Dan Rea- Tonight, Guns and Gun Control


NES Member
Nov 9, 2008
N/W of Boston
Feedback: 44 / 1 / 0
Arm more than just "a few" teachers in every school. Have at least one in three armed (concealed carry at all times). IMO, that would go a LONG way to reduce/eliminate these school shootings.
I'd let him know (I'm not calling b/c I don't even OWN a radio) that mass shootings are like plane crashes.

102 people die in automobile accidents. . . A DAY! But lose 239 of them on a Southwest flight going more South than West and we all run for the exits.

It's all perception. All of it. Gun deaths are down. Way down. Heck, they're a smidge lower than they were at the turn of the century, when we only had 87% of the population. But we don't want be safe, we want to FEEL safe.
Dan has a good show most of the time.

But he plays both sides. One week he's fellating the gun grabbers the next week he's wants to buy an AR.

This time I bet he'll act like a gun grabber.
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I'd let him know (I'm not calling b/c I don't even OWN a radio) that mass shootings are like plane crashes.

102 people die in automobile accidents. . . A DAY! But lose 239 of them on a Southwest flight going more South than West and we all run for the exits.

It's all perception. All of it. Gun deaths are down. Way down. Heck, they're a smidge lower than they were at the turn of the century, when we only had 87% of the population. But we don't want be safe, we want to FEEL safe.

You don't need to own a radio to listen. You can listen to the show by clicking on the link I posted in the opening post.
What's the definition of insanity? Oh yeah, doing something that doesn't work and keep doing it expecting another result. The "gun free zone" obviously isn't working so what would be the argument against having armed guards/staff? I know teachers really care for their kids so even if they aren't in to the gun culture I think they would train for the chance to keep the kids in their care safe
What's the definition of insanity? Oh yeah, doing something that doesn't work and keep doing it expecting another result. The "gun free zone" obviously isn't working so what would be the argument against having armed guards/staff? I know teachers really care for their kids so even if they aren't in to the gun culture I think they would train for the chance to keep the kids in their care safe
friend of mine is a teacher. Her first remark was "arm the teachers? we don't need guns in schools!" /facepalm....

As obnoxious and reprehensibly irresponsible as I find that video's overall message, there are a lot of good points made in it. However they have nothing at all to do with preventing such a tragedy in the future.

Also most of that stupid bullshit is a result of dumb f***ing moonbats playing dumb f***ing moonbat politics in regard to our public education system.
Do we really want to listen to cuck Dan "I went to Law School so I must be 'smart'" Rea drone on about how surrendering what's left of the 2A in MA is a 'win' and must be done do avoid even bigger f***ery from the legislature?
friend of mine is a teacher. Her first remark was "arm the teachers? we don't need guns in schools!" /facepalm....
Yup. That's our culture today. "I'll do anything to help; unless it's outside my comfort zone or something I don't care for or something I don't feel like doing". Pretty sad. I guess they can just bury their heads in the sand & continue to blame NRA cuz that's been working so well
I hate Dan. He's just another liberal, but in his case he doesn't realize it. But what I would say is that these mass shootings bring out all the hypocrites. They rally around the memory of a group of suburban kids, but they don't give two shits about all the black-on-black violence in our inner cities. Chicago is more dangerous than Baghdad, but libs don't care because it's not their neighborhoods.
Tom Burke is an a**h***. Yeah Tom, can I call the range to get a gun, stat? My home is being invaded and my girls are being gang raped. What was that, call the authorities?
Who do you think is here now?
Dan loves statists.

And where can I buy one of these assault rifles.

Tom makes my blood boil.
friend of mine is a teacher. Her first remark was "arm the teachers? we don't need guns in schools!" /facepalm....
Tell her to tender her resignation, it’s for the children,that spot need to be affirmative actioned to a gun trained teacher.
There was an attempted child abduction in Norwood today. Second time this school year. I am sure the perp would follow any law that these tools propose.
Dan Rea is a pampered connected it’s all about me being a star douchbag
A pic of him combing his hair is in the definition when you google -Media whore.
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