Congressman Shot

Order of business from the left:

1. This was a single nutball with no relationship to the real American left, and who was in no way influenced by the constant calls for violence that have been happening since November
2. The media shall absolve themselves of all responsibility in the same way
3. If we had tougher gun laws this wouldn't have happened.
4. Maddow et. al. start in on how Scalise and the rest had it coming
5. If we had tougher gun laws this wouldn't have happened.
6. Some D list celeb or internet troll will get 15 minutes of fame from saying they wish it had been Trump

Shamelessly stealing this.
That would require them to show some spine. Something the republicans have been very hesitant to do for years now.

Jeez - you gotta have hope! Rebellions are built on hope! If Scalise comes in waving a bloody shirt, while Rand Paul talks about being sitting ducks, and Williams laments his staffer being shot, all the while demanding LESS gun control - it may work. Think positive, these are our people, not snowflakes. Sometimes getting shot at brings a spine to the surface.
His friends list is interesting, a lot of Bernbots and people affiliated with colleges and universities.


No such thing as a Gun Free Zone - there are only Criminal Empowerment Zones...

Further confirmation that there are very few circumstances in which good people should not be carrying.
Consider that when you decide to leave the house unarmed - its a crazy world out there folks.
His friends list is interesting, a lot of Bernbots and people affiliated with colleges and universities.


And these are the great Americans the dirtbags are targeting., this man was on that field with nothing more than a baseball bat.

John W. "Jack" Bergman (born February 2, 1947) is a retired United States Marine Corps lieutenant general and the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 1st congressional district. He served as commanding general of Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces North. He also served as a naval aviator, flying rotary-winged aircraft such as the CH-46 and UH-1, as well as fixed-wing aircraft such as the T-28 and KC-130. A Republican, he was elected to the U.S. House in the 2016 election.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP]Bergman is the highest-ranking military official ever elected to the United States Congress.[SUP][3][/SUP]View attachment 200509 thats him in lower left in front of blown out car window.
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Look for guns and ammo prices to go through the roof . . . . It looks like Obama and the liberals policy's are the gifts that keeps on giving, ( to the gun and ammo industry) . . . Even after losing the White House ! [thinking]
That looks like a .45 stuck in the window $0.02

What did he have, a UMP .45???

ETA Actually, that could be a .30 carbine too: Slight curved mag on the 30 rounder.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) called for more gun control immediately following the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) at a congressional baseball practice this morning in Alexandria, Va.
McAuliffe then stated that "we lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence" before correcting the figure to 93 when a reporter pointed out the misstatement.
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