Career Hurt by Lack of Gun Permit

FRomney's 100% right especially in this case. Finallygabf are you friends with this dude? How do you know his maturity level or if he learned anything? Oh yeah he's a vet right. That's a bunch of horse****. And there isn't a PC bone in my body.I'm sorry we disagree, but this guy is an idiot, if for nothing else than pleading guilty.How by the way did this turn into Romney's (or any other politicions)problem that this guy screwed up and now because he did something right and noble we should wipe his slate clean. I suppose you find Snoop Dogg an upstanding citizen because he does stuff for kids. Let's get rid of all his felonies too and allow him to LEGALLY carry guns.
'm sorry we disagree, but this guy is an idiot, if for nothing else than pleading guilty.
I guess a 13 year old has a lot of autonomy when deciding defense strategy and plea bargains and was also no doubt given legal counsel advising that the plea would give him a record that would not disappear at age of majority.
The sad fact is that romney is the best opportunity america's gun owners have at this time. [thinking]

That leaves us with romney. He actually starts to look good when compared with the others. [thinking]

As opposed to Ron Paul? You guys know where Romney stands on firearms right?

Take another look at Ron Paul if you haven't already. Romney is probably my backup if Paul dies before November or withdraws from the race.
FRomney's 100% right especially in this case. Finallygabf are you friends with this dude? How do you know his maturity level or if he learned anything? Oh yeah he's a vet right. That's a bunch of horse****. And there isn't a PC bone in my body.I'm sorry we disagree, but this guy is an idiot, if for nothing else than pleading guilty.How by the way did this turn into Romney's (or any other politicions)problem that this guy screwed up and now because he did something right and noble we should wipe his slate clean. I suppose you find Snoop Dogg an upstanding citizen because he does stuff for kids. Let's get rid of all his felonies too and allow him to LEGALLY carry guns.

Your childhood must have sucked if you don't recall being an idiot at 13 years of age. Not an actual idiot but certainly not mature enough to go about the world or fully understand repercussions for your actions; like most 13 year olds.

You ask about his maturity level and its something that we can point at by his service in the army, his dedication which saw him with First Lieutenant status, and the career choice he wanted to get into.

But you dont have to take the average Internet Joes word for it, look at the recommendations by clemency board who twice recommended pardoning him, Circosta's National Guard Commander, the Chief of Police (which is amazing in and of itself), and a US representative.

Not that it makes their viewpoints any better than our own but those above did so in office and with the authority of their respective offices.

Circosta is an unfortunate pawn in ego politics.

I like your part about 'why we should wipe the slate clean'...its not like hes paid back or gone beyond any obligations to society...
If he was under 5 at the time O.K. but 13,and keep in mind for this to make it to court and for him to plead guilty it had to be worse than it appears as someone else stated.It was because he was 13 that they allowed him in the service.Look, guys, I'm not saying he's some crazy criminal but he has a felony firearms charge.

Is a BB gun considered a firearm in MA? I didn't think that it was [hmmm]
My childhood was pretty good actually,but I was raised and still believe that everything you do has consequences and you will be held accountable for it.I believe in forgiveness but that doesn't negate accountability.
I guess a 13 year old has a lot of autonomy when deciding defense strategy and plea bargains and was also no doubt given legal counsel advising that the plea would give him a record that would not disappear at age of majority.

Didn't know at 13 he could plea ..anything !?
Thought the PARENT or Legal Counsel had to do that!
13 is still a minor...right?
Ron Paul is not an opportunity as he has no chance of winning.

He has no chance because you said so. If people voted on who was best fitted for the job, Paul would win in a landslide. Besides, this is the primary/caucus season, not the general election. It's time to vote who you want in office not who stand the best chance of winning, IMHO. But then again, you can vote through write-in if your candidate is not nominated.


BTT: Too bad. I think it was political positioning so Romney could say that he issued zero pardons as governor. I guess this story is one of those casualties where it appears to make logical sense to issue one.
Agreed, and I will be voting for him to make a statement. I don't have any delusions he has any chance of winning the election or even the primary.
Plenty of politics threads in off-topic. Let's not muck up perfectly good gun arguments with which shade of crap to vote for. [wink]
FRomney's 100% right especially in this case. Finallygabf are you friends with this dude? How do you know his maturity level or if he learned anything? Oh yeah he's a vet right. That's a bunch of horse****. And there isn't a PC bone in my body.I'm sorry we disagree, but this guy is an idiot, if for nothing else than pleading guilty.How by the way did this turn into Romney's (or any other politicions)problem that this guy screwed up and now because he did something right and noble we should wipe his slate clean. I suppose you find Snoop Dogg an upstanding citizen because he does stuff for kids. Let's get rid of all his felonies too and allow him to LEGALLY carry guns.

No we're not friends, but in all honesty given the little information about him that I have, he more than qualifies to be my friend and if I were given the opportunity, I'd shake his hand, buy him a beer and stand beside him in battle....not because he's a vet, but because he is not the same kid he was at thirteen years of age.

This became Romney's problem when Romney disregarded and countered the professional advice and recommendations of those who are paid to investigate and advise him on matters of this nature for his own political hay making. Romney was wrong and made a bad decision.

Romney like you, chose to perpetuate the punishment of someone for a reletively minor incident committed by them when they were a young teenager.

He is a commissioned officer in the United States Army, not some gangbanger crackhead You don't get a silver bar on your shoulder being a screwup as an adult.
I guess a 13 year old has a lot of autonomy when deciding defense strategy and plea bargains and was also no doubt given legal counsel advising that the plea would give him a record that would not disappear at age of majority.

Yeah, I'm sure his parents said "Son, you choose the attorney, we
only want whats best for you, doesn't matter what it costs." [rolleyes]
Hell, its possible that maybe his parents wanted
to "teach him a lesson" without understanding the long term
repercussions of a conviction... or maybe they simply didn't have
the money to obtain competent counsel.

Is a BB gun considered a firearm in MA? I didn't think that it was [hmmm]

Might not be a firearm but might be considered a deadly weapon.

Course in MA do anything with something resembling a "gun" and
the legal system will morph it into a "gun crime".

Wait, I learned this long ago with my wife and dealing with liberals----You Win,You're Right

Well, one thing to keep in mind- some conservatives believe in
fair play and second chances, for those that deserve it. The
tenet of taking responsibility for ones actions should not preclude
one from being able to redeem themselves, at least in cases that
aren't egregious. Many of us also believe that the government
should not be stripping someone's rights away for what amounts to
petty bullshit. (Again,if it wasn't petty, they should have locked
him up and given him the full press. )

On the other hand, If we were "liberals" (read, social authoritarians)
we would have suggested that he get a psych evaluation as a
child, and then probably drugged him up with ritalin or something
else to "correct" his "behavior problem" or some other crap, and
then probably created the next mall shooter in the process.

Might not be a firearm but might be considered a deadly weapon.

Course in MA do anything with something resembling a "gun" and
the legal system will morph it into a "gun crime".


I see a surprising number of kids with "carrying a firearm without a permit-Air Gun" on their records.

In a little article in the T&G Worc.
Gov. DeVIL Patrick has came out and said it is INTERESTING..BUT has not heard from Him.....yet! Gov Patrick LOVES helping the convicts!!( Believe he should catcha break on this one tho) I
FRomney's 100% right especially in this case. Finallygabf are you friends with this dude? How do you know his maturity level or if he learned anything? Oh yeah he's a vet right. That's a bunch of horse****. And there isn't a PC bone in my body.I'm sorry we disagree, but this guy is an idiot, if for nothing else than pleading guilty.How by the way did this turn into Romney's (or any other politicions)problem that this guy screwed up and now because he did something right and noble we should wipe his slate clean. I suppose you find Snoop Dogg an upstanding citizen because he does stuff for kids. Let's get rid of all his felonies too and allow him to LEGALLY carry guns.

If I was held accountable for everything I did when I was 13 I'd still be in jail.
My grandfather once confided in me that if their father hadn't been the town marshal, both he and his brother Frank would probably have been taken out and hanged before they were 18 ... not for any serious crimes, but just as persistent trouble-makers.

Those, who after committing a crime and having paid their debt to society, should not automatically be prevented from owning guns. This federal law is a gross misuse of constitutional power and violates the individual's due process.
Hello guys, without getting to personal I'll tell you that my dad died when I was 12 and i was no angel afterwards.With that said on more than one occasion I was in front of lawyers and judges with people coaxing me to plead out and I flat out refused each time.The words had to come out of my mouth to "make it right" and each time council said to mom if he won't say it we can't force him.So he did have SOME control.Believe me guys I'm not trying to crucify this guy or say he's a thug but he does have a felony and I guess I can't get past it.
I can get past it for several reasons.

First, and probably most important, I don't think it should be a felony. Second, I don't think all felonies should automatically bar you from firearm ownership. Third, the government commissioned him into the armed forces. They obviously feel he's not only qualified to handle a firearm, but to lead and supervise numerous other people and their firearms.

I don't think this crime should even NEED a pardon for gun ownership.
I can see what you're saying,especially about his service,is there any way to find out more info on him, there had to be a reason this was elevated to that of a felony. Do you guys think this was common thing for him and his trusty heater, you know cars,windows,little animals and obviously other kids.Maybe this was the last straw.I don't know all that keeps running through my head is,"This is going to be on your PERMANENT RECORD" (to much catholic school, and a mother who was crazy strict) and this guy proves there really is one.
I didn't even know what a permanent record was when I was 13, let alone whether it mattered whether I had one or not. If an adult sat me in front of a judge and I knew I was in BIG TROUBLE, I would say whatever the closest adult told me to say. I would have pleaded guilty, especially if it was to something that I did do.
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