Columnist: I am More Afraid of White, Legal Gun Owners than Actual Murderers

This is the last straw. I'm officially blocking Reptile. For christ sake, at least post a link to the content that offends you, not to a post about the offending content. In this f***ed-up internet world, I just can't be bothered with someone else's outrage of something I can't find for myself.

Oh, and by the way, this woman's opinion piece is three years old. Going forward, please try to be both timely and relevant.
...columnist Tricia Bishop claims that she is more afraid of legal gun owners than she is of those who illegally purchase and use guns in the inner city — you know, the ones who are actually murdering people.
It warms my heart to know that I don't even have to try to scare her. My mere existence scares her.
Yahbut I call BS. Because, to paraphrase Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds,
I'll believe she's more afraid of me than murderers
when she starts behaving like she's more afraid of me.

I misread Columnist as Communist...
<Insert non-PC Jay Severin "distinction without a difference" joke here>.
This is the last straw. I'm officially blocking Reptile. For christ sake, at least post a link to the content that offends you, not to a post about the offending content. In this f***ed-up internet world, I just can't be bothered with someone else's outrage of something I can't find for myself.

Oh, and by the way, this woman's opinion piece is three years old. Going forward, please try to be both timely and relevant.

I think the algorithm in use for recycling old movies that should have never been remade afflucting internet users....

Then again this broad is still writing such drivel like this....

Take back the thermostat, ladies

Translation: " men should be hot and uncomfortable because women are usually cold" oh wow this is such a pressing 1st world problem thermostat sexism!!!!!! [rofl]

Apparently this is what counts for print journalism in Baltimore. [rofl]
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