Curt Schilling wants restrictions on assault weapons

Hey Curt ya giant douche...
OK... So I have read his comments and the rest of ours. Sadly, up until today, I though Kurt was a pretty stand up guy. HOWEVER...

I am absolutely for the 2nd Amendment. But...

When ANYONE states "I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, but..." Look out, as that those are code words for mandating the tattooing of "Grip Here" on law abiding gun owner's ankles.

I am sorry Kurt, but freedom means free from oppression and the ability to do what you want without harming others. Maybe, you should place the fear in law breakers by promising to UPHOLD the laws of the land and not allow repeat offenses. If you were sentenced for 10 years, you get the 10...hard time.

Sadly Kurt, you must have been really influenced by those billboards on the Mass Pike right outside of Fenway Park. Oh, yea. I almost forgot. Yes, we all know how you played hurt and all, bloody sock. Well, I deal with the same issue once a month, when heads of lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, T.V. clickers and all sorts of crap are hurled at me @ 100 mph. And it does not stop for about 5 days. And I do not get any medals for that.

Thus, in the words of all of our forefathers and men who fought and died for this country and the Constitution:

When Curt was an entertaining thought as a challenger to a still living Teddy Kennedy, he doesn't offer much as a candidate now. The sharks swirling to take Kennedy's seat will make short work of Curt. When the blood in the water clears, there will be a Kennedy or His clone sitting on the Princes' throne in Camelot. Hardly a bright enough spark on the right to challenge any Democratic chosen to carry the torch.
Why would you not afford them the same right to voice their opinions as any other person

I doubt that the intent is to literally deprive Schilling of his free speech rights.

As I understand it, folks are saying the equivalent of 'shut up and sing' as it applies to musical performers bent on enlightening the world with their political expertise.

The message is 'do what you do best' and (take our advice) spare us a public airing of your political musings.

Lots of folks have dumb political opinions but lack the 'celebrity platform' to get them attention.

The solution is to simply ignore him...on his blog and at the polls.

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As I understand it, folks are saying the equivalent of 'shut up and sing' as it applies to musical performers bent on enlightening the world with their political expertise.

The message is 'do what you do best' and (take our advice) spare us a public airing of your political musings.

Does that go for Charlton Heston and Ted Nugent too? While I disagree with what Shilling says, and I understand no one is saying the 1A doesn't apply to them, the whole "shut up and sing" crap is a bit disingenuous. It only applies to people one disagrees with.

People scream "shut up and sing" when the Dixie Chicks or Bono open their mouths, but are curiously silent when celebrities like Toby Keith or Chuck Norris open theirs.
Does that go for Charlton Heston and Ted Nugent too? While I disagree with what Shilling says, and I understand no one is saying the 1A doesn't apply to them, the whole "shut up and sing" crap is a bit disingenuous. It only applies to people one disagrees with.

People scream "shut up and sing" when the Dixie Chicks or Bono open their mouths, but are curiously silent when celebrities like Toby Keith or Chuck Norris open theirs.

It's not disingenuous. If the message is ignorant and void of facts to support it, they will be told to STFU. Schilling and the Chixie Dicks both spouted off on stuff they know nothing about.

Nugent and Norris both know the subject matter they speak about. There is a HUGE difference.
I live in the same home town as Schilling. We see him around town sometimes. I'm thinking I should invite him to the range for a shoot.

I find once someone experiences the feeling they better understand that this is a past time, a sport, a hobby and in some cases a passion to be enjoyed. It is not about the type of firearm, it is about the human behind the trigger. We are safe, knowledgeable owners to be trusted. Our track records prove our skill and care.

Once experienced I find this past time is self-perpetuating. It is fun and addictive. Friends I have introduced to the sport call back wanting more.

Schilling just needs to open his mind and give it a try.
It's not disingenuous. If the message is ignorant and void of facts to support it, they will be told to STFU. Schilling and the Chixie Dicks both spouted off on stuff they know nothing about.

Nugent and Norris both know the subject matter they speak about. There is a HUGE difference.

The Dixie Chicks stated their feelings about Bush. By definition feelings can't be wrong. You can disagree with them but they can't be wrong. Shilling doesn't like automatic weapons. That's his right.

I disagree with Nugent and his woefully ignorant support of the DEA and drug prohibition, but I don't tell him to shut up and sing. I disagree with him or call him an idiot.

Your contention is that it is only the lack of objective facts that make people say "Shut up and sing", so if some singer was against the 2A, but had every fact correct regarding discussion of weapons and crime, you wouldn't tell them to "shut up and sing"?
Your contention is that it is only the lack of objective facts that make people say "Shut up and sing", so if some singer was against the 2A, but had every fact correct regarding discussion of weapons and crime, you wouldn't tell them to "shut up and sing"?

You can't use facts when forming an opinion on the 2nd amendment and come to the conclusion that you are against it. It's completely illogical.
FYI Curt Schilling's house is still for sale:

Interesting... when he first put it on the market early in 2008 the asking price was $8,000,000. Now it is down to a mere $5,000,000.

Now wonder he is thinking about running for the senate. Looks like he needs the money!


I think not:
Salaries may not be complete and may not include some earned bonuses
1990 Baltimore Orioles $103,000
1991 Houston Astros $125,000
1992 Houston Astros $205,000
1993 Philadelphia Phillies $1,025,000
1994 Philadelphia Phillies $2,300,000
1995 Philadelphia Phillies $2,300,000
1996 Philadelphia Phillies $2,000,000
1997 Philadelphia Phillies $3,500,000
1998 Philadelphia Phillies $4,700,000
1999 Philadelphia Phillies $5,250,000
2000 Philadelphia Phillies $5,650,000
2001 Arizona Diamondbacks $6,500,000
2002 Arizona Diamondbacks $10,000,000
2003 Arizona Diamondbacks $10,000,000
2004 Boston Red Sox $12,000,000
2005 Boston Red Sox $14,500,000
2006 Boston Red Sox $13,000,000
2007 Boston Red Sox $13,000,000
2008 Boston Red Sox $8,000,000
Career (may be incomplete) $114,158,000
Schilling sounds like that toolbag from the NRA board of directors. Or at least to be on the NRA BoD.

Yes, private citizens should absolutely be able to have automatic weapons. I guess Schilling believes if you have a sanctified government costume then you can have "evil" guns like automatic rifles. [rolleyes]
Actually now that I think of it, this sounds like it could be Mitt Romnney talking about his view on guns: "Yeah, I support the Second Amendment, but yes, it should be severely restricted and evil-looking guns shouldn't be in the hands of citizens."
Which is why I wouldn't wipe my feces covered shoe with Mitt as a Republican...

A real Republican would have rather been dragged form the office of governor before allowing the travesty that is MA healthcare to pass...

Obviously his stance on 2A is just as bad, if not worse...
Which is why I wouldn't wipe my feces covered shoe with Mitt as a Republican...

A real Republican would have rather been dragged form the office of governor before allowing the travesty that is MA healthcare to pass...

Obviously his stance on 2A is just as bad, if not worse...

Which is why I blow a f-ing gasket every time someone here spouts that Romney would be a good candidate for the Presidency because he would be more "electable".

Mitt Romney can FOAD, the sooner the better. He is most definitely NOT what this country needs.
Does that go for Charlton Heston and Ted Nugent too? While I disagree with what Shilling says, and I understand no one is saying the 1A doesn't apply to them, the whole "shut up and sing" crap is a bit disingenuous. It only applies to people one disagrees with.

People scream "shut up and sing" when the Dixie Chicks or Bono open their mouths, but are curiously silent when celebrities like Toby Keith or Chuck Norris open theirs.

No, it doesn't go for extremely well informed and articulate individuals like Heston and Nugent.

My experience is that performers on the right who speak up in public use facts and data to support their points of view and never fear a good 'argument', while far too many performers on the right are pure airheads (ex. Dixie Chicks) or flat out leftists (ex. Sean Penn, Jeanine Garofolo, Susan Sarandon, etc.) and tend to engage in outrageous hyperbole and name calling.

It's precisely their FEELINGS that I couldn't care less about!

Again, my point was that this isn't an attempt to gag their free speech, it's ADVICE to help prevent them from looking like morons.
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He actually thinks gun rights are some kind false flag operation of big business? Sheesh, the grand total civilian sales of all firearms in the country can't be enough money to put the combined total into a single fortune 500 company I'd bet.

Seriously, what's the total new civilian firearms market worth per year? Anyone know?

I'm sure it's in the tens of millions, but that wouldn't begin to hold a candle to autos, agri-business, finance (pick your flavor) health-care, insurance, other manufacturing etc.

The NRA isn't powerful because of corporate sponsorship, it's powerful because millions of individuals pony up every year to support the cause.

If this clown is the "alternative," we might as well still have Kennedy. At least you knew where he stood. Reminds me of a certain Republican Governor we had not too long ago in Mass.
Which is why I blow a f-ing gasket every time someone here spouts that Romney would be a good candidate for the Presidency because he would be more "electable".

Mitt Romney can FOAD, the sooner the better. He is most definitely NOT what this country needs.

The last thing we need is another bleeding heart RINO who tries to play nice with the other side and compromise. You are correct. Thanks to Romney, Massachusetts is in the forefront of the health care debate because of the policies he put in place. And where did that get us? RomneyCare is bankrupting us:
Thanks for nothing you RINO POS: RomneyCare at its best.

The next President has to have BALLS. I want someone who will scorch earth all of these MOFOs in Congress now, and kick ASS globally. Sadly, I am not sure who that is, because the republicans are all SILENT: Not sure what they are waiting for, but they are all pissing me off right now. But I can tell you the next President IS NOT Giuliani, Romney, or any of these so-called-professed Republitards. Otherwise, it is Obama the Merciful for another 4 years.

All I have in this world is my balls and my word - and I don't break them for no one.
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Curt apparently isn't very knowledgeable about firearms laws. I wouln't vote for Schilling unless there was a change to his position, but no one is gonna say Schilling isn't better than Martha Coakley on other topics.
BTW Schilling's comments remind me of Kerry's or Obambi's "support' of the second amendment
I bet Schilling never shot a gun in his life. I like the idea of him being invited to a shoot. Maybe GOAL and NES can organize one? It would be a great opportunity for Schilling and for lawful gun owners.
You just lost my vote Curt. I hope you spend a crap load of money for nothing.
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