CPAC: Donald Trump voters warn of 'civil war' if he loses - and say 'we'll take up arms'

Some people said some thing so now we can label all Trump supporters as loonie bins right? 2 people are quoted in that story, one I think is British.

Everyone can laugh about a civil war all they want. When structures of society continue to crumble and fall away something else is going to take its place. That’s just how it works.
Or: Everything will be great right up until it isn't.
I see conservatives angry at government and at the leftists who run it. I don't see hate toward any particular group of Americans. Don't you need that for civil war?

Now maybe it devolves into that, like the Communist revolution, where part of the population took the side of the existing government. But it seems more like we're headed for civil disorder, rioting, and maybe secession, rather than civil war. It's hard to imagine today's military siding with the Biden's and Pelosi's, which could be why they're bringing in millions of migrants and wanting to put them in the military. But that would take many years, maybe decades - time they don't have.
I see conservatives angry at government and at the leftists who run it. I don't see hate toward any particular group of Americans. Don't you need that for civil war?

Now maybe it devolves into that, like the Communist revolution, where part of the population took the side of the existing government. But it seems more like we're headed for civil disorder, rioting, and maybe secession, rather than civil war. It's hard to imagine today's military siding with the Biden's and Pelosi's, which could be why they're bringing in millions of migrants and wanting to put them in the military. But that would take many years, maybe decades - time they don't have.
It will be based on political disputes, economic disputes, food, housing, taxes, crime, and such. Don't forget close to 80% of the illegals are here for free shit, they ain't serving in the military. This isn't the late 1800s/early 1900s, it's a whole new ball game.
Texas and California join forces??? Yea right..........


It’s a BS storyline anyway so this is moot, but don’t forget that there were more votes for Trump cast in CA than there were in TX and Trump only won TX by 600k votes. The notion of Red vs Blue states or certain states aligning is laughable. It would more likely be urban strongholds and guerrillas in the country. But nothing is ever going to gain that much traction while basic services are still available.
How much do hospitals collect on average for corpses brought to the mortuary whose toe tag said something other than COVID? How long were the hospital stays & what other services did the bill for? What was the impact of the hospitals being forced to shut down their imaging & diagnostic programs, their outpatient procedures & surgeries (their profit centers)? How many of these $32K COVID bonuses did the hospitals collect? How many people died of COVID in hospitals vs nursing homes & other care facilities? $32K is a meaningless figure.

I have been on the Board of Directors of the local community hospital since 2006. I’m very familiar w the operations of the hospital, particularly the financial side. As a member of the hospital Executive Committee I was getting weekly Zoom briefings from the CEO, Medical Director & other members of senior management including reports of how many cases, admittances & deaths and financial implications. Also on what was happening in the rest of the hospital as well as other hospitals throughout the State. Our hospital, a not for profit, had 20 years of straight operating surpluses. Since 2020 they have had operating losses as have most other hospitals in the State. It’s publicly available information but I’d love to see you show some evidence (infowars isn’t evidence) that hospitals profited from COVID.

Facts don't matter to some. Let him live in his fantasy world. Believing the lies are necessary to justify his beliefs. He thinks COVID was "fabricated". COVID was many things. Made up isn't one of them.
We can think about it, talk about, or in some cases wish for it. Look at all the recent protests lately. It's the left that gets the numbers for them. Look how many thousands there have been protesting against Israel. The left gets organized and gets the results of having thousands at a protest. Now look at firearm owners that are mostly center or right. How many hundreds or less show up for something? "Oh if only it was next week"............"I'm busy that day"........I'll be there if I don't have to....(insert reason). That's why the left will always have the numbers for protesting, especially in our ef'ed up state. It's not happening.
The right has jobs.
It's easy to pull together a thousand welfare rats unless wheel of fortune is on.
And they love it because they are so ignorant of its history worldwide.
I don't think it's ignorance .
They are aware and all fancy they will be in the ruling class when it happens.
Kind of like HOA Karens.
The ignorance part it ignoring the history of useful idiots and what becomes of them when they are no longer useful.
So what is the US going to go war over? Abortions? Who gets to own an AR15? Donald Trump loses another election and his ego is so huge he can't figure out why? What exactly?

Civil war is just a bunch of internet keyboard commando BS. The ordinary guy will continue to show up for work to pay the mortgage or rent and needs groceries, etc. No one cares and watch as we slide down to the end days of the Roman empire.
So what is the US going to go war over? Abortions? Who gets to own an AR15? Donald Trump loses another election and his ego is so huge he can't figure out why? What exactly?

Civil war is just a bunch of internet keyboard commando BS. The ordinary guy will continue to show up for work to pay the mortgage or rent and needs groceries, etc. No one cares and watch as we slide down to the end days of the Roman empire.
You are assuming that there will be jobs, affordable food, little crime........the situations that causes trouble are yet a long way off.
So what is the US going to go war over? Abortions? Who gets to own an AR15? Donald Trump loses another election and his ego is so huge he can't figure out why? What exactly?

Civil war is just a bunch of internet keyboard commando BS. The ordinary guy will continue to show up for work to pay the mortgage or rent and needs groceries, etc. No one cares and watch as we slide down to the end days of the Roman empire.
What we need is a uniting moment, something to bring us all together and set aside our differences.

I hear Canada has a new computer system, perhaps a small war would help bring everyone together??

They're not doing shit.

They're going to complain on Truth Social about being victims, and that's it.

That's not true though. They're much more sinister than that. They don't have the balls, the willpower, or the conviction to do the shooting themselves. What they will do is flap their gums and chum up the water to try to get others to do so for them - and suffer the subsequent consequences. That while they (the elites and ruling class) sit in their 40,000 sq/ft house and watch it on TV... These people are scum the likes of Joseph Goebbels. Sadly, they have some lining up like sheep to do their bidding. I believe useful idiots is what they're called. But hey - they're draining the swamp... 🤣 You're not draining the swamp, you're sacrificing yourself to it.

This - this is why Conservatives will continue to lose elections. Because when moderates and independents - who you can not win without - see this clown show, it sends them running for the hills. As long as Rs give these clowns a voice, the Rs will be forever relegated to a minority party status, representing only the fringes.

Then when the Ds use their newfound and long-lasting power to run us over, we'll have only ourselves to blame.

I miss what the R party used to be. The party of statesmen like Reagan. Not clowns like Alex Jones.
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You are assuming that there will be jobs, affordable food, little crime........the situations that causes trouble are yet a long way off.
The socialists in this country want to destabilize the system so they can usher in their marxist utopia. They say it right out loud. They want to end all capitalism, private property ownership of any kind, hell you won't even be able to have a kitchen in your home. A hungry desperate person who was financially reckless because they always needed the latest and greatest iphone but are now suffering are the easiest to manipulate. Just look at hos easy it was for the brown shirts to grow from a few thousand to 3 million during the depression years.
It’s been admitted that most of the people that died died because of being on ventilators long-term.
That's a gross oversimplification of what was a very complex and deadly disease when it first hit our country. I think it's bullshit. I think most people died because they had 3 or more comorbidities when they got COVID. But people don't like being told they're fat asses who eat like shit, don't exercise, and generally do more to kill themselves than the disease. So here we are.... with intellectually dishonest line-liners like the above.
The socialists in this country want to destabilize the system so they can usher in their marxist utopia. They say it right out loud. They want to end all capitalism, private property ownership of any kind, hell you won't even be able to have a kitchen in your home. A hungry desperate person who was financially reckless because they always needed the latest and greatest iphone but are now suffering are the easiest to manipulate. Just look at hos easy it was for the brown shirts to grow from a few thousand to 3 million during the depression years.
Well, if someone can explain how we can go back 7 years, and the last 7 years will all be undone, like it never happened, I would be all ears........
What we need is a uniting moment, something to bring us all together and set aside our differences.

I hear Canada has a new computer system, perhaps a small war would help bring everyone together??

One thing I have noticed is that in many areas of life there is a significant agreement from people even when the political ideologies do not line up. There actually are smart people on the left who can see what is going on but conservatives are so utterly stupid they won't reach out and talk to someone else and that is EXACTLY what the people who want to rule the world want. The people doing the controlled demolition of human civilization do not want conversatives talking to liberals who also agree that there is a controlled demolition happening? Why because this way they can stay in power and continue the demolition job to completion. People separated into little piles who are much easier to control. The 'thought leaders' the Klaus Schwabs of the world are about 10 years ahead of actual policy. So the next time Schwab starts flapping his gums on something, start a countdown timer for 10 years and watch it become reality. This entire planet is on a glide path to financial self-destruction so that there can be equity. It means if you only get 1 carrot a day to eat then so be it so that some people in Africa can get the rest of the carrots.
I see conservatives angry at government and at the leftists who run it. I don't see hate toward any particular group of Americans. Don't you need that for civil war?

Now maybe it devolves into that, like the Communist revolution, where part of the population took the side of the existing government. But it seems more like we're headed for civil disorder, rioting, and maybe secession, rather than civil war. It's hard to imagine today's military siding with the Biden's and Pelosi's, which could be why they're bringing in millions of migrants and wanting to put them in the military. But that would take many years, maybe decades - time they don't have.
Country Mouse vs City Rat is a good proxy.
One thing I have noticed is that in many areas of life there is a significant agreement from people even when the political ideologies do not line up. There actually are smart people on the left who can see what is going on but conservatives are so utterly stupid they won't reach out and talk to someone else and that is EXACTLY what the people who want to rule the world want. The people doing the controlled demolition of human civilization do not want conversatives talking to liberals who also agree that there is a controlled demolition happening? Why because this way they can stay in power and continue the demolition job to completion. People separated into little piles who are much easier to control. The 'thought leaders' the Klaus Schwabs of the world are about 10 years ahead of actual policy. So the next time Schwab starts flapping his gums on something, start a countdown timer for 10 years and watch it become reality. This entire planet is on a glide path to financial self-destruction so that there can be equity. It means if you only get 1 carrot a day to eat then so be it so that some people in Africa can get the rest of the carrots.

And they would like to disarm as many people as possible before it happens

Not the real leftists. The real hard core people on the left as are pro-2A as any person on this forum. And because leftists believe in helping each other they spend a lot of time studying not just shooting but wound treatment, helping non-armed citizens, etc. They are the very model of a private militia. They train together, work on shooting, etc. They have meetups on a regular basis just to do first aid. When was the last time or can anyone think of any time when conservatives did something like that? They actually have their sh*t together meanwhile the rest of us are just squeezing rounds at paper from 100 yards thinking it's the answer, that includes me.
Believe me the state would love to put you on trial for shooting at the state to set an example, it will make national newspapers, the family name will be ruined, the kids will spend their days living under bridges and homeless encampments.
Indeed, I have watched the 1/6 persecutions closely......unaware I am not.
Not the real leftists. The real hard core people on the left as are pro-2A as any person on this forum. And because leftists believe in helping each other they spend a lot of time studying not just shooting but wound treatment, helping non-armed citizens, etc. They are the very model of a private militia. They train together, work on shooting, etc. They have meetups on a regular basis just to do first aid. When was the last time or can anyone think of any time when conservatives did something like that? They actually have their sh*t together meanwhile the rest of us are just squeezing rounds at paper from 100 yards thinking it's the answer, that includes me.
Make no mistake the “leftists” (communists) would love to see their opposition disarmed and will cheer the state (the leftist politicians) to disarm us.

We (conservatives) shoot and train together all the time what are you even talking about?

Edited to add:
Are you insinuating conservatives don’t want to help anyone?
Make no mistake the “leftists” (communists) would love to see their opposition disarmed and will cheer the state (the leftist politicians) to disarm us.

We (conservatives) shoot and train together all the time what are you even talking about?
We should always remember who the Leftist gun owners want to may come in handy someday.
We should always remember who the Leftist gun owners want to may come in handy someday.
Hell, I’m a conservative, and I help leftists all the time that’s probably our downfall

That doesn’t mean I’m a Republican or that I am a MAGA preacher, it means I believe in the conservative values of the United States of America.
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