So, I went to VT last weekend with a good friend of mine to visit one of our friends. While we were there our buddy who lived in VT showed us his new Glock and told us how great it was that all he needs to do is show his drivers license. On the way home my friend was asking me about how i went about to get my firearms permit here in Mass, because he's been interested in getting his. I was giving him the details and i asked him if he's ever been arressted. He said he did for criminal mischief and vandalism in Maine 5 years ago. The vandalism charge was dropped, but he pled guilty and paid a fine for the criminal mischief charge. It was considered a misdemenor. Now what are his changes of getting a fire arms permit in the state of Massachusetts. I'm probably thinking that he won't be able to get one, but things always seem to surprise me.