Dan Rea- Tonight, Guns and Gun Control

Lets sum it up,

Dan (self reports as a 2A supporter) doesn't know what AR stands for.

Guest wants all assault style rifles to be locked up at ranges, his definition of assault rifle is basically any semi automatic rifle with a magazine that even resembles anything military. Guest also didn't know that there was an assault weapons ban from 1994 - 2004.

I don't know how long they were taking calls but 3 callers were so blown away by the stance and repeated questions by Dan (who wasn't listening) that I think they lost some of their counter points.

Sad so called compromise and conversation Dan...you failed big time.

People who think that you can talk or legislate evil out of a person are usually the first ones to get shot in the face by them.
Some people are just evil, whether they are born that way or become that way at some point is moot.
I've known people that from a small child you knew that they were destined to do bad things and they most always end up doing just that.
We had a guy at my school that everyone just knew was a straight up monster from the time we were in kindergarten.
Even back in grade school you knew better than to turn your back on him.
In his mid 20's his brothers and sisters tried to get him committed because he was abusing his elderly parents with no luck.
No one would help. Cops, courts, no one.
He did get locked up eventually, AFTER he planted a hatchet in his Mother's skull.
The show was totally sickening to listen to. Rea shouldn't be espousing on subjects that he is totally ignorant of. The "keep your AR at the range" to stop mass shootings is the stupidest cure I've heard to date. Dan Rea, you are a shmuck to even consider this totally unconstitutional and unworkable idea.
Yeah "lock up all your guns at the gun club."...wow!
next time someone tries to break into my house, I'll go to gun club and sleep there. It might be safer than being unarmed in my own home.
Dan that was the stupidest comment I've heard lately.
Like the show ,usually but that sucked!
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