Do you need the pin number to buy firearm from FFL in MA?

I'm an FFL and I just received notice from the MA DCJIS that they are going to do away with the finger print readers and require everyone to use their PIN. If you forgot or lost your PIN, you need to contact your local PD to request it. They have copies of the original letter that went out with your LTC that has it. The reason in case anyone is interested, is that the finger print readers they use only have drivers for XP and that OS is getting harder and harder to find. Instead of upgrading their software to work with a newer reader, they are just going to pass the burden onto the firearm buyer/seller. This is also the reason that FTF forms are almost impossible to find. They don't want to have to do the work of manually entering the data from the form themselves, so they took it off the web and want everyone to do it online, which of course has the affect of making the buyer/seller update the database instead of the state. Your local PD is suppose to have the correct form, but from my experience, many do not understand this. I have heard of cases where the PD said they have no forms and that no forms and that everyone has to go online. The online form is not bad. It fills most of the info in for you, which is nice. However, I always took a tiny bit of comfort using the paper form because I know that bureaucrats will be bureaucrats and forms will get lost making some firearms "unregistered".
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Dick's IT guys frequently upgrade the gun counter computer's OS, and the fingerprint readers only run on Windows ME. Until they fix it, you would need your PIN to purchase. You should avoid this by never shopping at Dick's.
Dick's IT guys frequently upgrade the gun counter computer's OS, and the fingerprint readers only run on Windows ME. Until they fix it, you would need your PIN to purchase. You should avoid this by never shopping at Dick's.

Um...MA is doing away with the fingerprint reader. PIN only...did you not read above?

- - - Updated - - -

MFS just sent out an email blast this week informing everyone of this change, that it is now required on all firearm purchases.
They also said "some people write their PIN on their LTC" which I find to be a terrible idea and was surprised they would even mention it
They also said "some people write their PIN on their LTC" which I find to be a terrible idea and was surprised they would even mention it

I agree, I wouldn't write it either.

I keep mine in an app on my iPhone, the app is iPassSafe.

It is also stored in another app that is called CCW that tracks permits, etc. I keep it in the notes section of my Mass permit entry.
The driver for the fingerprint reader is written for Windows XP version 2 and any more recent system is not supported. Your tax dollars hard at work.
FRB is going to transition to PIN-only pretty soon, they may or may not bring back the reader. I hope they don't so I don't have to keep using a Windows PC to do transfers.
Your local PD has a copy of your PIN if you can't find it. The simplest method I found is to keep it stored on your phone. It makes transfers a lot faster and easier for a dealer. No more repositioning of your finger a dozen times.
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