Colorado Springs LGBT Club Mass Shooting

who the f*** are you, to use your religion, to make laws to decide who can get married? Gay people have a fundamental natural right to get married, you liberty hating theocratic christo-statist douche.
Ok so you dont believe someone has the right to object to gay marriage based on their religious beliefs. How about a religious exemption to the vax?
you literally copied that text [rofl]
You're sharp as a marble. So its irrelevant since I copied it. I'm starting to feel bad for you now
I am not one myself but what kind of 'right wing extremist' is anti christian and spouting that men who anally penetrate eachother have a right to a state recognized marriage? I ain't no political scientist but something ain't adding up
I'm a libertarian. I like when people can live and let live. Also not anti christian. I'm anti idiots who missed the entire point of their religion.

newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events.

A Chicago gang shooting is not new or noteworthy. Not important either. You people on NES only seem to care about a Chicago shooting while using it to compare to another event.
Your right I don’t care about a Chicago shooting other than it’s usefulness to point out the hypocrisy of the media.
I attended a "big" concert in a major city last summer. I was carrying a .45 commander in a behind the hip, inside the waistband holster. Two spare mags behind the opposite hip. Pepper spray in my purse, along with a blade.
Security signs everywhere. One Fife wanding people, and another searching bags.
Fife 1 wands my stomach, and misses both the gun and the magazines. Fife two looks in my bag, and doesn't even move the partitions around, never mind open the zippered compartments. Completely missed both blades, and the spray.

My friend, who knows I pack watched this with amusement.

Security in most locales is security theater. Anyone who puts their safety in the hands of someone else is going to get a rude awakening. Especially these days.
killhouse rules.jpg
Ok so you dont believe someone has the right to object to gay marriage based on their religious beliefs. How about a religious exemption to the vax?

You're sharp as a marble. So its irrelevant since I copied it. I'm starting to feel bad for you now
If your religion prohibits gay marriage, then don’t marry someone of the same sex. Easy Peasy. You don’t get to tell anyone else what to do.
Keep in mind, also that when boys are raped - they might end up becoming gay and seeking to relive those early experiences - as horrific as they may have been.

Similar to battered wives. They seek out men who abuse them.

When straight boys get raped they obsess over if they are actually gay now.
Some males actually have an orgasm which felt good when they are abused which makes understanding their sexuality much more complicated.

I am so very confused right now and I'm not even sure if its confusion in a good or bad way either:(
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Your right I don’t care about a Chicago shooting other than it’s usefulness to point out the hypocrisy of the media.
…and the blatant racism of the media. Probably a thousand + shootings and hundreds of deaths of black children, teens and adults every year in Chicago alone and it’s apparently not as important as a handful of white people who bought it in any active shooter event that gets broadcast on every channel and garners concerned comments from sleepy Joe.

It’s very much the same story of the hundreds of young, black females in impoverished areas that go missing each year and nobody seems to care because they were homeless, addicts, or pro’s.

But when a young white girl goes missing stop the f***ing press and call the helicopters. Same deal. Why the entire country isn’t banging down medias doors for truth in reporting and some too little too late justice for all is beyond me. It’s all very sad.
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He left out , after a bunch of people got killed.
Hat's off to them for nutting up and taking the guy out though.
My friend from Colorado Springs did indeed reply, comparing the 5 killed at Q to the 49 killed in Orlando, suggesting more martial arts training and fewer guns.

Unicorns and Rainbows, all around…
You do that but not everyone within said community does. The lgbtq community has been making a lot of waves that unfortunately is dragging people like you down. Not right but a fact. Cant deny it. You yourself said you'd rather train with straight guys because of less drama.
So f***ing what?
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