Chinese Submarine Accident

We can only hope! I love regular Chinese people, but the Chinese leadership and military are pure evil and should be sent to hell.
I only like the Chinese people that make good Mai tais. Not Sorry, don’t care.
CCP needs to be eradicated. China must stay worried about the 1 billion angry people in the motherland and stay the f*** out of all hemispheres.
Why am I wrong?
Would not surprise me if the US took them out as a silent way of telling the Chinese to lay off the crossing of our navy's bows and harassing aircraft.
The red rights fricker, sonar reak
Air varves hissing open
Haff her pressure broan away
Frounder in the ocean
See the rinter Boys
Drinking heavy rawter from a stone...
Cuz China

And most people that have been to Harbor Freight think that if there was a submarine built from Harbor Freight and stuff that it would probably sink.....


Smell dat chinesium!

Never underestimate your adversary. China sends us the cheap garbage cause we love buying cheap garbage and it’s all we can afford cause Fed.

Never underestimate your adversary. China sends us the cheap garbage cause we love buying cheap garbage and it’s all we can afford cause Fed.


That's cute but I would hope they know how to make those, since that's basically their industry. Meanwhile they still can't even produce a car that isn't junk, a chinese submarine being a pos is not really a stretch.
That's cute but I would hope they know how to make those, since that's basically their industry. Meanwhile they still can't even produce a car that isn't junk, a chinese submarine being a pos is not really a stretch.

I don’t know, but they were buying up our $2 million electron microscopes incredibly fast, it was our biggest market. We didn’t even send installers over, they had local people for all that.

You don’t buy those so you can make plastic toys for vending machines.

People laughed at Japanese cars in the 70s, then they ate our lunch.
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