So he left without mommy? {not buying it} also when your in a fire fight your scared shit! and when and if you make it out you thank god! you don't run back to film

You’re proving my point.

I wasn’t there, so I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t care too much either.
I don’t find that unusual.

Kids at my school are filming everything, all the time. It’s their first instinct.

I’m not hopeful about any of this clearing up. By now, everyone’s mind is made up about David Hogg. Me, I don't find it unthinkable that he went through the shooting, rode home, and rode back just like he says. But I wouldn’t be surprised if that little weasel was lying or misrepresenting himself, either.

We’ll never know. We live in a world where both sides can always claim “fake news!”

Well, he is definitely a weasel. The home-and-ride-back scenario is... "creative" as at that point it's certainly recognized as a major crime scene and unless the Broward Co. people are BEYOND incompetent, they aren't allowing ANYONE back in, or even close, ESPECIALLY someone of the same general age and description as the shooter WITH VIDEO EQUIPMENT?? That would(should) be an automatic ticket to Lockup+QuestioningLand.

Regardless, I'm betting this ant-headed creature is done, for the simple reason his odor is no longer pleasant to the audience.
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I don’t find that unusual.

Kids at my school are filming everything, all the time. It’s their first instinct.
Not just kids. I continue to be amazed at the videos coming from inside burning planes, as one set of morons films another set of morons who are getting their luggage out of the overheads instead of both groups getting the hell out of Dodge..
David Hogg5 hours ago
Replying to @she_fights
I road my bike back to school at around 6:00 pm that night after I had gotten home from the shooting my sister was crying so much I couldn't stand not being able to do anything about it because at the time we knew at least 2 of her friends had died ....
That’s a run- on sentence and I’m not sure what he’s saying.

What is the “it” he couldn’t do anything about, the shooting or his sister’s crying?

Another quick question for Hogg:

When did you learn that the school resource officer stayed outside during the shooting?

How do you feel about that?

ETA: I don’t like the kid because he’s doing all the talking and no one’s asking him any tough questions.
I think the “it” is his sister crying.

So I think he’s saying he went back there to gather recollections because he didn’t want peoples’ reactions to be lost, otherwise his sister’s tears might have been in vain? Maybe?

God. I feel like a dumbass just typing that crap. I really hate this kid.
I don’t find that unusual.

Kids at my school are filming everything, all the time. It’s their first instinct.

I’m not hopeful about any of this clearing up. By now, everyone’s mind is made up about David Hogg. Me, I don't find it unthinkable that he went through the shooting, rode home, and rode back just like he says. But I wouldn’t be surprised if that little weasel was lying or misrepresenting himself, either.

We’ll never know. We live in a world where both sides can always claim “fake news!”

I think most of his story is probably "legit" but we'll never really be able to get to the root of his embellishment of
it. Not that it matters anyways, because even if he lied about a lot of details it wouldn't matter.

If I'm going to put tinfoil on in this, IMHO "they" are likely part of the attacks on hogg and the cuban-flag-wearing lesbian.... it makes perfect sense.... pay a few shit disturbers out there to "help" make pro gunners look bad, it wouldn't be that hard for them to run a sort of a psyop type thing to do exactly that. This would never really get exposed unless one of the hardcores that does those kinds of things has a personal crisis about it and ends up outing themselves... but I get the impression that most of the types that would do that probably have no scruples to
begin with... as a wise Jim Lahey once said, "a shit leopard doesn't change its spots". It's certainly not
implausible. Even if it was exposed too, nobody would care... "because MSM" and because the general public, that should be skeptical of everything, often isn't nearly enough. Most of what we have out there for news is a raft of burning garbage, on a good day. No real journalists left. We're not going to see a Sharyl Atkisson type actually run down the line and do true investigative reporting; everyone is interested in soundbites and effluvial bullshit. I think about the last time something was actually thoroughly investigated was probably the whole Benghazi incident... because it was too juicy to be passed up. Outside of stuff like that, nobody seems to vet anything anymore.... "posted for ratings"!!! . No media source ever seems to take shit from the public for shitposting.

I think the “it” is his sister crying.

So I think he’s saying he went back there to gather recollections because he didn’t want peoples’ reactions to be lost, otherwise his sister’s tears might have been in vain? Maybe?

God. I feel like a dumbass just typing that crap. I really hate this kid.
His best shot at comforting his sister’s crying was to leave her and go back to the school to gather recollections?

How long did he think she would cry, exactly?
His best shot at comforting his sister’s crying was to leave her and go back to the school to gather recollections?

How long did he think she would cry, exactly?

See, your mistake is expecting wisdom and logic from a weasel. It’ll never make sense. And, like I said, we’ve all already decided about this kid. Nothing he or anyone else says is likely to change our opinion of him now. Folks like us will always look at him skeptically; his disciples will insist his shit don’t stink, no matter what comes out.

Confirmation bias.

This kid’s going to flame out quickly and wind up with a DUI. Soon, I think. And I can’t wait.
He was there (probably in a different building from the shooting), went home, and came back later that night on his bike.

This is exactly why the billionaire organizers of these rallies use kids as puppets. Put them up front so that if they are attacked, then we look like the a**h***s. Operation human shield.

Well, its also just memetic value. America has a relentless, absurd child fetish. Millions of losers live vicariously through their children now in the vain hope that their kids won't suck as much as they did, etc. Whereas 100 years ago people tended not to over analyze things (and second guess themselves) and children were like 3 or 4 clicks above oxen on a farm. People didn't have (as many) ulterior motives for reproducing and the primary instinct was still intact- "we need to reproduce so someone can run the farm/maintain the security of the family when I get old". Once the country got away from that, the motives started to get retarded- and now an easy like, 50% of people reproduce for the sake of pride or keeping up with the joneses, or as some type of distraction from their own problems... or seeking validation from their aging parents. It's viewed as some kind of a retarded social equalizer, like "even poor people can push out an enzo ferrari and other people will be impressed no matter where I came from" lmao.

George Carlin called this years ago.... (NSFW)

If this was a graduate school full of aspiring biochemists and engineeers that got shot up nobody would give a shit that a bunch of geniuses died, "they were adults... " and aren't worth as many "points." in the warped american mindshare/mind space. It's ridiculously sad, but true. That's mass-shooting memetics in a nutshell. Throw in some media bias for good measure (media even more obsessed with"the children" than even the crazy-assed helicopter parents are, as a whole) and this is what you get... We've seen this time and time again. Fort Hood happens, outside of the victims families and locals (and some in the extended military community) nobody cared. Thousands of americans gave their lives in Trashcanistan and Iraq. Some people cared. (in relative terms). If the media actually gave a shit there would be film every time those coffins came off the planes, on live TV. Same thing with the navy yard, and other mass shootings. It takes something full retard (like 9/11) before anyone in this country gives a shit about the death of adults... and that's basically only because on 9/11, the situation forced the media's hand, there was no way they could get away with downplaying that.

His best shot at comforting his sister’s crying was to leave her and go back to the school to gather recollections?

How long did he think she would cry, exactly?

His ego is so big he's trying to get some kind of a certificate for beating LD's sorry window...

See, your mistake is expecting wisdom and logic from a weasel. It’ll never make sense. And, like I said, we’ve all already decided about this kid. Nothing he or anyone else says is likely to change our opinion of him now. Folks like us will always look at him skeptically; his disciples will insist his shit don’t stink, no matter what comes out.

Confirmation bias.

This kid’s going to flame out quickly and wind up with a DUI. Soon, I think. And I can’t wait.
I just looked up “confirmation bias” and the whole Wikipedia article is biased so I didn’t really learn anything.
I just looked up “confirmation bias” and the whole Wikipedia article is biased so I didn’t really learn anything.

We tend to hunt for evidence that backs up our beliefs, and disregard evidence that doesn’t.
David Hogg5 hours ago
Replying to @she_fights
I road my bike back to school at around 6:00 pm that night after I had gotten home from the shooting my sister was crying so much I couldn't stand not being able to do anything about it because at the time we knew at least 2 of her friends had died ....

All I can say is had ANYONE - man, woman, or ant-headed schoolboy - walked, flown or ridden a bicycle up to Sandy Hook Elementary at 18:00 on 14 Dec 2012, that individual would have found him/her/itself quickly face down in the dirt, with the business end of all sorts military-style weaponry (the for-real kind) pointed in its general direction. I have a hard time believing Marjory Stoneman Douglas, as a crime scene, would have been treated any differently.
David Hogg5 hours ago
Replying to @she_fights
I road my bike back to school at around 6:00 pm that night after I had gotten home from the shooting my sister was crying so much I couldn't stand not being able to do anything about it because at the time we knew at least 2 of her friends had died ....

Well if that was a direct quote from what he wrote it's rode not road. No wonder he got rejected from 4 collages.
Holy crap. I was twice his weight and could curl more than his body weight when I was at his age.

Last I checked, according to the BMI, a 6' individual should have a healthy weight of 160 lbs. At his age I was around 170 lbs, and that was before I started working at an Italian restaurant and got fat.
My senior year (1970) I was 6'1" and weighed in the 160 lb. range and I was so skinny if I turned sideways and stuck out my tongue I looked like a zipper, this man-child must look like a Nigerian marathon runner being chased by a hungry lion! A standard bag or Portland Cement weighs 94 lbs.
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