Dumb guy at the range

Was shooting at smith with a buddy and the guy in the lane to our left had a FTE or FTF (cant remember which) on his 1911. As he racked the slide he didnt drop the magazine and proceeded to shoot the protective glass between his lane and mine. Impact was at my head level. IIRC he got booted out by the RO.

Similiar instance at my local range. Guy had a malfunction with his pistol, tried to clear it and shot the wall to his left. Good thing he was in the left most lane. I saw it thru the door glass as I was putting on my ear pro to head in. I turned around and left. A few months later I came in the range (range was empty) and noticed the womens bathroom light was on and the door was cracked. Knocked and peeked in. No one around. Then noticed the sink and floor were full of blood and bloody paper towels. Then realized there was a trail of blood heading out the door thru the meeting room and into the range. Went in, and saw in the second to last stall a bunch of .22 brass and a few live rounds on the bench in the stall. Blood on the bench and floor. Noticed the first aid kit was opened but nothing used. Called the admin to notify and then left. A few days later at my local gun store was told that a woman brought her daughter to teach her to shoot a .22 revolver. She shot herself thru the web of her left hand between the thumb and pointer finger. She was showing her daughter the functions of the pistol while loaded and pulled the trigger.
Was shooting at smith with a buddy and the guy in the lane to our left had a FTE or FTF (cant remember which) on his 1911. As he racked the slide he didnt drop the magazine and proceeded to shoot the protective glass between his lane and mine. Impact was at my head level. IIRC he got booted out by the RO.

Similiar instance at my local range. Guy had a malfunction with his pistol, tried to clear it and shot the wall to his left. Good thing he was in the left most lane. I saw it thru the door glass as I was putting on my ear pro to head in. I turned around and left. A few months later I came in the range (range was empty) and noticed the womens bathroom light was on and the door was cracked. Knocked and peeked in. No one around. Then noticed the sink and floor were full of blood and bloody paper towels. Then realized there was a trail of blood heading out the door thru the meeting room and into the range. Went in, and saw in the second to last stall a bunch of .22 brass and a few live rounds on the bench in the stall. Blood on the bench and floor. Noticed the first aid kit was opened but nothing used. Called the admin to notify and then left. A few days later at my local gun store was told that a woman brought her daughter to teach her to shoot a .22 revolver. She shot herself thru the web of her left hand between the thumb and pointer finger. She was showing her daughter the functions of the pistol while loaded and pulled the trigger.

They do say that "experience is the best teacher"; bet her daughter learned a lot of lessons right there. Seriously. Like every gun is loaded. Never point a gun at anything you're not willing to shoot. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. Always know your target and everything behind it. Things like that... Oh yeah, and last but not least - "Do as I say, not as I do".
My vice has been failing to wait an adequate amount of time on F2Fs. I think I have finally ingrained better habits now, but it's something I always have to watch myself on. I am always careful about where the gun is pointing as I clear the round, though.

My range uses public shaming to try and keep people acting safely and cleaning up after themselves. I have to say, the range is usually in great shape when I go, which unfortunately is not as often as I'd like. I'm now cleaning up brass in front of the shooting stations during ceasefires or when I am alone. They posted a video about it...no one else seems to do it but I do it mostly out of a desire to have a defense if I ever forget to clean something up or do something wrong. It's a great range and worth the trouble.

I have to say, I am absolutely fascinated by how poorly some people whose main hobby seems to be firearms shoot. It's like, you're bench resting with a pistol at 7 yards and you're still ALL OVER one of those giant man size targets. I mean, not even all over the outline, all over the piece of paper. I certainly don't think I'm a great shooter by any means...but I'm better than that! It worries me that these people are probably putting rounds over the backstop at some point.
Hahaha!!! We should organize a meet up at MFS. I have an uncanny ability of getting casings to ricochet off the wall and into my shirt/hoodie. This happens every time I go to MFS. How can I prevent this?

It's come to the point where I wear the hood of my hoodie while shooting to prevent these casing ricochets from burning my neck.

I never have a problem with my own brass. I have problems with other people's brass some how going over the top or around and raining down on my hands face, etc.
I never have a problem with my own brass. I have problems with other people's brass some how going over the top or around and raining down on my hands face, etc.

Baseball cap when shooting, indoors or outdoors is a big help.
I never have a problem with my own brass. I have problems with other people's brass some how going over the top or around and raining down on my hands face, etc.

Baseball cap when shooting, indoors or outdoors is a big help.

I always wear a baseball cap and shoot factory ammo. It must be something else. In the meantime, I might have to invest in an MFS turtleneck.
After a range sessions wearing a hoodie and then throwing it in the wash, I always end up finding casings in the dryer.
I was shooting my M1 Carbine, which, at the time was in a collapsible stock.... dumb guy at the range says " you know you can't have a collapsible in Mass"

I didn't even get into it with him.
I was shooting my M1 Carbine, which, at the time was in a collapsible stock.... dumb guy at the range says " you know you can't have a collapsible in Mass"

I didn't even get into it with him.

Even if that was the case, WGAF? People need to MTOB.
I was shooting my M1 Carbine, which, at the time was in a collapsible stock.... dumb guy at the range says " you know you can't have a collapsible in Mass"

I didn't even get into it with him.

Pretty stupid. Nothing like being so brainwashed by the state so that you get offended by a malum nonsensical.

Those clowns remind me of:
Knowledge is a bad thing then? Knowledge from a reputable source? I suppose new gun owners will be better off getting their firearm knowledge, skill and attitude information from the mish-mash of sources, with varying degrees of competency, freely available at all gun ranges and internet forums?
I understand your point about freedom, but do you honestly want anyone to be able to carry a gun, with no idea on how to truly use it?
We'll just tell them someone in P-Town is planning on starting a Heroin distribution in Lowell, diversionary tactics!

My story may have just sparked Judgement Day for MA/NH. It seems like Lowell is our Skynet. We must shut it down....

Even if that was the case, WGAF? People need to MTOB.

Honestly, people need to chill. Before I got into shooting, there was a kid who used to go to my gym who would brag about getting his tingles from reporting people at the range who had "illegal banana clips." Ya, he was that type of idiot with everyone about everything. Rest assured he received the absolute worst shoulder-destroying spots on the bench in the history of mankind.
Knowledge is a bad thing then? Knowledge from a reputable source? I suppose new gun owners will be better off getting their firearm knowledge, skill and attitude information from the mish-mash of sources, with varying degrees of competency, freely available at all gun ranges and internet forums?
I understand your point about freedom, but do you honestly want anyone to be able to carry a gun, with no idea on how to truly use it?

To answer your leading question in the most direct way I can, Yes, I want anyone to be able to carry a gun without restriction... PERIOD.

It is up to the individual to decide the level of training he or she requires, it is their responsibility, not mine. It is not my place to dictate how much "training" everyone needs in order to be safe. Like I said, I've had firearms since I was 10, literally my own firearm. In over 20 years I have never had an ND, I would wager I am far more "anal" about the safety rules than most people. That didn't come from spending hundreds or thousands on training, it came from being responsible. I have no objection to people choosing to go to training, in fact it's a great way for someone without a role model to get started. However it should not be required by law in order to exercise your rights.
Even if that was the case, WGAF? People need to MTOB.

We have a gentleman at our club in CT not so affectionately referred to as "The Range Nazi". His favorite thing to do is to ask you "Do you know when sunset is?". (Because we have 9AM to Sunset shooting hours). Then no matter what you respond, he gives you sht.

I showed up one day, in a hurry because I needed to do a function check on a handgun I'd just worked on and knew I had about 20 minutes. He pulled that on me, I responded "yes, it's at blah, blah, blah. He then "corrected me" because according to him, it was 2 minutes different.

I walked away.

Next time he asked me if I knew when sunset was, I said yes, when he then questioned me as to when it was I exploded on him. I told him that I'm a certified RSO at the range, that he's not my father and that he needs to leave me the fck alone. I then told two of the trustees who are friends of mine that when he came complaining about the member who'd cussed him out up and down and sideways that it was me and why I'd done it.

Last time he accosted me, I was shooting rimfire rifles with my brother at the pistol range. He came up behind me and asked me if I knew when sunset was. According to my brother, I didn't even turn around, just told him to go the fck away and kept shooting. He called me an ahole and left.
So, you're against all firearms education? You stated you just seemed to infer safety and competency based on your time with guns, thus you say, you are safe. What about those who are deficient in the self teaching skills?
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So, you're against firearms education? You stated you just seemed to infer safety and competent based on your time with guns, this you are safe. What about those who are deficient in the self teaching skills?
They should voluntarily seek instruction.
So, you're against all firearms education? You stated you just seemed to infer safety and competency based on your time with guns, thus you say, you are safe. What about those who are deficient in the self teaching skills?

Holy reading comprehension batman, if you read my post I said training is all well and good, but it has to be voluntary. I am against mandated training in order to exercise a protected right.
So, you're against all firearms education?

Dude stop trying to spin doctor it into that, nobody here ****ing said that. It just shows how weak your position is as every mandated training moron pulls that out of their hat at some point or another. Weaksauce.
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