Chuck Norris Is Advocating Armed Insurrection Against The United States

" We don’t need a “civil war” or any other type of violence that disembodies our Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the Bill of Rights."

I like this line. It's correct. Obama is destroying our Constitution and Bill of Rights without any violence.[frown] See, we don't need a "civil war."[rolleyes]
The violence would not be to disembowel the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It would be to disembowel those that do not understand the meaning of "shall not be infringed".
Violent revolution is coming. I see no other alternative. The only question left to ask is: When?
Violent revolution is coming. I see no other alternative. The only question left to ask is: When?

I agree. At one time I would have said no but the more I see and talk with people I honestly think people are getting fed up and its going to come to a head. People will reach a breaking point.

again..... the question is when. 3 years or 10 years its coming.....
Before the 2008 election I thought it was coming. My thinking was that McCain would at the very least cause the legislative process to come to a grinding halt since he would have vetoed a large chunk of the BS bills that have been passed, and that the revolution train would not be accelerating.

My fear is that Obama and his cronies in congress have so accelerated the train that revolution is going to come much much sooner.

Before Obama I had hope that I might not live to see the revolution, especially if McCain was elected. Now, I feel I will not reach 40 before it comes to pass, and I am only 22.

If Obamacare and Cap and Tax are passed, I don't think I'll make it to 30 before all hell breaks loose.
It's coming. But it's probably going to be a result of the collapse of the monetary paradigm we live in. Perhaps even defacto secession by the states. I'm not sure of the severity of the violence that will accompany this change though.
Obama is destroying our Constitution and Bill of Rights without any violence.[frown] See, we don't need a "civil war."[rolleyes]


It's comments like this, and articles written the way the article in question is written that are the problem.

Chuck stood behind Huckleberry the entire primary, that alone is cause for dismissing him. Religion > The Constitution? I'll pass thanks.

Until people quit playing into/buying into the republican-democrat/left-right paradigm, we're all screwed.

I'll just keep prepping, keeping my sights zero'd, and work towards getting off the grid no matter who is president in my lifetime, because if they are electable, we're still effed...
The next step after secession of the states is the Citizens of those states to relinquish their Federal citizen status.

Then things could go back to how they originally were.
As the Federal Government would not have any claim on us.

It's coming. But it's probably going to be a result of the collapse of the monetary paradigm we live in. Perhaps even defacto secession by the states. I'm not sure of the severity of the violence that will accompany this change though.
Norris is clearly kick to the frontal lobe drunk.

I doubt we will see a civil war in the next 5 years, 75% of the requisites for a civil war to occur haven't happened. Right now we are just at the paranoid, lets bitch and blame stage.
Norris is clearly kick to the frontal lobe drunk.

I doubt we will see a civil war in the next 5 years, 75% of the requisites for a civil war to occur haven't happened. Right now we are just at the paranoid, lets bitch and blame stage.


"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." Claire Wolfe
The next step after secession of the states is the Citizens of those states to relinquish their Federal citizen status.

Then things could go back to how they originally were.
As the Federal Government would not have any claim on us.

I don't think that will be even necessary. With the eminent currency crisis looming before us, we'll have de facto secession; the federal government will probably implode on itself due to the economic reality and the states will be left to themselves. What will be interesting is how the American government's debtors, most notably China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia will act. I wonder if they'll try to claim land since the instruments they hold will become the new "toxic asset".

Of course, this could be the harbinger of an even more ruthless federal government than the current incarnation. Or will freedom and individual liberty prevail?

But I digress...
I don't think there will be a 'civil war' per se. What I do feel will happen, however, is that there will be some 'event' that will touch off a huge physical upheaval first in one major city and then it'll catch on in other cities. There are a lot of pressure cookers out there right now and all it's going to take is for something to blow the lid off one. It'll be a lot worse than the WATTS riots years ago......remember those? And this time there are well established and well armed gangs out there living in those cities. Hartford, alone, is purported to have 125 different gangs present which is way worse than 15 years ago when the initial crack down happened.

The city folk are not getting the vig they think was promised to them by the current administration. They are still having to pay their bills, have broken cars and no jobs. Government programs are overwhelmed. In Detroit, 65,000people filled out forms for housing help but only 3800 will get that help and even then it's a drop in the bucket. That's the kind of crap that is going to fuel that fire. Like the caldera below Yellowstone, it's growing slowly but continuously and one of these days, something might happen to release that pressure.

It could even be some event totally unrelated to social issues like some type of small multi-city terror attack; one designed to create havoc more than damage or injury. Another blackout? You get the idea.

If you live in the burbs, that's when you'll have to be concerned about the out flood of city folk.

This is all we need to create the 'emergency' the Obama government will need to completely clamp down on free speech and gun rights.

The threat alone, played up in the MSM, will provide the excuse.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!"......Rahm Emmanuel
I think that we (here) tend to view any potential of any revolution as coming from the right (conservative Constitutional restoration). I think that while possible, is pretty much the least likely scenario that could touch off any revolution.

I think that it is far more likely that the spark that would come from a different direction.

I think much of this is contingent on the economy and a potential bankruptcy of the fed gov.
As mentioned our creditors rushing to cash in debt and not accepting dollars as payment. A worthless currrency and massive inflation could result.
A general shut down of gov services could easily lead to a gov dependant class revolt. Without government provided, food shelter, cash payments, welfare, food stamps etc.. Panic, rioting, looting could result on a large scale.

It could be a balkanization/ breakdown situation where predominantly latino communities essentially secede (Tx, Az, Ca), as well as places like Deerborn/ Minnesota establishing communities attempting to institute Sharia law. Or similar separatist communities, trying to break away.

It could also come from something like a serious pandemic, leading gov to quarantie and contain large areas. Revolt could occur within and without the quarantine zones leading to essentially a hysterical situation of citizens vs. gov troops..

So, Generally, I see things right now as one huge powder keg that were all sitting on with fuzes running in all directions. The whole country, economy/ currency, and government are all based on faith, trust and shared ideals. Once that veil is pierced who knows what will happen.
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Care to expand on that?

Keep in mind before the 14th Amendment there was no such thing as a uS citizen.

Before the 14th you (if you lived in that time) would have been considered a Citizen of your state first and of your nation 2nd now its reversed.

But if you think I'm mistaken feel free to post proof to debunk my thoughts on this.

Care to expand on that?

Keep in mind before the 14th Amendment there was no such thing as a uS citizen.

Before the 14th you (if you lived in that time) would have been considered a Citizen of your state first and of your nation 2nd now its reversed.

But if you think I'm mistaken feel free to post proof to debunk my thoughts on this.

According to the actual text you are correct.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Regardless, I and many others consider themselves a citizen of their state first, and a US citizen second.
I'll be honest, I thought the Huck and Chuck commercials were quite funny. [smile] Sorry, wanted to break up the doom and gloom a bit.
This is all we need to create the 'emergency' the Obama government will need to completely clamp down on free speech and gun rights.

The threat alone, played up in the MSM, will provide the excuse.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!"......Rahm Emmanuel

I agree and I can't help but think that IS part of the "plan". What's happening (IMO) is not just accidental. The "Annointed One" has surrounded himself with corrupt advisors. They are unabashed Communists and Marxists. Anyone having read "Alinsky's Rule For Radicals" will see it playing out daily. The big question is....when will enough Americans wake up and see it? The "gimmees" don't care. All they know is what Dear Leader promised matter where it comes from. Perhaps the bottom line is going to be the number of people "on the take", as opposed to those actually paying for all the crap. Time will tell. [wink]
We need a much better group of people educated in the ideas of liberty before anything violent happens. Otherwise, we'll just be left with a power vacuum which will pave the way for the same type of rule we see today.

Keep talking to your family, friends and anyone that will listen. Education concerning liberty is very important otherwise people will die for nothing.
We need a much better group of people educated in the ideas of liberty before anything violent happens. Otherwise, we'll just be left with a power vacuum which will pave the way for the same type of rule we see today.

Keep talking to your family, friends and anyone that will listen. Education concerning liberty is very important otherwise people will die for nothing.

We don't need everybody educated in the ideas of individual supremacy over the state.

We just need those with the power to take control (i.e. those with firepower) to know what it is.

The next structure of government needs to be set up so that it is virtually impossible to replicate what has happened to the US in the last 150 years or so. And make no mistake, there WILL be some form of structured government after the implodes or is rendered moot. There will be no anarchist paradise. Of that I can assure you. Human nature will not have it any other way.
All this talk of violent overthrow of the government strikes me as silly and unrealistic.

Now if we were talking about the dissolution of the US due to the impending zombie outbreak, that's realistic.
We don't need everybody educated in the ideas of individual supremacy over the state.

We just need those with the power to take control (i.e. those with firepower) to know what it is.

The next structure of government needs to be set up so that it is virtually impossible to replicate what has happened to the US in the last 150 years or so. And make no mistake, there WILL be some form of structured government after the implodes or is rendered moot. There will be no anarchist paradise. Of that I can assure you. Human nature will not have it any other way.

Not sure if I agree with you as to human nature.....look at all the Zombies that buy into Dear Leader's crap....mindlessly. Will probably be a major upheaval at the polls....or otherwise. I just cannot believe that the bulk of folks who actually pay for things are going to roll over and play dead to see it taken away and given to the "gimmees". [wink]
All this talk of violent overthrow of the government strikes me as silly and unrealistic.

Now if we were talking about the dissolution of the US due to the impending zombie outbreak, that's realistic.

In 1776 and forward, that's the way it had to be. Now, we can use the polls...assuming honesty. What if.......[wink]
We don't need everybody educated in the ideas of individual supremacy over the state.

We just need those with the power to take control (i.e. those with firepower) to know what it is.

The next structure of government needs to be set up so that it is virtually impossible to replicate what has happened to the US in the last 150 years or so. And make no mistake, there WILL be some form of structured government after the implodes or is rendered moot. There will be no anarchist paradise. Of that I can assure you. Human nature will not have it any other way.

Instead we'll just have a much-better-form-of-government paradise. Keep chasing that unicorn!
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