Curt Schilling wants restrictions on assault weapons

Unfortunately, I think that an eduction by GOAL would only tip Schilling off to what he NEEDS to say to get elected.

He didn't begin his blog with "I think..."

He began it with "Here's what I believe..."


I know what he will vote and just like you, nothing he can say now will convince me he has "changed". No vote from me Schilling.
I commented with this:


I’m sorry but your willingness to speak at length and give your political opinions/influence to a subject that you know nothing about pretty much nullifies your candidacy in my eyes. You’d be just like all the other politicians out there, making laws and voting on things you know nothing about, infringing on peoples freedoms and rights through sheer ignorance and not giving a damn about it.

I’m an Independent, but you lost my support when you showed your ignorance of the Second Amendment and our State and Federal gun laws. My advice to you in the future would be to not speak of that which you are not intimately familiar. The last thing I want is another politician making laws that destroy my way of life and the American way of life not through malice or greed, but through sheer ignorance and incompetence. We’ve already got plenty of those.

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