm a life member, and I threw a little additional donation their way when all this latest crap started.
That being said, I do wish they weren't so ready and willing to "compromise" every time the going gets tough.
On that front, I'm also a GOA member.
I doubt if they have the potential clout of the NRA, but they seem to really stand their ground.
And they have gotten the attention of some in D.C.
Shit, according to the "Media" 70% of NRA members want "reasonable" gun control! Must have polled a few of our members.
Any .org that supports banning pieces of plastic is hot garbage.

Maybe they should reflect on what their intended purpose is and defend it without compromise?
While I agree with what you say your rhetoric is a bit too thick. Dial it back a bit.
Enough is enough. To many gun owners who live their lives vicariously as if they are some sort of Montana Militia, while living in the suburbs, seem to think its some sort of fashionable statement to insult the NRA....like they would actually fight anyone who tried to take their guns. We are at critical mass and must adopt the position the Left has taken against us for years. You are either with us or against us.
When its said the NRA doesn't help MA gun owners that is uneducated and ignorant slander and yes should be stopped.

If you said here, 'should stop' I would agree with you. However, censorship isn't really going to fly. Maybe you could help improving the situation by listing the things that the NRA does do to help.
If you said here, 'should stop' I would agree with you. However, censorship isn't really going to fly. Maybe you could help improving the situation by listing the things that the NRA does do to help.
Silencing stupidity is not censorship. I have stated the good here several times. It doesn't matter with some. Ron White had it right "you can't fix stupid"
The NRA is alright. What I object to is the idea that sending a check is fighting. Money is nice, but it isn't power by itself. You want power go get elected dogcatcher. Join the state GOP and nudge it away from compromise. Yes these are small things but people in the real world doing small things is power and cumulative. A big building with an indoor shooting range, that's nice, but not power.
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