Conn. GOP AG candidate wants gun training for kids

Apr 17, 2010
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Going to be an interesting race for AG here in CT. [smile]

New Haven Register Link
Conn. GOP AG candidate wants gun training for kids
Published: Tuesday, June 22, 2010

HARTFORD (AP) — The Republican endorsed candidate for Connecticut attorney general is advocating firearms training for children in schools, in scout groups and in summer camps.

Avon attorney Martha Dean said if elected she would explore expanding gun accident prevention programs and rifle club teams in schools.

"As your Attorney General, I will advocate firearms training for boys and girls in schools, in scouts, at camp and elsewhere," she said at a Second Amendment rally in April. "We teach sex education in school, yet we omit the most basic skill needed to exercise fundamental constitutional rights."

Fellow Republican candidate Ross Garber on Monday assailed Dean's comments and said the office of attorney general should not be used to give guns to children or promote personal views.

"As the state's chief civil legal officer, the attorney general should focus on being a strong advocate for the state and its citizens, not pushing a personal political agenda," said Garber in a statement.

Dean stood by her earlier statements Monday, saying she's just a proponent of the laws written in the Constitution and that it was "false" and "intentionally misleading" for Garber to say she advocates giving weapons to children.

"Kids should know how to prevent accidents and they should have access to basic skills that are a part of our constitutional rights," she said.

George Jepsen, the Democrat endorsed candidate, said he objected to Dean's views.

"Guns and juveniles should be a parental choice, not a governmental mandate," he said.

Dean and Garber face each other in the state primary elections Aug. 10.
While I agree that basic firearms handling and safety should be taught in schools, for the same reason we teach sexual education, drug resistance education and other basic safety concerns in schools. - For the safety of the children when they inevidably encounter these dangers in their life, will be able to make educated and informed decisions, I disagree with the AG canidate's announcement.

His goal will be too easily turned into a fear/smear campaign to drive moderates who might otherwise support him against him by misrepresenting it as "dangerous and radical" fireamrs "training" that will encourage gun violence.

Though I find it interesting that the democratic canidate is using the same argument that they so easily dismiss against sexual and drug abuse education: "It should be a parental dicision, not a government one"
It's been a while since I followed CT's state politics, but my impression is that a Republican has zero chance of winning this particular state office. Certainly willing to hear that I'm wrong, as I'm not too informed on this issue.
I don't think many people follow the AG race...i guess its depends where it is on the ballot and who they vote for for the Gov and US Senate seat....Neither the Democrats or the Republicans hold a majority of Voters in CT....3rd parties/Unaffiliated do.....I think turn out will be factor too..

I think she could win though..I think people might vote for her because of her views on the 2nd Amendment..I don't think many will not vote for her because of it..I think its a non-issue..Minus the Lost or Stolen firearms bill Gun Control has made it nowhere in the CT legislature for almost a decade now(1 gun a month, microstamping, ammo registration, banning private sales of long guns, Permit to buy ammo, conceal carry requirement, etc)..not even up for a vote in Committee's..people don't want to hear it..When there are Reps from Hartford questioning and voting no on more Gun Laws then you know its dead..
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Though I find it interesting that the democratic canidate is using the same argument that they so easily dismiss against sexual and drug abuse education: "It should be a parental dicision, not a government one"

I found this to be quite remarkable too.
I would love to see her become he next AG, she is a very nice lady with some great ideas. I remember the shooting range in the basement level of my middle school in Windsor Locks when I was a kid and storing our rifles in the principal's office for after school target practice. Kids should be taught gun awareness safety ( GAS ) in elementary school and competitive shooting in middle and high schools.
Related article;

AG candidate Dean clarifies firearms comment

Updated: Tuesday, 22 Jun 2010, 5:50 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 22 Jun 2010, 5:50 PM EDT

* By: Tina Detelj

Montville, Conn. (WTNH) - After horrific school shootings like Columbine, anytime you mention students and guns, even if it's a safety program or rifle team, it's controversial. It's happening right now for a candidate for Connecticut attorney general.

Martha Dean, the Republican endorsed candidate for attorney general, spoke at a 2nd Ammendment rally back in April where she said "As your attorney general I will advocate firearms training for boys and girls in school, in scouts, at camp, and elsewhere."

News 8 caught up with Dean Tuesday in Norwich. She now says she meant to say she "supports" firearms safety programs for students.

"Certainly if schools want to offer that I think it's a great idea," Dean said. "As attorney general I don't have any control over that and I wouldn't, but as an individual I think those are a wonderful idea."

"We don't need an attorney general who's pushing a personal agenda," said Ross Garber, who is also a Republican running for attorney general. "Certainly not an attorney general who is promoting fire arms training for children in schools."

Montville High School is among a handful of schools in Connecticut with a rifle team. "It's been nothing but positive here at Montville High School," Principal Tom Armanti said.

No guns or no weapons at all are allowed on school grounds. The rifle team keeps its weapons at a local firing range.

"As such our students really kind of try to do everything in the proper way," Principal Armanti said. "Safety is number one without a doubt."

Dean and Garber will face off in a primary August 10th.
So she tries to walk the comment back a little.
"We don't need an attorney general who's pushing a personal agenda," said Ross Garber, who is also a Republican running for attorney general. "Certainly not an attorney general who is promoting fire arms training for children in schools."
So Ross Garber (who will now never get my vote) just indicated he's anti 2A since he thinks that supporting firearms training for kids is "pushing a personal agenda". And there is a lingering stench of RINO after reading that guy's comment. [angry]
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