Clerk with handgun turns tide on would-be robber

I'm stunned to see this was actually reported since it happened in Mass., but good for him.

Now which one of you NES'ers who lives in New Bedford is going to stop in at the store and invite him to our community? [grin]
Shit I'd do it if I'm in the area. Btw a lot of you should compliment Brian Fraga (The Writer of the Article) on getting his calibers right. I frequent the Standard Times everyday and Fraga tends to butcher gun terminology. Ex.) A man who had a ".22 Glock." I have a good buddy who is a photographer there and I told him to fill Fraga in on how bad he butchered an article. He's getting better and maybe my buddy changed his perspective on the 2A. (Me being optimistic maybe)
Now here is a excellent example, of a person representing lawful gunowners.

I am impressed, how this individual handled himself, and the compliments given by the New Bedford Police Dept. representative.
I'm surprised he has a no restrictions LTC but he's a business owner , us lowly residents can only get restricted LTC's

Question: if he did have a restricted license couldn't he still carry at the store, which is private property? I've often wondered about this. I suppose it all depends on the licensing authority [rolleyes]
That's a great story with an all around positive ending.

Now for a real cherry on top, if the criminal actually does time, and isn't cut loose in a couple months, since it's his 2nd robbery offense.
I have a good buddy who is a photographer there and I told him to fill Fraga in on how bad he butchered an article. He's getting better and maybe my buddy changed his perspective on the 2A. (Me being optimistic maybe)

Sladewski or Pereira? I've met both and both are great photogs!
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I'm surprised he has a no restrictions LTC but he's a business owner , us lowly residents can only get restricted LTC's

It looks like he was not the business owner and he was just working there.

from the article said:
I had a bad feeling," said Mr. Khalife, a Petro Mart employee for seven years. "He was really suspicious."
New Bedford can issue a LTC for Business Purposes and that's more of the norm. The clerk could have also been form any surrounding town. Dartmouth, Fairhaven, and Acushnet all issue LTC ALP only. New Bedford is a city not a town btw... Lt. Silva has been cleaning up quite nicely with Sam Sutter the DA. I have sung their praises before and they're doing a hell of a great job around here. This is great news considering I'm a NB Business owner and carry on the job. I hope the clerk delivered a message to these numbnuts....

That is not accurate
Hooray for the clerk. And let us all be grateful that no one got killed.

As much as yes, I'm willing to take another person's lfie in order to save mine or someone else's, I've known enough cops who HAVE killed someone to know it's something I never want to do unless absolutely necessary.

Sounds like a god result for all concerned.
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